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043: Cheers to Us!

Hello! Welcome to episode 43 of I’d Rather Stay In and a very special episode indeed. It’s our one year anniversary!

Episode transcript

Welcome to I’d rather stay in the podcast for cozy introverts. We’re your hosts Megan Myers and Stephie Predmore This week’s episode, Happy Anniversary Stephie.

Yay, Megan.

It’s been a year. That is so crazy. It’s crazy. It is crazy how time flies. How much stuff changes in a year. Oh man. Oh man. Speaking of things changing in a year, so if anyone listened to last week’s episode, they know that you just closed on your new house here in town. And this morning, I came over and I watched the boys while you and Bob were closing on the house and mostly I helped max make sure that he was on his zooms on time and stuff like that Reese was pretty self sufficient. But it was so funny because max got off of his first zoom of the morning and you know, he just been sitting there very quietly as max does. And he gets off you know, they go back back until he had left and I said would you learn and he says, I have a tooth in my mouth. I said, What? My tooth fell out at the worst possible moment. Well, I was on that zoom. like where is it now and he goes in my mouth. I didn’t want to spit it out and have it be weird. Like any like specific judges hand It is like look my to spend I like found a plate, like put it on the plate and the kitchen.

He was so Matter of fact about

this my tooth that I was wiggling out with my tongue today and it fell out in the middle of the zoom and just like picturing him just sitting there because he didn’t make a peep. He didn’t act like anything was wrong. He was just so nonchalant the whole time as he just had this random tooth just loosely hanging around in his mouth, but he didn’t want to spit out because they didn’t want to be weird on his zoo.

kids got a future in broadcasting

he really does is just unflappable.

That is funny. It’s funny because that tooth in particular, we’ve been trying to get out for a while now and so somebody said just pop out when he wasn’t really doing anything about it. Yeah,

yeah, that’s what he said. He was like how we’ve been like trying to pull it wouldn’t come out. So it’s just so weird that it just like, fell out just at the worst possible time.

It was my laugh for the day. So

it was really cute though.

It could have been worse times. Right. I wanted to be like, I mean, there could have been okay. Yeah, sure.

That I think he

just was so like not wanting to bring attention to himself on the zoom call.

Oh no,

he hates when he calls on him. So yeah,

he was I it was

and again I he was just sitting over there. I had no idea so you know, the unflappable seven year old Max smyers it’s he’s got a comic series after him someday I think so. Anyway, but yeah, so now I feel like he’s also finally opening up like finally decided I’m not a scary human. Cuz he you know, when you guys you know, living down in Texas. I’ve only seen him a couple of times and met him a couple of times, and He’s a quiet kid and takes a little bit to open up to new people and like today, I finally now seen him, you know, like three times or something in the last month and so today he was finally like chatty with me. So

good. He did say after you left, he called you my friend. Oh, like his friends. But I mean, though, like mom’s friend’s mom’s friend.

I mean, yeah, you are. So I was

like, Well, she’s all of our friends. All your friends.

Make I will get him to refer to me as his friend someday. It’s gonna happen.

I mean, he still knows who you are over your husband. So

who is Alex? What?

Oh, man. Life is funny cuz her funny. Love it. So. Yeah, we’ve been doing this podcast thing for a year this week.

Yeah, it’s kind of funny like the the thing about having to be a year is because this year itself has been so weird. Yes. Were like March felt so so so long. Mm hmm. But then like It’s September now. Get ready. So it’s like the longest, shortest, slowest, fastest, right? weirdest year. Right?

Right. And then yeah, you throw in like the pandemic, you throw in me suddenly just out of the blue having a baby and maternity leave and trying to figure all of that out. And it was it was it’s been a wild year. It’s been there’s been a lot of very high highs and very low lows. So

yeah, I don’t

I don’t know that.

We could have predicted could have predicted our first Your way no way. But yeah, here we are, you know, 40 this will be Episode 43. We’ve had Yeah. A couple Minnesota weeks. Yeah.

Yeah. So we had took some time off honestly for summertime. And I think during maternity, you’re on maternity leave, which takes some time. And we took

a couple weeks around New Years and Christmas and had a little bit of a little bit of a holiday break. But it’s been we’ve, we’ve kept at it. I’m really proud of us, Megan.

Me too. But I mean, you’re a woman and I’m five. So

right. Well, there’s that and coming on and chatting with you is one of my favorite parts of the week. So it’s just it’s fun to get on here. It’s fun to talk to you. It’s fun to talk to our guests. I always learn something no matter what topic we are talking to our guests about. We’ve covered like so many different with guests and so many different types of people that we’ve talked to, and I always learn something really interesting. It’s funny because I feel like a lot of times on Tuesdays in particular, I just always so tired at the end of the day. And sometimes I’m like, Okay, I got Okay, we got a record. I got like one more thing I have to do today. And then I get on and I’m like,

Oh, yeah, this is fun. I forgot.

For like, two hours because we always talk about before we actually start recording and then we stop recording. And then we usually talk for like, another 30 minutes.

Right as if we haven’t just talked for an hour and a half. Right.

And we work together docile, talking all day, all day via texting. So

yeah, no, that’s fine. That’s why we’re that’s why we’re Sister Wives.


what has been your favorite thing about doing the podcast?

Aside from getting to do with you

Yeah, I do really love having guests because I love getting that extra perspective from people. Mm hmm. And I do feel like I have learned a lot in a short amount of time just by having that guest and been exposed to a lot of different people that I didn’t know before. Mm hmm. Obviously, Adi was like our first guest.

Yeah. And she’s like a real friend for

you, friend now and she’s super awesome. I love her and I just want to have her on all the time, which I just say all the time. Well, we want to that we wanted to have a skincare only podcast. We totally could but

we totally could. But um

yeah, and and Kathleen too, and just everybody that I’ve met basically from having them as guests. It’s been really extra bonus.

Yeah, I love it. I love it. I I feel like because a lot of the guests that we’ve had on are people that I have known well For a long time, but I feel like I’ve gotten to know them even better by having them on and I just love chatting with people about the things that they’re passionate about or the things that are important in their lives. And I think that that is it’s so much fun. I’m I’m trying to, I’m trying to sit here and think of like, who my who my favorite guest has been like what my what my favorite guest episode was, I’m gonna say like on a cat count because again, we could just like chat with her for 11,000 years and Kathleen’s turned into a had to turn into a two episode series because we

talked to her for so long.

But I actually

even though it wasn’t like

a super like happy fluffy episode. I really liked talking to my friend Caleb About that was Episode 18, the separation of church and faith and talking about his experiences of growing up queer within the church, and I’ve, you know, known him most of my life. And so it was just really special to like get to talk to him and have him share his story with us. It was the first time he had really shared his story in a public way. And so it was really special that he trusted us with that. And that so I think, I think that was one of my like, favorite episodes just because I felt like he knew that we were a safe space and he knew that our listeners were a safe space to share that piece of his story. And that was that was just really, really special to me.

Yeah, that was a really good one. One of my favorite episodes was actually one that I am not even on. is the one where you interviewed Aaron, being your own healthcare advocate. I thought that was a really great episode. So good job to you. It’s really important information. Yeah. For people these days, especially like the timing of that episode. Oh my god, but great. Before all the COVID stuff.

Oh my gosh, you’re right. I just looked at the date that it aired. Yeah, cuz it aired at the beginning of March. So yeah, it was and, and, you know, and I’ve had a couple people that have, like, listened to that episode and messaged me and been like, Oh, this was so helpful as I was, you know, getting ready to, you know, start fertility treatments or, you know, whatever it was that just like they’re reminders of how they can advocate for themselves within the healthcare system. So yeah, that was that was that was really good timing. It’s like we knew something we didn’t know anything. We know. We do


We got Jon Snow. We knew nothing.

We You’d probably do a follow up actually, we should about how all of that has changed.

Oh, yeah. Oh,

Aaron would have like hours of things too. So I good lord. Yeah, I feel like I saw her recently not too long ago and I think we just like talk for hours about how just wild everything is for her working in public health right now. But yeah, you know what we should I was gonna say to you that we need to, we need to plan out some episodes. So maybe we’ll get Aaron back on the schedule and have a little little follow up. You know, here six months later, what have we. Yeah, what have we learned? What’s happening? What can What else can we do? So

we do plan our episodes, listeners, like sometimes it sounds like we don’t, but we try to

we do. Yeah, you know, we try to think about the season and we try to think about what’s going on in our lives and our listeners lives and Just all this stuff and think about, you know, what you guys would find interesting to listen to and you know what, what we think is interesting for us to talk about and all of that stuff. So we’re always open to hearing your suggestions to so if you’re ever like, hey, I’d love to hear you. Yep for an hour about

or even if you yourself are an expert, and I mean, everybody’s an expert in something. Oh, might not realize it, but they totally are. But there’s a topic that you’re like, I want to talk about this, because I’m awesome. Like, you probably are awesome. Come on.

Let’s talk about it.

I do remember one of your one of our listeners, I think. I think you said he was one of your mom’s friends. Uh huh. wanted to talk about tiny houses. Yeah, I totally need to get that on the books because I have things to say about time.

Oh, I

have got so many things to say about tiny houses. The people that go shopping for tiny houses on HGTV oh so many things to say.

I do think the fun of having the guests that we that we already know in in real life now that we have to have people that we already know but it gives you like I think as you were saying before like gives you a glimpse into like who they are on that like expert professional level. Mm hmm and so it’s not like how you normally interact with them and it’s so interesting like listen to them on that level.

Yes, absolutely. Yeah for sure. Because I I have you know, friends that I think you know when you you hang out with their friends and you go out with them and you’re just usually chilling like their topic of expertise like might come up but you’re not usually just sitting and chatting about it like an Rei hated, you know, 45 minutes to an hour. Whereas when we’re sitting here and we’re chatting with someone, and we’re really like digging into the thing that they know so much about you, you do, you’re just like, Oh, my friends are really smart.

buffers are really smart and really interesting.

I also you, you might not get into a conversation about the

origins of Fleet farm and farmer fleet.

You know, me it might happen.

And listeners, you’ve got an eye, you really have to know that those actually are the types of conversations that we have off mic to like, these are not these conversations are not staged for the podcast. These


this is the kind of shit that we talk about just when we’re hanging out. So You really

you know what, honestly,

the things I just need to know answers. I need to know

all the things. Um, some of the messages that I enjoy the most are the messages from listeners when they’re like, I feel like I’m just hanging out with you guys. When I’m listening to you like, I feel like I’m just like hanging out with my girlfriends. When I listen to your podcast, those are honestly my favorite messages.

They make us feel really good because normally when we do the podcast, we’re like hot messes. Oh, oh, so always a hot mess. To know that like, we’re we’re doing something right on some level, I suppose. Like, that’s good. Yeah,

it makes us It makes us feel good. It’s not that we

would change anything because we

know. Here we are 43 episodes.

Although if you paid attention, we had new intro music too. day

we thought we would change it up for our second year.

Yeah, so

we did get tired of the flutes I’m sorry if you were really flute flute lovers,

but you know, it’s okay we all know every once in a while yeah you know it’s like a TV shows do that you know they change the their theme song or they like get a new person to sing it or

right well it’s we because it’s a podcast we don’t have the ability to you know slot in new pictures into our little like card sequence. So I think the new music is the option there for a podcast

that is like weirdly one of my favorite things when I’m binge watching a show.

To see how they changed it yes

to see like from season to season, how they change the theme and or how they change the opening like Grey’s Anatomy the first season or to have like this full like intro and then just Got to where it was. It’s literally just like a title card and like that’s it.

And then these are the names at the bottom like while the Showtime Yeah,

yeah. So I that is weirdly one of my favorite things to pay attention to when I’m binge watching a show that’s been on for a really long time. Oh, here’s Okay. Here’s an interesting question. This has absolutely nothing to do with what we’re talking about, but we never go on rabbit trails. So I saw somebody ask in I want to say it was a binge mode Facebook group. The they asked, like if you had to pick five TV series to watch like they were the only five that you could watch for the rest of forever. What would your five be?

I mean, it has to be the good place. Mm hmm.

shits Creek?

Look, I’m gonna pick only comedies

that’s fine. Um

there’s no wrong answer. But again, I know.

I’m Parks and Rec, I guess because I already watched one all the time.

Over and over.


I want to pick one that has like really like lots and lots of seasons. Because I have to watch it for the rest of my life that it needs to be like long. You know? So I can space it out. I think I would throw lost in there and Okay, that’s a good long show and has lots of things you can like pull out of and then there’s one more I have one left.



So in theory, would it be shows that like,

are done, and you know, there aren’t going to be any more seasons or I think we need, like you said the bachelor like, because that’s probably what you would say, like the bachelor’s is going to go on until the end of time and right like, That’s cheating.

It’s bachelor was not in my five. Okay.

So I,

I would say I would say reality shows don’t count.

Okay. Yeah, because I just don’t end right. Unless you had to watch unless you like to had to specifically pick like, you have to pick season 47. And that’s it. I got one more. Whoo. This is tough. trying to think of other shows that I really, really love. But I was also trying to think I was trying to be like a nerd and try to think of like an intellectual show that I can learn something from Sure. Yes. But I am totally blank apparently I only like four TV shows.

What are you? So three of ours are the same. So the I said shits Creek, Parks and Rec and The Good Place. And then my other two were Jane The Virgin and Veronica Mars.

Ah, yes.

Many themes there.

I have a whole variety of themes. Although, although none of them have like lots and lots and lots of seasons, so they’re all like relative like a little bit shorter. Also, I guess we don’t know for sure that Veronica Mars is over but I decided to count it. So that’s probably the one that I you could talk me into swapping out if I could think of something else that I liked a whole lot better. But I also was like trying to come up with ones that like we’re the Indians are like satisfying and don’t pissed me off.

Yeah, I mean, you could always just not watch the ending, I guess.

I mean, that’s true. You would, I guess have to not watch the ending of last.


I can’t, I’m trying to think of other shows now. It’s gonna bother you, isn’t it? It doesn’t bother me. And I’m like, What did I use to watch and enjoy?

I mean, as soon as I get through a game of thrones, and they’re, like, I could probably swap out front of cars for Game of Thrones, even though the last part there’s some of the last season that I’m like.

I don’t know if I can really rewatch that show, actually.

I know maybe like,

a couple times, but maybe I don’t know if I could like constantly rewatch I mean, the episodes

are long. So you know from now until the rest of your life you might only have time to rewatch it twice. Depends, I guess, I guess. post on how quickly you’re like, going through it.

Yeah, if you only watch like

if you’re watching it every day that’s definitely different from like, if you’re watching, you know if you only watch one episode on like a Saturday or something. Exactly,

exactly. So, really there’s there’s lots of hypothetical situations.

Like Do I have to watch it every day?

I think you get to do other things in your life besides watch these TV show.

Maybe that’s why I can’t come up with the fifth TV show.

It’s just, uh, you know, we, we do get to make the rules I guess for these this hypothetical situation.

Like, is that cheating if I say The Daily Show, because I would just want to watch Trevor Noah every day

feeling fine. I think that is probably cheating. Dammit. But, you know, I feel like maybe we can. Maybe there’s like YouTube videos we can allow you to watch.

So do you feel in the past year you have learned anything about podcasting?

Yeah, I mean, well, so it’s interesting because I listened to podcasts before we started podcasting, obviously. And I listened to them differently now because like, I know a little bit more about what’s going on, like, behind the scenes. Mm hmm. So I always I, I just the way that I like, listen to them some, especially if it’s the first time I’m listening to a podcast like I don’t want to say I’m judgy

Oh, but you weren’t Big

but we’re, we’re judgy anyway.

We are checking but we’re judgy and so sometimes I’m like I’m like are they do we think that they’re using like good mics? Are they like into echo echo? We have a room like what is happening? Like, I don’t know. So yeah, I feel like I have I feel like I’ve learned things about. I feel like there’s I feel like there’s still lots and lots to learn. And I also feel like if 2020 had not been how 2020 is that like you and I probably would have ended up going to like a podcasting conference or something. So that we could learn even more because again, it’s our personality types. We strive for excellence in all things.

Yeah, that was definitely originally on my goal for the year was to go to a podcasting thing.


Yeah, but, but I do the same thing where I listen to podcasts now, especially like the new ones were or not, you know, new to us ones. Mm hmm. Where I try to listen to it then I’m like, oh, whoa, their sound is really bad. Right? Sound What is going on? No, I don’t like this now. Yeah. Because you just get a feel for the way they talk to each other. I think too, if it’s, you know, most people podcast and for whatever reason, even if the people are meant to like, click, they don’t click for me. Yeah, sometimes, if that makes sense. Sure. Yeah, it’s interesting, because there have been a couple podcasts that have been very recommended to me and I’ve listened to a few have tried to give it to you more than one episode and I’m just like, I just can’t do it. Yeah,


I also hope is it you attended something not too long after we started pod

and I attended lots of things

your attention a lot happened last year something

and you went to a session I think was about podcasting and they gave out a stat. I’m probably gonna get it wrong girl

girl. That was our conference

was an archive.

So she attended the conference that she planned.

Bless my heart.


Beckett attended the conference that she planned and we had a speaker broadcasting. I was in the other room. I didn’t get to go to like any session. Megan

was very busy with his sponsors. Um,

and what did he say is something like most podcasts don’t make it past like their sixth episode or something

was asked, I believe that’s what he said. There’s a lot of paths. So there’s a lot of a lot of podcasts out there. Yes, but most podcasts stop after like, a couple of months. Yeah. So if you make it past like six months, then that’s like, you know better than most podcasts because most people quit. Yeah, so camera the exact edit. I’m in an Airbnb. I do not have my notes. Yes, it was some sort of stat like that. Where that if that most people quit really early on, as the biggest thing is consistency and to keep doing it for for a while because you also don’t really, unless you’re like, famous. Mm hmm. You’re not going to gain traction. Well Frank listeners and things like that and tell you’re at least six months into it, right? also maybe like toward more towards the year, which now we are.

Yeah. And yeah, you know, that’s the other thing I really enjoy about like listening to podcasts now is that if it’s a podcast that’s been going on for a little while, I will sometimes go and like, go back and listen to some of their first episodes. And I’m like, Oh, they were a hot mess. So it’s kind of fun to be like, oh man, cuz you could use like, you can kind of listen to people as they get in their groove, right? And they kind of become the show that you like, grew to love them for.

So I was

like, it’s kind of fun to listen to. Because it’s like, I feel like I remember us like trying to kind of get into our groove and like figuring out like our flow and, again, a lot of times we’re still sort of a hot mess and figuring out what the fuck we’re doing. But I do feel like we’ve fallen into flow. Yeah,

we’re getting there. Well,

I mean, I guess on one hand I’m like, I’m hopefully people would tell us if we aren’t but on the other hand, I’m like, maybe I’m kind of happy people don’t.

I mean, we’re having fun. So you know, right. Important thing. I you know what, that’s the thing though, is that if we have like one listener, I feel like I would still have so much fun doing this with you. So having

more than one listener makes me happy. Yeah, but it’s I mean any listeners is awesome.

Any listeners is great. And this is like a bonus because it’s just it’s a fun thing to do. So I think it’s important reminder that like, all the things, we live in a real like side hustle world, right? Everything’s this side hustle. And I don’t think everything needs to necessarily be a big side hustle. Like sometimes we can just do things because we enjoy doing them and they’re fun.

I think that’s why we’ve been able to keep it going for a year Grinch. I mean, a year is not necessarily a long time. But as I just said a year and a podcast is a long time. But it’s because we’re not like trying to make dolla dolla bills on the podcast. We’re just like having fun and document that friends. And that is what we care about. Like, I guess it’d be cool if somebody wanted to advertise on the podcast, but also like, it’s totally fine that no one Wait, I am cool with that. I don’t want to have to worry about it necessarily.

Exactly. It just lets us be exactly who we want to be. We can say what we want to say can we can have it be exactly where we want it to be. We can swear all she want. I can say fuck as much as I want. I can label this as an explicit podcast on Apple. Pull podcasts

just in cases, just in cases.

Yeah. Because you know, I’m gonna drop an F bomb probably at least once a podcasts

usually do swear at least once.

I can’t help myself.

Sometimes it just calls for it.

I hate Wait, I did not swear when we had resawn

that is true. We didn’t have a minor.

And so I

was a good girl and I did not swear when we had your son on the podcast. So there you came one out of 43

very good ratio, a kind of good for me.

So what Megan, what do you hope for the podcast in our second year?

Okay, well, I know we just have we don’t really care about having lots of readers and listeners and stuff, but it would be cool to have more listeners.

Yeah, just to spread it a little bit more.

Because I cuz like we have fun with it. So we think people would enjoy listening to us. There’s that awesome. So we already do our we keep up our schedule, which is awesome. So I don’t feel like we need to like worry about that goal. But I would love to have more awesome variety of guests. Ah, because we, you know, we basically just go to our friend groups and like, figure out from there, right, but who do we know right it’d be great to get some other people that we might not necessarily know or just you know, through social media or something like that because I would love to get a wider variety of topics in and there’s just so much stuff that we could talk about. And I just want to hear I’m so into like information that I’m just like out here everything but everything all the time. All of your secret about whatever random topic it is not whatever like I don’t we’re not going to do an episode on model trains. But

convince me maybe there’s a good reason to

do and I’m speaking speaking of

on my way to your Airbnb this morning so watch the boys I picked up coffee and I did curbside pickup. And when a guy walks up to the car to hand me the coffee I was definitely listening to an episode of you’re wrong about about exorcism after I was like, that’s a really, really weird thing for him to like walk up to be listen to someone talk about.

Well, I have to say I’ve been listening to the radio here a little bit since I’ve been here and there is some weird stuff on the radio.

Well, like

I am not like they they’re masters commercials but they’re not commercials and I do not know what’s going on.

And I have many questions are radio stations are not the best here, I will absolutely give you that. They kind of suck.

So you were in the car this morning and I can’t even remember what was happening, but they were just talking. And I was like, Is this like a morning show? Or is it a commercial? What is happening? It was like some weird ass topic. And I was like, Okay, I’m gonna change the station now. I don’t know what this is. Very weird. And there was another one and I don’t know. I don’t think it was when we’re in limited. I think it was we were on their way here. Mm hmm. There was it was the same kind of thing where just like somebody’s talking, and he was talking about the Boy Scouts, and how the Boy Scouts are like, have a class action lawsuit against them or something, supposedly, and about how, like if you’ve been molested in the boy scows and then but then he goes on to like a laundry list of things.

And I’m like my son is in the car with me,

sir. Awkward Mr. Radio man as you’re talking about rape, like,


Yeah, very weird. And the one yesterday was about cookies and how cookies are evil needs to be careful because they’re watching you die laughing so I don’t know where I was going with that, but the radio here is messed up. Let’s make podcasts.

listen to podcasts. And if you’re gonna pick up coffee make sure you’re listening to an episode about exorcism so it’s super weird for the person. Yes hand in handy New York coffee. Oh, man. Yeah, I so I would agree though. I think that there’s so many interesting People that we can talk to. So again, if you’re listening and you’re like, Hey, I’m interesting, I want to talk about this thing that I’m passionate about. Let us know reach out to us. Again, it doesn’t have to be like a highly intellectual topic, we talk about all sorts of crap. So if there’s just something that you are passionate about, you know a lot about, you’ve done a lot of research about, tell us maybe something that we want to talk to talk to you about. Maybe it’s model trains, maybe you can convince Meghan that we want to talk about model trains. I don’t know.

Now, I just want to do an episode about cookies. I mean, but like the cookies you eat.

We could 100% do the cookies that you eat. I mean, come on, Megan. I’m just hungry. Our food episode was like our first like, hour and a half long episode. sighs true.

Very much.

So yeah, I look forward to year two of the podcast. And continuing on this adventure with you and seeing seeing where we go from here.

Yeah, it’s gonna be full of surprises because we don’t even know what we’re doing yet.

We’re well and we don’t know what the world is doing. So I feel like you know, when you’re not when you just talk about things that are interesting in the world or in life, that becomes very dependent on the things that are happening in the world. So,

you know, yeah.

Well, well, we’ll see what we’ll see where the rest of 2020 goes. And if is next year going to be better is next year going to be less weird. Nobody knows.

What a depressing thought, man. Let’s talk about joy. I like to like to

end on an upper.

Megan, what’s your joy?

So we’re staying at this Airbnb while we get all the stuff settled for the house. And so I’ve stayed with you Airbnb is for work and they vary in quality and beyonds. And I will say this is probably the best one we’ve ever stayed at. And I’ve only because of this one reason, which is that they left us a gigantic welcome donut.

It’s amazing.

Like they went to the bakery and ordered like a 10 inch donut good cake size donut cake size donut, and then had it like custom decorated with welcome and look at sunflower sunflowers and other flowers and buttercream on it. It is ridiculous. But also so amazing. It’s extras fuck is it? Is it good? I forgot to ask if it’s like actually good. It’s not bad. It’s just a glazed doughnut. It’s not like flavored anything. So it’s like it’s Solid a solid glazed donut

please join us are my favorite. My son used

to work so

um, and then they have all these other snacks for us to eat. They laughed like just varieties of like granola bars and like microwave popcorn and there’s pushpop things in the freezer and frozen waffles and I was like oh my god I’ve never seen an Airbnb to gives you food.

Yeah, I’ve only had that happen I think maybe once the Airbnb that we stayed in when Eden was born had some snacks and stuff that they put out with their little like, welcome to our home. You know, here’s all the instructions on how to get into the Wi Fi book and crap like that. There was some little like snacks but with along with like the coffee and tea but not a welcome doughnut.

Yeah, yeah, usually just get coffee and tea. Um, sometimes even tea actually. But usually get like a And then whatever’s like left in the fridge yeah they specifically like they specifically in their thing was like any of the food that is here is for you it is all like anything in the freezer like that is for you to know I was like oh my god. Oh, love

it. Yeah no different from like last week a Wednesday.

Yeah, we’ve seen some creepy ones. Yeah the last one that we stayed in in Wisconsin they were specifically like we left a frozen pizza in the freezer. Oh, that’s nice. Yeah. So if you’re an Airbnb host and you’re listening to this, like,

well, not free but you know, your costs

go to Costco get a big thing of the little bag bags of goldfish and Oreos and put them in a little basket and you will have some happy guests. Let me tell you

yes, my kids were so thrilled they love the donut. They were also like, oh my god snacks like they freaked out and immediately ate snacks. As soon as we arrived, so thrilled that there were these snacks for them and I was like, that’s all you need. I do love the snack size bag of almost anything and I’m like,

oh like that? Of course

Sure. Because like $8 in a minibar fridge Yeah, right um yeah so if you’re if you’re an Airbnb host I would say definitely consider adding snacks to your offerings because you will get a good rating from these two people. Yes,

yes, Auntie for your tea drinkers and tea drinker. Mm hmm.

And if you have ingredients that you can cook with, like spices and stuff, and more than one pan that is also a bonus

you know, hit up IKEA man just yeah, some cheap cookware. Yeah, I have definitely. It’s so funny because the Airbnb as I stated have really run the gamut in terms of how well stocked kitchens are some of them. It is literally like a six inch skillet. And that’s all there is. Then, like one spatula, and then I’ve seen others where it’s an almost fully stocked kitchen. So it’s very funny to me to see the variety there.

Yeah, it is interesting because you would think that

I think you would try to stop it like so people can use it, right? But apparently not everyone thinks of that. So

I guess yeah,

cuz that’s half of the bonus to me of staying at Airbnb is that you have a kitchen that you can use. You don’t have to eat out for every meal, but

right like, I feel like that’s half the point.

Not everyone is as logical as we are again.

Well, especially now to like you don’t you can’t go to a restaurant right there and eat so Exactly. Anyway, that is bringing me joy and the lovely hosts of our Airbnb, thinking of small things that we would possibly enjoy

good job posts.

What about you

so One of my friends Kathleen actually has we’ve mentioned before our Harry Potter episode guest, she just got a kitten. Yes, yes. So they have an older cat named Gus. And they just today went and adopted this little black kitten, and they’re naming her Minerva and they’re gonna call her mini for short. Oh, and she’s so cute. And Kathleen was sending me some videos and I love kittens. kittens are great puppies are a pain in the ass. And I love other people’s puppies, but I don’t I do not ever wish to own a puppy. Because potty training them is such a pain in the dick. But kittens are great, they’re mischievious but there’s so much fun and they play really hard for like 30 minutes and then they just fall asleep really hard for like two hours and they’ll just like curl up on you like under your chin. I love kittens. So she and this is even though Kathleen and her family have had, like they’ve had two cats before they’ve gotten them as adults. So she’s never had a kitten before. So she was like, What do I need to know about having to kit and I was like that they’re so much fun. And they will wear you out and they’re mischievious and they will absolutely get into things but she also has an almost two year old daughter. So I was like, but your house is toddler proofed, which means it’s already kind of kitten proofed. So

you’re good to go.

The main thing with kittens nowadays with is the the front loading washer and dryer situations.

Oh, yes. Yeah, watch out for that. Yes, you got to make sure always check. Always look for the cat. If you have a cat you really should just always check for the cat. If you have washer and dryer that you keep open or anything like that. We we when we went on our honeymoon, my parents had our our two cats and one of which we still have in court has always been kind Have a mischievous little shithead we got her as a kitten. And at one point my mom like couldn’t find Cora and she like anywhere. She was panicked. She was like, Oh my god, they’ve gone to Spain I’ve lost their cat. And it turns out that my parents the washer and dryer that they had at the time which is the Washington or that we now have has, they have this like they sit up on these like pedestal like drawer things where you can put like towels and stuff. And Cora was going around behind the dryer and climbing into the drawer underneath and like sleeping and the towels and then she was pushing the door open to get out because my mom kept finding the like open drawer. And then she’s like, why is this just open and then she like caught Cora like opening the drawer to let herself out of

the like dryer towel drawer.

I know I was like oh my god so

you know if you’ve never had cats before they’re wonderful and so much fun but also they find the weirdest places to sleep and you’re like oh my god I’ve lost the cat the cats escaped they’re out of the house they’re probably not they are probably just in your house somewhere in a place that you never would have expected to look for them so

that’s our accounts used to sleep the wid you know, like the box springs have like that very thin. Yes layer of whatever that is. Yes. Supposedly protecting it. Yes. Our cats used to. They would I guess there was a hole at some point and so they would crawl up in there and like sleep on that sagging? Yes piece of fabric of the boxspring you’d always be like where the cow is and she’s under the bed again.

Yeah, I know a lot of I know a lot of people that end up with like, cats that do that like under their couch. Like if there’s a hole that they sleep like under the couch. You only find them because there’s like one foot hanging


Anyway, so my friend had her new kitten adventures are is definitely gonna see me I know my cats

when they are kittens rune used to sleep like he would sleep right on my under my neck or on my neck under my chin. And then the other one would sleep on my hair. Oh, make a little nest of my hair, which was not great, but it was so cute. It’s so

cute that you can even like you’re like, I can’t disturb you because you’re so peaceful. Yeah, this is a piece of the cat that’s in the box now. Their cat passed away not too long ago. And yesterday, last night at dinner, Megan and her family came over for dinner. And we said something about the cats and I said something about how Casey was real character. And Max just stoic as always goes And now he’s in a box.

He’s not wrong. He’s in a box.

Who’s gonna pee my pants laughing

that we have to like explain to Alex, what was going on because he was like, What was he talking about? Looks like their cat passed away and now he’s in a box.

It just makes me excited for the next dinner because it’s so every dinner that we’ve had so far Mike’s bust out with something hilarious. And last time it was about his hair.

Yes, he wanted to show why Alex was wearing a winter hat in source in the summer because he’s wearing like a beanie.

I’m really excited for the next dinner and what he could possibly say

yes, it’s Yeah, cuz every dinner like Alex and Reese like bond over something that Reese is interested in and Alex like, carries on a whole conversation with him about it and then max busts out with So, something just peed your pants funny. So,

you know the problem is though, is that you guys have introduced this whole like tasting situation at your house.

Oh, it’s true,

because the first time it was with the hot sauces and then last night, it was with the candy.

So like, yeah, we have our collection of old people candy from farm to face.

So now every time they’re gonna go over, they’re gonna expect like a variety assortment of something to take down.

My kids are little shits, because they’re like, Oh, do you have dessert?

Because we had dessert the first time Alex like Doug, but also he asked for

it the first time to like true.

He is a very uncouth guest I apologize.

It’s okay. It’s okay. Alex is kind of a pushover when it comes to food things like we should it we shouldn’t tell them that they’re going to expect tasty and things because he might actually be like what tasting things can I come up with

so have a B vegetables.

Please, please, Dear God, let it be vegetables

somehow trick them into vegetables. Funny

well, so next week we are going to revisit our finances and this time we’re going to talk about investing.

So if you’re wondering what the difference is between the types of retirement accounts or what the heck an index fund is, love me. Join us next week to find out until then, leave us a review on Apple podcasts and listen to us on your favorite platform. You can also follow us on social media at IRS AI podcast or send us an email I’d rather stay in We’d love to hear from our listeners.


Welcome to I’d rather stay in the podcast for cozy introverts. We’re your hosts Megan Myers and Stephie Predmore This week’s episode, Happy Anniversary Stephie.

Yay, Megan.

It’s been a year. That is so crazy. It’s crazy. It is crazy how time flies. How much stuff changes in a year. Oh man. Oh man. Speaking of things changing in a year, so if anyone listened to last week’s episode, they know that you just closed on your new house here in town. And this morning, I came over and I watched the boys while you and Bob were closing on the house and mostly I helped max make sure that he was on his zooms on time and stuff like that Reese was pretty self sufficient. But it was so funny because max got off of his first zoom of the morning and you know, he just been sitting there very quietly as max does. And he gets off you know, they go back back until he had left and I said would you learn and he says, I have a tooth in my mouth. I said, What? My tooth fell out at the worst possible moment. Well, I was on that zoom. like where is it now and he goes in my mouth. I didn’t want to spit it out and have it be weird. Like any like specific judges hand It is like look my to spend I like found a plate, like put it on the plate and the kitchen.

He was so Matter of fact about

this my tooth that I was wiggling out with my tongue today and it fell out in the middle of the zoom and just like picturing him just sitting there because he didn’t make a peep. He didn’t act like anything was wrong. He was just so nonchalant the whole time as he just had this random tooth just loosely hanging around in his mouth, but he didn’t want to spit out because they didn’t want to be weird on his zoo.

kids got a future in broadcasting

he really does is just unflappable.

That is funny. It’s funny because that tooth in particular, we’ve been trying to get out for a while now and so somebody said just pop out when he wasn’t really doing anything about it. Yeah,

yeah, that’s what he said. He was like how we’ve been like trying to pull it wouldn’t come out. So it’s just so weird that it just like, fell out just at the worst possible time.

It was my laugh for the day. So

it was really cute though.

It could have been worse times. Right. I wanted to be like, I mean, there could have been okay. Yeah, sure.

That I think he

just was so like not wanting to bring attention to himself on the zoom call.

Oh no,

he hates when he calls on him. So yeah,

he was I it was

and again I he was just sitting over there. I had no idea so you know, the unflappable seven year old Max smyers it’s he’s got a comic series after him someday I think so. Anyway, but yeah, so now I feel like he’s also finally opening up like finally decided I’m not a scary human. Cuz he you know, when you guys you know, living down in Texas. I’ve only seen him a couple of times and met him a couple of times, and He’s a quiet kid and takes a little bit to open up to new people and like today, I finally now seen him, you know, like three times or something in the last month and so today he was finally like chatty with me. So

good. He did say after you left, he called you my friend. Oh, like his friends. But I mean, though, like mom’s friend’s mom’s friend.

I mean, yeah, you are. So I was

like, Well, she’s all of our friends. All your friends.

Make I will get him to refer to me as his friend someday. It’s gonna happen.

I mean, he still knows who you are over your husband. So

who is Alex? What?

Oh, man. Life is funny cuz her funny. Love it. So. Yeah, we’ve been doing this podcast thing for a year this week.

Yeah, it’s kind of funny like the the thing about having to be a year is because this year itself has been so weird. Yes. Were like March felt so so so long. Mm hmm. But then like It’s September now. Get ready. So it’s like the longest, shortest, slowest, fastest, right? weirdest year. Right?

Right. And then yeah, you throw in like the pandemic, you throw in me suddenly just out of the blue having a baby and maternity leave and trying to figure all of that out. And it was it was it’s been a wild year. It’s been there’s been a lot of very high highs and very low lows. So

yeah, I don’t

I don’t know that.

We could have predicted could have predicted our first Your way no way. But yeah, here we are, you know, 40 this will be Episode 43. We’ve had Yeah. A couple Minnesota weeks. Yeah.

Yeah. So we had took some time off honestly for summertime. And I think during maternity, you’re on maternity leave, which takes some time. And we took

a couple weeks around New Years and Christmas and had a little bit of a little bit of a holiday break. But it’s been we’ve, we’ve kept at it. I’m really proud of us, Megan.

Me too. But I mean, you’re a woman and I’m five. So

right. Well, there’s that and coming on and chatting with you is one of my favorite parts of the week. So it’s just it’s fun to get on here. It’s fun to talk to you. It’s fun to talk to our guests. I always learn something no matter what topic we are talking to our guests about. We’ve covered like so many different with guests and so many different types of people that we’ve talked to, and I always learn something really interesting. It’s funny because I feel like a lot of times on Tuesdays in particular, I just always so tired at the end of the day. And sometimes I’m like, Okay, I got Okay, we got a record. I got like one more thing I have to do today. And then I get on and I’m like,

Oh, yeah, this is fun. I forgot.

For like, two hours because we always talk about before we actually start recording and then we stop recording. And then we usually talk for like, another 30 minutes.

Right as if we haven’t just talked for an hour and a half. Right.

And we work together docile, talking all day, all day via texting. So

yeah, no, that’s fine. That’s why we’re that’s why we’re Sister Wives.


what has been your favorite thing about doing the podcast?

Aside from getting to do with you

Yeah, I do really love having guests because I love getting that extra perspective from people. Mm hmm. And I do feel like I have learned a lot in a short amount of time just by having that guest and been exposed to a lot of different people that I didn’t know before. Mm hmm. Obviously, Adi was like our first guest.

Yeah. And she’s like a real friend for

you, friend now and she’s super awesome. I love her and I just want to have her on all the time, which I just say all the time. Well, we want to that we wanted to have a skincare only podcast. We totally could but

we totally could. But um

yeah, and and Kathleen too, and just everybody that I’ve met basically from having them as guests. It’s been really extra bonus.

Yeah, I love it. I love it. I I feel like because a lot of the guests that we’ve had on are people that I have known well For a long time, but I feel like I’ve gotten to know them even better by having them on and I just love chatting with people about the things that they’re passionate about or the things that are important in their lives. And I think that that is it’s so much fun. I’m I’m trying to, I’m trying to sit here and think of like, who my who my favorite guest has been like what my what my favorite guest episode was, I’m gonna say like on a cat count because again, we could just like chat with her for 11,000 years and Kathleen’s turned into a had to turn into a two episode series because we

talked to her for so long.

But I actually

even though it wasn’t like

a super like happy fluffy episode. I really liked talking to my friend Caleb About that was Episode 18, the separation of church and faith and talking about his experiences of growing up queer within the church, and I’ve, you know, known him most of my life. And so it was just really special to like get to talk to him and have him share his story with us. It was the first time he had really shared his story in a public way. And so it was really special that he trusted us with that. And that so I think, I think that was one of my like, favorite episodes just because I felt like he knew that we were a safe space and he knew that our listeners were a safe space to share that piece of his story. And that was that was just really, really special to me.

Yeah, that was a really good one. One of my favorite episodes was actually one that I am not even on. is the one where you interviewed Aaron, being your own healthcare advocate. I thought that was a really great episode. So good job to you. It’s really important information. Yeah. For people these days, especially like the timing of that episode. Oh my god, but great. Before all the COVID stuff.

Oh my gosh, you’re right. I just looked at the date that it aired. Yeah, cuz it aired at the beginning of March. So yeah, it was and, and, you know, and I’ve had a couple people that have, like, listened to that episode and messaged me and been like, Oh, this was so helpful as I was, you know, getting ready to, you know, start fertility treatments or, you know, whatever it was that just like they’re reminders of how they can advocate for themselves within the healthcare system. So yeah, that was that was that was really good timing. It’s like we knew something we didn’t know anything. We know. We do


We got Jon Snow. We knew nothing.

We You’d probably do a follow up actually, we should about how all of that has changed.

Oh, yeah. Oh,

Aaron would have like hours of things too. So I good lord. Yeah, I feel like I saw her recently not too long ago and I think we just like talk for hours about how just wild everything is for her working in public health right now. But yeah, you know what we should I was gonna say to you that we need to, we need to plan out some episodes. So maybe we’ll get Aaron back on the schedule and have a little little follow up. You know, here six months later, what have we. Yeah, what have we learned? What’s happening? What can What else can we do? So

we do plan our episodes, listeners, like sometimes it sounds like we don’t, but we try to

we do. Yeah, you know, we try to think about the season and we try to think about what’s going on in our lives and our listeners lives and Just all this stuff and think about, you know, what you guys would find interesting to listen to and you know what, what we think is interesting for us to talk about and all of that stuff. So we’re always open to hearing your suggestions to so if you’re ever like, hey, I’d love to hear you. Yep for an hour about

or even if you yourself are an expert, and I mean, everybody’s an expert in something. Oh, might not realize it, but they totally are. But there’s a topic that you’re like, I want to talk about this, because I’m awesome. Like, you probably are awesome. Come on.

Let’s talk about it.

I do remember one of your one of our listeners, I think. I think you said he was one of your mom’s friends. Uh huh. wanted to talk about tiny houses. Yeah, I totally need to get that on the books because I have things to say about time.

Oh, I

have got so many things to say about tiny houses. The people that go shopping for tiny houses on HGTV oh so many things to say.

I do think the fun of having the guests that we that we already know in in real life now that we have to have people that we already know but it gives you like I think as you were saying before like gives you a glimpse into like who they are on that like expert professional level. Mm hmm and so it’s not like how you normally interact with them and it’s so interesting like listen to them on that level.

Yes, absolutely. Yeah for sure. Because I I have you know, friends that I think you know when you you hang out with their friends and you go out with them and you’re just usually chilling like their topic of expertise like might come up but you’re not usually just sitting and chatting about it like an Rei hated, you know, 45 minutes to an hour. Whereas when we’re sitting here and we’re chatting with someone, and we’re really like digging into the thing that they know so much about you, you do, you’re just like, Oh, my friends are really smart.

buffers are really smart and really interesting.

I also you, you might not get into a conversation about the

origins of Fleet farm and farmer fleet.

You know, me it might happen.

And listeners, you’ve got an eye, you really have to know that those actually are the types of conversations that we have off mic to like, these are not these conversations are not staged for the podcast. These


this is the kind of shit that we talk about just when we’re hanging out. So You really

you know what, honestly,

the things I just need to know answers. I need to know

all the things. Um, some of the messages that I enjoy the most are the messages from listeners when they’re like, I feel like I’m just hanging out with you guys. When I’m listening to you like, I feel like I’m just like hanging out with my girlfriends. When I listen to your podcast, those are honestly my favorite messages.

They make us feel really good because normally when we do the podcast, we’re like hot messes. Oh, oh, so always a hot mess. To know that like, we’re we’re doing something right on some level, I suppose. Like, that’s good. Yeah,

it makes us It makes us feel good. It’s not that we

would change anything because we

know. Here we are 43 episodes.

Although if you paid attention, we had new intro music too. day

we thought we would change it up for our second year.

Yeah, so

we did get tired of the flutes I’m sorry if you were really flute flute lovers,

but you know, it’s okay we all know every once in a while yeah you know it’s like a TV shows do that you know they change the their theme song or they like get a new person to sing it or

right well it’s we because it’s a podcast we don’t have the ability to you know slot in new pictures into our little like card sequence. So I think the new music is the option there for a podcast

that is like weirdly one of my favorite things when I’m binge watching a show.

To see how they changed it yes

to see like from season to season, how they change the theme and or how they change the opening like Grey’s Anatomy the first season or to have like this full like intro and then just Got to where it was. It’s literally just like a title card and like that’s it.

And then these are the names at the bottom like while the Showtime Yeah,

yeah. So I that is weirdly one of my favorite things to pay attention to when I’m binge watching a show that’s been on for a really long time. Oh, here’s Okay. Here’s an interesting question. This has absolutely nothing to do with what we’re talking about, but we never go on rabbit trails. So I saw somebody ask in I want to say it was a binge mode Facebook group. The they asked, like if you had to pick five TV series to watch like they were the only five that you could watch for the rest of forever. What would your five be?

I mean, it has to be the good place. Mm hmm.

shits Creek?

Look, I’m gonna pick only comedies

that’s fine. Um

there’s no wrong answer. But again, I know.

I’m Parks and Rec, I guess because I already watched one all the time.

Over and over.


I want to pick one that has like really like lots and lots of seasons. Because I have to watch it for the rest of my life that it needs to be like long. You know? So I can space it out. I think I would throw lost in there and Okay, that’s a good long show and has lots of things you can like pull out of and then there’s one more I have one left.



So in theory, would it be shows that like,

are done, and you know, there aren’t going to be any more seasons or I think we need, like you said the bachelor like, because that’s probably what you would say, like the bachelor’s is going to go on until the end of time and right like, That’s cheating.

It’s bachelor was not in my five. Okay.

So I,

I would say I would say reality shows don’t count.

Okay. Yeah, because I just don’t end right. Unless you had to watch unless you like to had to specifically pick like, you have to pick season 47. And that’s it. I got one more. Whoo. This is tough. trying to think of other shows that I really, really love. But I was also trying to think I was trying to be like a nerd and try to think of like an intellectual show that I can learn something from Sure. Yes. But I am totally blank apparently I only like four TV shows.

What are you? So three of ours are the same. So the I said shits Creek, Parks and Rec and The Good Place. And then my other two were Jane The Virgin and Veronica Mars.

Ah, yes.

Many themes there.

I have a whole variety of themes. Although, although none of them have like lots and lots and lots of seasons, so they’re all like relative like a little bit shorter. Also, I guess we don’t know for sure that Veronica Mars is over but I decided to count it. So that’s probably the one that I you could talk me into swapping out if I could think of something else that I liked a whole lot better. But I also was like trying to come up with ones that like we’re the Indians are like satisfying and don’t pissed me off.

Yeah, I mean, you could always just not watch the ending, I guess.

I mean, that’s true. You would, I guess have to not watch the ending of last.


I can’t, I’m trying to think of other shows now. It’s gonna bother you, isn’t it? It doesn’t bother me. And I’m like, What did I use to watch and enjoy?

I mean, as soon as I get through a game of thrones, and they’re, like, I could probably swap out front of cars for Game of Thrones, even though the last part there’s some of the last season that I’m like.

I don’t know if I can really rewatch that show, actually.

I know maybe like,

a couple times, but maybe I don’t know if I could like constantly rewatch I mean, the episodes

are long. So you know from now until the rest of your life you might only have time to rewatch it twice. Depends, I guess, I guess. post on how quickly you’re like, going through it.

Yeah, if you only watch like

if you’re watching it every day that’s definitely different from like, if you’re watching, you know if you only watch one episode on like a Saturday or something. Exactly,

exactly. So, really there’s there’s lots of hypothetical situations.

Like Do I have to watch it every day?

I think you get to do other things in your life besides watch these TV show.

Maybe that’s why I can’t come up with the fifth TV show.

It’s just, uh, you know, we, we do get to make the rules I guess for these this hypothetical situation.

Like, is that cheating if I say The Daily Show, because I would just want to watch Trevor Noah every day

feeling fine. I think that is probably cheating. Dammit. But, you know, I feel like maybe we can. Maybe there’s like YouTube videos we can allow you to watch.

So do you feel in the past year you have learned anything about podcasting?

Yeah, I mean, well, so it’s interesting because I listened to podcasts before we started podcasting, obviously. And I listened to them differently now because like, I know a little bit more about what’s going on, like, behind the scenes. Mm hmm. So I always I, I just the way that I like, listen to them some, especially if it’s the first time I’m listening to a podcast like I don’t want to say I’m judgy

Oh, but you weren’t Big

but we’re, we’re judgy anyway.

We are checking but we’re judgy and so sometimes I’m like I’m like are they do we think that they’re using like good mics? Are they like into echo echo? We have a room like what is happening? Like, I don’t know. So yeah, I feel like I have I feel like I’ve learned things about. I feel like there’s I feel like there’s still lots and lots to learn. And I also feel like if 2020 had not been how 2020 is that like you and I probably would have ended up going to like a podcasting conference or something. So that we could learn even more because again, it’s our personality types. We strive for excellence in all things.

Yeah, that was definitely originally on my goal for the year was to go to a podcasting thing.


Yeah, but, but I do the same thing where I listen to podcasts now, especially like the new ones were or not, you know, new to us ones. Mm hmm. Where I try to listen to it then I’m like, oh, whoa, their sound is really bad. Right? Sound What is going on? No, I don’t like this now. Yeah. Because you just get a feel for the way they talk to each other. I think too, if it’s, you know, most people podcast and for whatever reason, even if the people are meant to like, click, they don’t click for me. Yeah, sometimes, if that makes sense. Sure. Yeah, it’s interesting, because there have been a couple podcasts that have been very recommended to me and I’ve listened to a few have tried to give it to you more than one episode and I’m just like, I just can’t do it. Yeah,


I also hope is it you attended something not too long after we started pod

and I attended lots of things

your attention a lot happened last year something

and you went to a session I think was about podcasting and they gave out a stat. I’m probably gonna get it wrong girl

girl. That was our conference

was an archive.

So she attended the conference that she planned.

Bless my heart.


Beckett attended the conference that she planned and we had a speaker broadcasting. I was in the other room. I didn’t get to go to like any session. Megan

was very busy with his sponsors. Um,

and what did he say is something like most podcasts don’t make it past like their sixth episode or something

was asked, I believe that’s what he said. There’s a lot of paths. So there’s a lot of a lot of podcasts out there. Yes, but most podcasts stop after like, a couple of months. Yeah. So if you make it past like six months, then that’s like, you know better than most podcasts because most people quit. Yeah, so camera the exact edit. I’m in an Airbnb. I do not have my notes. Yes, it was some sort of stat like that. Where that if that most people quit really early on, as the biggest thing is consistency and to keep doing it for for a while because you also don’t really, unless you’re like, famous. Mm hmm. You’re not going to gain traction. Well Frank listeners and things like that and tell you’re at least six months into it, right? also maybe like toward more towards the year, which now we are.

Yeah. And yeah, you know, that’s the other thing I really enjoy about like listening to podcasts now is that if it’s a podcast that’s been going on for a little while, I will sometimes go and like, go back and listen to some of their first episodes. And I’m like, Oh, they were a hot mess. So it’s kind of fun to be like, oh man, cuz you could use like, you can kind of listen to people as they get in their groove, right? And they kind of become the show that you like, grew to love them for.

So I was

like, it’s kind of fun to listen to. Because it’s like, I feel like I remember us like trying to kind of get into our groove and like figuring out like our flow and, again, a lot of times we’re still sort of a hot mess and figuring out what the fuck we’re doing. But I do feel like we’ve fallen into flow. Yeah,

we’re getting there. Well,

I mean, I guess on one hand I’m like, I’m hopefully people would tell us if we aren’t but on the other hand, I’m like, maybe I’m kind of happy people don’t.

I mean, we’re having fun. So you know, right. Important thing. I you know what, that’s the thing though, is that if we have like one listener, I feel like I would still have so much fun doing this with you. So having

more than one listener makes me happy. Yeah, but it’s I mean any listeners is awesome.

Any listeners is great. And this is like a bonus because it’s just it’s a fun thing to do. So I think it’s important reminder that like, all the things, we live in a real like side hustle world, right? Everything’s this side hustle. And I don’t think everything needs to necessarily be a big side hustle. Like sometimes we can just do things because we enjoy doing them and they’re fun.

I think that’s why we’ve been able to keep it going for a year Grinch. I mean, a year is not necessarily a long time. But as I just said a year and a podcast is a long time. But it’s because we’re not like trying to make dolla dolla bills on the podcast. We’re just like having fun and document that friends. And that is what we care about. Like, I guess it’d be cool if somebody wanted to advertise on the podcast, but also like, it’s totally fine that no one Wait, I am cool with that. I don’t want to have to worry about it necessarily.

Exactly. It just lets us be exactly who we want to be. We can say what we want to say can we can have it be exactly where we want it to be. We can swear all she want. I can say fuck as much as I want. I can label this as an explicit podcast on Apple. Pull podcasts

just in cases, just in cases.

Yeah. Because you know, I’m gonna drop an F bomb probably at least once a podcasts

usually do swear at least once.

I can’t help myself.

Sometimes it just calls for it.

I hate Wait, I did not swear when we had resawn

that is true. We didn’t have a minor.

And so I

was a good girl and I did not swear when we had your son on the podcast. So there you came one out of 43

very good ratio, a kind of good for me.

So what Megan, what do you hope for the podcast in our second year?

Okay, well, I know we just have we don’t really care about having lots of readers and listeners and stuff, but it would be cool to have more listeners.

Yeah, just to spread it a little bit more.

Because I cuz like we have fun with it. So we think people would enjoy listening to us. There’s that awesome. So we already do our we keep up our schedule, which is awesome. So I don’t feel like we need to like worry about that goal. But I would love to have more awesome variety of guests. Ah, because we, you know, we basically just go to our friend groups and like, figure out from there, right, but who do we know right it’d be great to get some other people that we might not necessarily know or just you know, through social media or something like that because I would love to get a wider variety of topics in and there’s just so much stuff that we could talk about. And I just want to hear I’m so into like information that I’m just like out here everything but everything all the time. All of your secret about whatever random topic it is not whatever like I don’t we’re not going to do an episode on model trains. But

convince me maybe there’s a good reason to

do and I’m speaking speaking of

on my way to your Airbnb this morning so watch the boys I picked up coffee and I did curbside pickup. And when a guy walks up to the car to hand me the coffee I was definitely listening to an episode of you’re wrong about about exorcism after I was like, that’s a really, really weird thing for him to like walk up to be listen to someone talk about.

Well, I have to say I’ve been listening to the radio here a little bit since I’ve been here and there is some weird stuff on the radio.

Well, like

I am not like they they’re masters commercials but they’re not commercials and I do not know what’s going on.

And I have many questions are radio stations are not the best here, I will absolutely give you that. They kind of suck.

So you were in the car this morning and I can’t even remember what was happening, but they were just talking. And I was like, Is this like a morning show? Or is it a commercial? What is happening? It was like some weird ass topic. And I was like, Okay, I’m gonna change the station now. I don’t know what this is. Very weird. And there was another one and I don’t know. I don’t think it was when we’re in limited. I think it was we were on their way here. Mm hmm. There was it was the same kind of thing where just like somebody’s talking, and he was talking about the Boy Scouts, and how the Boy Scouts are like, have a class action lawsuit against them or something, supposedly, and about how, like if you’ve been molested in the boy scows and then but then he goes on to like a laundry list of things.

And I’m like my son is in the car with me,

sir. Awkward Mr. Radio man as you’re talking about rape, like,


Yeah, very weird. And the one yesterday was about cookies and how cookies are evil needs to be careful because they’re watching you die laughing so I don’t know where I was going with that, but the radio here is messed up. Let’s make podcasts.

listen to podcasts. And if you’re gonna pick up coffee make sure you’re listening to an episode about exorcism so it’s super weird for the person. Yes hand in handy New York coffee. Oh, man. Yeah, I so I would agree though. I think that there’s so many interesting People that we can talk to. So again, if you’re listening and you’re like, Hey, I’m interesting, I want to talk about this thing that I’m passionate about. Let us know reach out to us. Again, it doesn’t have to be like a highly intellectual topic, we talk about all sorts of crap. So if there’s just something that you are passionate about, you know a lot about, you’ve done a lot of research about, tell us maybe something that we want to talk to talk to you about. Maybe it’s model trains, maybe you can convince Meghan that we want to talk about model trains. I don’t know.

Now, I just want to do an episode about cookies. I mean, but like the cookies you eat.

We could 100% do the cookies that you eat. I mean, come on, Megan. I’m just hungry. Our food episode was like our first like, hour and a half long episode. sighs true.

Very much.

So yeah, I look forward to year two of the podcast. And continuing on this adventure with you and seeing seeing where we go from here.

Yeah, it’s gonna be full of surprises because we don’t even know what we’re doing yet.

We’re well and we don’t know what the world is doing. So I feel like you know, when you’re not when you just talk about things that are interesting in the world or in life, that becomes very dependent on the things that are happening in the world. So,

you know, yeah.

Well, well, we’ll see what we’ll see where the rest of 2020 goes. And if is next year going to be better is next year going to be less weird. Nobody knows.

What’s bringing us joy?

What a depressing thought, man. Let’s talk about joy.

I like to like to end on an upper.

Megan, what’s your joy?

So we’re staying at this Airbnb while we get all the stuff settled for the house. And so I’ve stayed with you Airbnb is for work and they vary in quality and beyonds. And I will say this is probably the best one we’ve ever stayed at. And I’ve only because of this one reason, which is that they left us a gigantic welcome donut.

It’s amazing.

Like they went to the bakery and ordered like a 10 inch donut good cake size donut cake size donut, and then had it like custom decorated with welcome and look at sunflower sunflowers and other flowers and buttercream on it. It is ridiculous. But also so amazing. It’s extras fuck is it? Is it good? I forgot to ask if it’s like actually good. It’s not bad. It’s just a glazed doughnut. It’s not like flavored anything. So it’s like it’s Solid a solid glazed donut

please join us are my favorite. My son used

to work so

um, and then they have all these other snacks for us to eat. They laughed like just varieties of like granola bars and like microwave popcorn and there’s pushpop things in the freezer and frozen waffles and I was like oh my god I’ve never seen an Airbnb to gives you food.

Yeah, I’ve only had that happen I think maybe once the Airbnb that we stayed in when Eden was born had some snacks and stuff that they put out with their little like, welcome to our home. You know, here’s all the instructions on how to get into the Wi Fi book and crap like that. There was some little like snacks but with along with like the coffee and tea but not a welcome doughnut.

Yeah, yeah, usually just get coffee and tea. Um, sometimes even tea actually. But usually get like a And then whatever’s like left in the fridge yeah they specifically like they specifically in their thing was like any of the food that is here is for you it is all like anything in the freezer like that is for you to know I was like oh my god. Oh, love

it. Yeah no different from like last week a Wednesday.

Yeah, we’ve seen some creepy ones. Yeah the last one that we stayed in in Wisconsin they were specifically like we left a frozen pizza in the freezer. Oh, that’s nice. Yeah. So if you’re an Airbnb host and you’re listening to this, like,

well, not free but you know, your costs

go to Costco get a big thing of the little bag bags of goldfish and Oreos and put them in a little basket and you will have some happy guests. Let me tell you

yes, my kids were so thrilled they love the donut. They were also like, oh my god snacks like they freaked out and immediately ate snacks. As soon as we arrived, so thrilled that there were these snacks for them and I was like, that’s all you need. I do love the snack size bag of almost anything and I’m like,

oh like that? Of course

Sure. Because like $8 in a minibar fridge Yeah, right um yeah so if you’re if you’re an Airbnb host I would say definitely consider adding snacks to your offerings because you will get a good rating from these two people. Yes,

yes, Auntie for your tea drinkers and tea drinker. Mm hmm.

And if you have ingredients that you can cook with, like spices and stuff, and more than one pan that is also a bonus

you know, hit up IKEA man just yeah, some cheap cookware. Yeah, I have definitely. It’s so funny because the Airbnb as I stated have really run the gamut in terms of how well stocked kitchens are some of them. It is literally like a six inch skillet. And that’s all there is. Then, like one spatula, and then I’ve seen others where it’s an almost fully stocked kitchen. So it’s very funny to me to see the variety there.

Yeah, it is interesting because you would think that

I think you would try to stop it like so people can use it, right? But apparently not everyone thinks of that. So

I guess yeah,

cuz that’s half of the bonus to me of staying at Airbnb is that you have a kitchen that you can use. You don’t have to eat out for every meal, but

right like, I feel like that’s half the point.

Not everyone is as logical as we are again.

Well, especially now to like you don’t you can’t go to a restaurant right there and eat so Exactly. Anyway, that is bringing me joy and the lovely hosts of our Airbnb, thinking of small things that we would possibly enjoy

good job posts.

What about you

so One of my friends Kathleen actually has we’ve mentioned before our Harry Potter episode guest, she just got a kitten. Yes, yes. So they have an older cat named Gus. And they just today went and adopted this little black kitten, and they’re naming her Minerva and they’re gonna call her mini for short. Oh, and she’s so cute. And Kathleen was sending me some videos and I love kittens. kittens are great puppies are a pain in the ass. And I love other people’s puppies, but I don’t I do not ever wish to own a puppy. Because potty training them is such a pain in the dick. But kittens are great, they’re mischievious but there’s so much fun and they play really hard for like 30 minutes and then they just fall asleep really hard for like two hours and they’ll just like curl up on you like under your chin. I love kittens. So she and this is even though Kathleen and her family have had, like they’ve had two cats before they’ve gotten them as adults. So she’s never had a kitten before. So she was like, What do I need to know about having to kit and I was like that they’re so much fun. And they will wear you out and they’re mischievious and they will absolutely get into things but she also has an almost two year old daughter. So I was like, but your house is toddler proofed, which means it’s already kind of kitten proofed. So

you’re good to go.

The main thing with kittens nowadays with is the the front loading washer and dryer situations.

Oh, yes. Yeah, watch out for that. Yes, you got to make sure always check. Always look for the cat. If you have a cat you really should just always check for the cat. If you have washer and dryer that you keep open or anything like that. We we when we went on our honeymoon, my parents had our our two cats and one of which we still have in court has always been kind Have a mischievous little shithead we got her as a kitten. And at one point my mom like couldn’t find Cora and she like anywhere. She was panicked. She was like, Oh my god, they’ve gone to Spain I’ve lost their cat. And it turns out that my parents the washer and dryer that they had at the time which is the Washington or that we now have has, they have this like they sit up on these like pedestal like drawer things where you can put like towels and stuff. And Cora was going around behind the dryer and climbing into the drawer underneath and like sleeping and the towels and then she was pushing the door open to get out because my mom kept finding the like open drawer. And then she’s like, why is this just open and then she like caught Cora like opening the drawer to let herself out of

the like dryer towel drawer.

I know I was like oh my god so

you know if you’ve never had cats before they’re wonderful and so much fun but also they find the weirdest places to sleep and you’re like oh my god I’ve lost the cat the cats escaped they’re out of the house they’re probably not they are probably just in your house somewhere in a place that you never would have expected to look for them so

that’s our accounts used to sleep the wid you know, like the box springs have like that very thin. Yes layer of whatever that is. Yes. Supposedly protecting it. Yes. Our cats used to. They would I guess there was a hole at some point and so they would crawl up in there and like sleep on that sagging? Yes piece of fabric of the boxspring you’d always be like where the cow is and she’s under the bed again.

Yeah, I know a lot of I know a lot of people that end up with like, cats that do that like under their couch. Like if there’s a hole that they sleep like under the couch. You only find them because there’s like one foot hanging


Anyway, so my friend had her new kitten adventures are is definitely gonna see me I know my cats

when they are kittens rune used to sleep like he would sleep right on my under my neck or on my neck under my chin. And then the other one would sleep on my hair. Oh, make a little nest of my hair, which was not great, but it was so cute. It’s so

cute that you can even like you’re like, I can’t disturb you because you’re so peaceful. Yeah, this is a piece of the cat that’s in the box now. Their cat passed away not too long ago. And yesterday, last night at dinner, Megan and her family came over for dinner. And we said something about the cats and I said something about how Casey was real character. And Max just stoic as always goes And now he’s in a box.

He’s not wrong. He’s in a box.

Who’s gonna pee my pants laughing

that we have to like explain to Alex, what was going on because he was like, What was he talking about? Looks like their cat passed away and now he’s in a box.

It just makes me excited for the next dinner because it’s so every dinner that we’ve had so far Mike’s bust out with something hilarious. And last time it was about his hair.

Yes, he wanted to show why Alex was wearing a winter hat in source in the summer because he’s wearing like a beanie.

I’m really excited for the next dinner and what he could possibly say

yes, it’s Yeah, cuz every dinner like Alex and Reese like bond over something that Reese is interested in and Alex like, carries on a whole conversation with him about it and then max busts out with So, something just peed your pants funny. So,

you know the problem is though, is that you guys have introduced this whole like tasting situation at your house.

Oh, it’s true,

because the first time it was with the hot sauces and then last night, it was with the candy.

So like, yeah, we have our collection of old people candy from farm and fleet.

So now every time they’re gonna go over, they’re gonna expect like a variety assortment of something to take down.

My kids are little shits, because they’re like, Oh, do you have dessert?

Because we had dessert the first time Alex like Doug, but also he asked for

it the first time to like true.

He is a very uncouth guest I apologize.

It’s okay. It’s okay. Alex is kind of a pushover when it comes to food things like we should it we shouldn’t tell them that they’re going to expect tasty and things because he might actually be like what tasting things can I come up with

so have a B vegetables.

Please, please, Dear God, let it be vegetables

somehow trick them into vegetables. Funny

Next week’s episode

well, so next week we are going to revisit our finances and this time we’re going to talk about investing.

So if you’re wondering what the difference is between the types of retirement accounts or what the heck an index fund is, love me. Join us next week to find out until then, leave us a review on Apple podcasts and listen to us on your favorite platform. You can also follow us on social media at irsipodcast or send us an email We’d love to hear from our listeners.


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