Hello! Welcome to episode 39 of I’d Rather Stay In. This week, we are returning to one of our favorite topics, this time with the help of our friend Andrea Coston (@andie.ink): The Enneagram (again!).
Enneagram denial is real
If you’ve taken the test before and were in denial about your number at first, you’re not alone.
Sometimes knowing our number makes us confront some things about our personalities we would rather ignore and we have to come to terms with. If you’re like Andie and it took you 2 years to accept that you are your number…well, you’re in good company.
(Still don’t know your number? Try EnneaApp and Your Enneagram Coach.)
(And don’t forget our first episode on the enneagram if you want a baseline understanding of what we’re talking about.)
Enneagram and relationships
Knowing our numbers and the numbers those we are in relationships with (whether romantic or platonic) can help us better navigate those relationships.
Knowing how we each express ourselves, how we accept love, how we each navigate the world in both similar and different ways can make for healthier relationships where we are each better understood.
We also think there is a connection between the love languages and the enneagram. Andie pointed out that she thinks that your love languages can fluctuate based on when you’re in healthy and unhealthy states.
Enneagram and parenting
Andie has pinpointed 3 of her kids’ numbers and it helps her a lot when her kids are driving her nuts – she can figure out why they’re being annoying.
She also has a seating arrangement in the car based on the enneagram so they don’t fight endlessly (spoiler: don’t put a 1 and a 7 together and put the 4 next to the window so he can daydream).
Other stuff we mention in this episode
Megan’s favorite podcast is Call Your Girlfriend and the co-hosts wrote a book called Big Friendship that we are both reading.
Stephie is currently obsessed with the Kate Somerville Goat Milk Moisturizing Cream.