Hello, and welcome to the 100TH EPISODE of I’d Rather Stay In. This week, we decided to have a little fun by watching the Twilight movies for the first time and sharing our many, many questions about the series.
Episode transcript
Welcome to I’d rather stay in. I’m Megan. She’s Stephie, and we are doing our 100th episode and we thought we’d make things a little bit different this time. 100 episodes. So we decided to watch Twilight for the very first time. Stephie What do you know about Twilight?
Um, okay, I know that there are vampires. And I know that there are werewolves. I know the vampire sparkle, but I don’t know if that’s canon, or if that’s just in the movie. I don’t know. I have no idea. Um, I think that there’s a a Oh, I almost said three some and then I almost said throuple and neither of those are correct. A love triangle. Yes. The human though the vampire and the werewolf
To be honest, I don’t know if that’s in the first movie.
I don’t I don’t know. I have no idea.
And I a little so I have seen one of them. Because my friend asked me to go see one with her right after it was right after she and her girlfriend had broken up. And she was sad. And so I said I will go support you and we will go see this movie. And I don’t remember a which one it was or B what happened? So I feel like we are in a really good place. Yeah,
we’re we have no knowledge we’ve decided to repeat our CATS experience. We’re going to roll in some catnip we have not yet. Prior contrary to what your regular just us normally. We’re going to roll in some catnip and then we are going to watch this movie for the first time and report back our findings.
Yeah, so we’re gonna have our little intro music and then when we come back, it will be us having watched the movie. Stay tuned
okay, so we’re back. As promised, there was Intro Music We are back. In just we’re just gonna just get this right out of the way. We watched two movies. The night we did our intro. When we were high. We watched movie one and movie two can’t remember the actual names of them do not ask me and then proceeded to watch the next three stone cold sober over the course of the next two evenings. So we between Saturday and today, which is Tuesday watched all five movies. So we can give our full series thoughts.
I mean, once we got into it, we just felt like you had to finish. Yeah,
we could. No, we couldn’t leave you all hanging. So it’s
it’s funny because everyone in my family at various points between Sunday morning and yesterday. Last night basically. Yes. said did you like the movies? And I was like
they were both better and worse than I thought that they were. They are objectively not good. They are objectively not good. I can see okay, also just just to get this also out, there will be spoilers so I suppose if you have not read or seen or anything and you don’t want to know then this is not the episode for you. But if you don’t care about spoilers by golly, please continue on.
isn’t a spoiler the movies came out like more than 10 years ago?
Not really. But you know, it’s just feeling worth noting before people are like, Oh, my god you told us the end. Um, yeah, they’re objectively not good. But I can also see how the like, the target age demographic, which these are YA books, I can see how the teenyboppers would have would be really into them.
I feel like so it’s like the, I think, you know, it was Harry Potter was really popular. around then. A little bit after, I guess, I guess it was like, still ongoing when the first one came out. But it was like, right in the thick of like, a lot of why a movies being made into why a books been made into movies. Yes. And these were hugely popular books. Yes. But and so I understand that the people who read the books, obviously would be very invested in these movies. But if you take them as just movies as you and I did,
it was very bad. I had I had a horrifying realization. Not while I was on an edible, weirdly enough, but like Sunday night when we were watching the third one from our own homes separately while texting each other I texted you and I was like, oh my god, is this what it’s like for the people who did not read Harry Potter and only watched the movies? Because for those of us that read Harry Potter, like, there’s so much more to the books that the movies don’t even touch. There’s so much background information. There’s like other characters in the books or just have so much more to them. There’s Meteor. And so like, while the movies are enjoyable, there’s definitely like gaps, and my husband has never read the Harry Potter books. God bless his soul. But he’s seen the movies and so he will often if we had have one of the movies on he’ll often be like, Wait, I don’t really understand XY and Z. And I’m like, Oh, well, that’s because it’s not really talked about in the movies. So I guess I now understand what that’s like.
I mean, I guess but at the same time, I feel like I feel like the Harry Potter movies could can stand on their own pretty well. Yes. Without having all that extra backstory stuff. Yes. I mean, it has its own share of problems. Absolutely. Yeah, of course. Um, but I feel I just felt like we were missing so much. Having not read the books there were so many questions that did not get answered. This stupid love triangle like she did not even see like she looked like him at all the entire time it like every also every synopsis is like Bella’s torn between Jacob and
Shiva. Why? Because she doesn’t care. Yeah, let’s start there. Um, so like our let’s start with our like, big plot questions, and then we can get into like the small things that made us go What the fuck just happened? Okay. Blink, big plot things. Yes, the whole series. Like I always thought it was like a huge love triangle. Like, everything I knew was that she ended up with Edward. But I always heard it as being this just lauded as this like massive love triangle. Yes. Which like, Okay, if you’re gonna talk to me, for love triangle to be like, legit, I need to genuinely not be sure who she who the person is going to pick at the end of the time. Like when I read The Hunger Games. There were some moments where I legitimately was not sure who Katniss was going to pick at the end of the time. Was it going to be Gail? Or was it going to be PETA to me, right? That is a love triangle. Right? Not a single moment in any of these movies was I like, oh my gosh, I wonder if she’s going to pick Jacob. Like it was very Yeah, like she even multiple times was like Jacob. I am not interested in a relationship with you. And he just like, he did not get the No means no lecture, apparently. And so he just like kept pursuing her even when she was like, No, thanks, my dude. I mean,
also, like the one that she did choose was like a super creepy stalker to begin with.
So like super creepy. Super creepy, but I also like I have so I have to continue down this like Jacob thought path. Just another minute. Like throughout. He was so confusing. It was so confusing to me. Especially like okay, cuz, you know, obviously, movie one. He’s a childhood friend. Whatever he doesn’t he’s not really in that one very much. Obviously. Movie two is when we find out he’s a werewolf and like, all the shit happens and the love triangle begins, whatever. But then, like, throughout the last three movies, like even though she has like, chosen Edward as like, I’m really all in on Edward. And like, he keeps coming back. There’s just these moments where like, sometimes he’s mad at her and sometimes he’s not mad at her and sometimes he’s upset that she’s gonna be a vampire. And sometimes he’s cool. And sometimes he gets pissy and like, he just likes it was like this constant cycle of like, mad sad love mad, sad, love, mad, sad love. And I’m like, pick pick pick an emotion pick.
I mean, he is meant to be a 16 year old boy.
I mean, yes, this is true. Yeah, I don’t know. It was just like what and like, then he and Edward they did have that like moment when they were like on the top of the mountain and she was like, almost gonna freeze to death. And then Jacob was like, I’m hot. Physically, like, I am literally like a furnace. I will keep you alive. And she falls asleep and then he Jacob and Edward have their like, kind of understanding conversation like They’ve kind of come to an understanding which was fine. But then, I don’t know then like Jacob like he has this moment where he like disappears. But then like Edward invites him to the wedding, but then he gets upset at the what? Like, it was just, it just I was like, can you decide how you feel about any of this? Just just make a decision. Right? It was weird. It was very strange. And yes, they’re both creepers.
100% What? Creepers they were super creepy
like this should just not be like, we need to just acknowledge that these are not healthy relationships. Like Bella deserved much healthier relationships with guys who are like not creepy. I cannot get over the fact that Edward is like 109 years old. I don’t know. I can’t remember if 109 is the exact answer, but I know that he is over 100 years old. He’s over 100 years old. And he’s like, pursuing a 17 year old girl.
That part didn’t bother me as much weirdly because I watched Buffy and through blood and all those like it’s always like, an incredibly old by human standards. Yeah, vampire was like a teenager.
Yeah, although I will say in True Blood. I think she’s like in her 20s
Yes, she shadow though that actually is definitely it.
Yeah, I’ve never watched Buffy but I will say like that actually. It made me a little annoyed with the author Stephenie Meyer because, and I, I recognize that these books were written like for high school age, kids or whatever. But it would have been really easy for her like, so in the first movie. Bella’s a junior, so she’s like, 17, it would have been so easy for her to just like, bump that up a year, and that she’s a senior, and she’s already 18 Like, it would have bothered me a lot less if Bella was already 18 When the story started, right, it just it literally like it was like the lowest hanging fruit for her to not make and like an absolute Super creep. Like it’s so creepy. It’s still creepy, because it’s a way too young for an 100 year old vampire. But also like, he can’t help the fact that he’s 100 years old, I suppose. But still like that, like to me, I just I can’t I can’t stop thinking about how she it would have changed so little of the story, to literally just make her already be 18 or 19 years old when the story starts.
When we’re watching the first movie, this really bothered me a lot in the first movie where she goes to school for the first time she sees this hella creepy guy. Looking at her like he’s gonna throw up. Basically, he like
sees her any like, smells like he’s like throwing up in his mouth. I was like, what?
But then like, she finally talks to him. And they like, the next day or like we’re in love. Yeah. And then there’s like this weird montage of them like doing normal dating things. Yes. Even though like no time has actually passed. Yeah, but because we were high. I was like, what? Like, I thought it was going crazy. Yeah, it was weird. It was so like, it felt like it was really jumping around like many, many months had passed, but it was.
It was literally like, I think I don’t know that it was even weeks. I don’t know, it was weird. Well, and this was the part that I couldn’t get over. So like, obviously, the colons are vampires and people and like the humans are not supposed to know that vampires exist, or that they are vampires. Right. And Bella, like, figures it out. And
which is also weird that she just is like, well, obviously this is the most logical thing. Everything else in the entire world.
So I’m obviously what I was about to say is that she is like, not freaked out about I mean, she is freaked out but she’s also not like surprised about the fact that he’s a vampire. But then when she finds out that Jacob is a werewolf, she’s like, Oh my god, werewolves exist. I’m like, You are literally in love with a vampire with the fact that you just think they were the only mythical creatures that existed like what what at what point did you not look at your vampire boyfriend and say, so like what other mythical creatures actually are out there that I should like maybe know about right?
Also, like between the two like which one is actually the more plausible one and I would have to go with werewolf
Yes. Like, the one that I choose if I was gonna fall in love with a werewolf or a vampire, I’m choosing werewolf like, obviously, but
the one that is warm
the one that turns into a giant dog. Yes, obviously, like definitely choosing not. Anyway. Um, but what I was gonna say originally before I got down that rabbit trail was okay, so they’re not supposed to know that the vampires exist. So she figures out that he’s a vampire. And then they’re like Lovey Dovey, and then he’s like, come over to my house for dinner. And clearly, when she comes over his he’s like, clearly told his family that she knows he that they’re vampires. And they’re just like, okay, like Rosalie, the blonde one is the only one that acts like, this is potentially problematic. The rest of them are like, okay, cool. Yeah, you know, We’re vampires. Hey, like, we tried to make you spaghetti. But okay. Yeah. Awesome. All right. You’re dating. You’re cool. Yeah. You’re in the club now.
Yeah. Especially because when she first gets to school, and she like sees the colons for the first time, Anna Kendrick is like, yeah, that whole family is creepy. And no one is friends with them. Right? They like stay away from everyone. And then suddenly, she’s like, best friends. And and
yeah, just like cool with it. Now again, maybe this is when the like book to movie like maybe there was a gap there in the storytelling. Right? Maybe there was like a whole scene where Edward tells his family and they like have a discussion or something. I don’t know. I want to believe that but I’m not sure it exists. Because I yeah, that like made no sense to me. was weird. Also, this really bothered me at the end of the first movie, so we end on like her and Edward and they’re like, I don’t know, it’s all loving you bla bla bla bla bla. And then it like cuts to Rosalie, the blonde sister, like acting all like angry. Like she’s gonna go do something in like, in the second movie, she’s gonna be like a plot device for like, turning against Edward and Bella. And then literally nothing ever happens.
I don’t even remember that. So I’m like, pretty sure
that was her. That was like at the very like, last scene before the very strange credits rolled.
It would make more sense if it was Victoria,
maybe, but I did. I thought it was like, I thought that the lady looking through the window was blonde and not read curly hair.
I don’t I’ll see you guys. We just watched these movies like three days ago, and we
can’t remember. And it was not the pot, I promise. Um, yeah, I don’t know. That was That was weird to me. And then like Rosalie Rosalie, I mean, I appreciated that at least they did show like, okay, yes. Like Rosalie started off being like, really anti Bella. And then they like, became buddies. Like, okay, that’s cool. But yeah, I don’t know. That was weird to me. Yeah, among other things, obviously. Megan, you have one plot point. plot device maybe is a better term in particular that has been bothering you for four days. Would you like to share with the class?
Is that how they die? Or is it sure is yeah, so. Okay, so. So, as I said, I’ve watched I watched Buffy I watched Tru Blood I have seen Vampire Diaries, various vampire TV shows slash movies situations. And I do not understand. Like I understand that like their head, you know, rip their heads off. rip their rip their arms and legs apart. You have to burn it. I understand that. That makes sense to me. The thing I don’t get is that sometimes when they like, hurt the other vampires, they like crumble apart like ceramic. They literally are like a porcelain doll. It’s there’s one part one part in Breaking Dawn where someone’s like smashing Edwards face and his face starts to like, crack. Yeah, like porcelain and I’m like, I don’t I don’t understand. Because if that was the case, wouldn’t they break more easily? Much like porcelain?
Yeah. Like literally are just like running into each other.
Yes, I just I don’t understand it. Yeah, I don’t understand why they have I don’t understand why have they have all of those things related to them? Being like dying. Yeah, like, just you know, taking off the head would be enough. Burning it okay. But like then you start to get into this weird thing that makes no sense at all isn’t meant to be because they like don’t have blood in their body anymore. Or like,
I don’t know, I don’t know, there’s like so many ways that like, I mean, you can have like not have blood in your body and like your skin would I don’t know, I just so many questions and no answers zero answers on that one.
Yes. And also, speaking of weird vampire traits, like, okay, the glitter thing. So I get that they live in Seattle because of this. Because it rains nine months of the year in Seattle. And then therefore, they don’t necessarily have to worry about it as much. But the way that they are like, Oh, well, you know, we can let people see us the way that we really are. Blah, blah, blah. Like, there’s still sun. Like, maybe it’s not a gigantic Sun beam like shooting at you. Yes, but there is still sun. There’s all around us still feel like that would be a factor. Yes. Also, there’s the scene in the first movie where he goes to school and she’s like, everyone’s staring at you. And he’s like, whatever. When like, it’s a big fucking deal. Apparently, to show yourself your glitter.
Oh, no,
because the like, vampire mafia will come
get you kills people over it. Yeah. The vampire mafia led by Dakota Fanning, we’ll come get you. Michael Sheen, but Well, no, but the blonde girls Dakota Fanning? Yes. But
Michael Shinzon in charge. Well, yes.
Super great. Group. Um, speaking of questions, okay. I have to talk about the werewolves for a minute. Okay, Gilroy sorry. So my first question actually came within five minutes of the movie starting. I can’t remember if I actually made you pause the movie, discuss this with you or not. But we you know, because we meet Jacob immediately, which I actually did not expect that. And he and his dad are Native American, they live on the reservation. And like, obviously, like their tribe, are also werewolves. And I just have a lot of questions about like, Yeah, we’re gonna make indigenous peoples be werewolves. I don’t know. It was a weird choice to me. And I will say, obviously, the werewolves end up like they’re not bad guys. Like they’re the they’re like the enemies of the vampires. But they’re not like, I’m going to go eat human werewolves, like whatever. does not protect your wearable right? They’re a protector. They’re like more protector wolves than like any Yeah, because they can change at any point. Not just like, there’s they literally never talk about the full moon ever. In this movies, like just let’s be clear about that. But um, so like, at least they weren’t shouldn’t make them like villainous vampires are villainous werewolves. But I just thought that that was a very strange choice. Um, second. I, i we i actually confirmed this with our friend who has read all of the books and seen all the movies. Jacob didn’t know he was going to become a vampire or goddamnit. Jacob did not know he was going to become a werewolf and then just like comes of age, and oops, no, I’m a werewolf. And yeah, I’m told that it’s gonna happen.
I feel like that would be really hard to hide. First of all, everyone in the tribe, apparently when they come of age, becomes a werewolf.
And they have that like legend about it because he tells Bella in the first movie, they’re like walking on the beach, and he’s like, oh, yeah, let me tell you the legend about why the colons never come on the reservation like reservation land so like it’s not like they’ve been hiding their connection with wolves or this like legend. He they just neglected to be like by the way the legend is real.
Well, I feel like I mean a Native American culture this is like huge generalization on my part and I apologize in advance to listeners but I mean legends are like such a huge part of their totally like religion and mythology and everything right so maybe like that’s why he didn’t necessarily like bat an eye about it. Yeah. But at the same time, like his tribe is not seeing that big. Right from what we learn. And so I don’t see how everyone else could have a hit it because once he does become aware They’re just like,
super wallets. Time. They’re literally half naked all of the time in their jorts.
Right. And so and the only person, we only don’t see like the elders become werewolves. Right.
But I do mention at one point that not everyone is magical. So I don’t think I don’t actually think everyone in the tribe becomes werewolves. Because like, remember, I can’t remember if it was movie three, or movie four. But they were talking about, like how, like, not from the legend perspective, but like the actual story of like how the colons and the native, I cannot remember the name of the tribe? How like, they became like, enemies, and then came to their truth or whatever. And they were talking about how the the like, nonmagical, wife of the one werewolf, like She sacrificed herself to distract the vampire. So yeah, do you remember that a bit? Yeah. So they said like, so it was, it seems clear, it seemed clear, at least at that point, not necessarily previously in the story. But from that, I think that not everyone is a werewolf, or only some of them turn into werewolves. But still, it might have been nice to just give them a heads up like yo, this could potentially happen. Or like, Hey, this is why your friends just like all pieced out I don’t know, man.
I mean, 200 I would assume like 200 years ago, there were probably fewer, but also it seemed like most of the people in his tribe were.
Yeah, there was a little unclear. Just some of the, but like, I
don’t it seems very strange.
Charlie’s girlfriend was. And it didn’t. It didn’t seem like Charlie’s girlfriend was also Where did she come from?
Who was she? She just showed up? And like
movie for and then she’s like, movie three movie for whatever. And then she’s just like always there like I understand he’s like BFFs with Jacobs dad. So like, obviously he would know other members of the tribe and but like be close to them. But this lady just like appears out of nowhere and then suddenly is always there at Yeah, it’s
it’s especially weird because in the first few movies, Bella goes on and on about like, Dad, why aren’t you dating? Somebody? Just like always, they’re
just like, okay, also bless Charlie’s heart. He just like, Jacob tells him he’s a werewolf. And he’s like, okay, and then I guess he had Bella no further questions. Bella must really be related because he was like, okay with no further questions and also did not seem to investigate if other myths were true. Similar to how Bella handled learning about the vampires.
You Yeah, the other thing about her learning about the vampires in the learning the he’s a vampire and she’s just totally okay with it. Because apparently, creepy pale face boy was just so amazing to her that she just couldn’t help herself. Um, he’s she decides, she decides, like, oh, immediately that she would also like to be a vampire so quickly,
so quickly, because
life is terrible. Apparently, they don’t really show her life being terrible. Especially because on the first day of school, she makes like eight friends who seemed to be like, pretty popular. Yeah. And they, they seem to be great. So there’s that. And then her problem is not with becoming a fucking vampire. It’s sort of getting married.
That’s where she drew the line, y’all. She was like, please make me a vampire. Please, please, please, please. Make me a vampire. And he’s like, okay, but you have to marry me and she’s like, Nah, but still make me a vampire. Yeah. And she’s like, Yeah, and her and her reasoning is like well you know, like half the marriages end in divorce. Okay, you are literally just proving the point that marriage is not like necessarily have to be permanent. But my girl I’m pretty sure if he turns you into a vampire there’s no taxi back sees on that one. Yeah, yeah. i
i So these movies were also like the first two we watched back to back Yes, granted, and yes, we were Hi For the first two, but then the next three, they were of the last 1000 hours long
that the last two in particular, were, oh my god, they could have been one movie. It could have been like, a three hour movie instead of two to two hour movies.
I don’t think I mean, three hours is obviously generous. That point was is too long for a movie. It’s generous, but also, like, there’s so much stuff that they really could have condensed like, the the wedding is so long, long.
And then just like there’s so there’s just so much time spent on like, the wedding, and then there in Brazil, some sort of having sex sometimes twice. And then she’s pregnant and like, and then she turns into the creepy Sleeping Beauty and then like, it just dragged on for so long
drags on and on and on. Forever.
Yeah, the first the first three were minimum, they were all probably 30 minutes too long. I think they’re all like, pretty much. Two hours.
Yeah, I think they’re all maybe slightly less than two hours.
I’m like, trying to look it up.
The other by the
time you like, I guess like, you’re not you most people are not watching like the credit credits. But
yeah. I mean, the credits were like, 12 minutes long. So that was part of it. The other thing was when you get to the fourth movie, where it’s the 1000 hour long wedding, is that they kind of wrapped up like the big bad. You know, like they they battled Victoria and defeated her in the last movie. So there’s like, no. Like, conflict, really, that we’re supposed to care about. And so I think that’s why it just goes on and on and on. And then the thing you’re supposed to care about, I guess is her becoming a vampire. But like, I don’t care. She’s been talking about it since the first movie. Literally,
the suspense is gone. I just looked it up. The first three are all over two hours. And the second two are just under two hours each. Um, yeah. The like, The anticipation is like gone like i Okay, you.
Yeah, and I know it’s like a two part movie and like, there’s like all the battle stuff in the second part of the movie. Right? But also Yeah,
that’s where you come to the conflict of like, they think the child her resume. God what? What a name horrible name, horrifying name. Like that, that she’s a vampire. And that’s like a big prop. But it literally is it takes until the second like the second half of the second movie.
Yeah, like at least sprinkle in the fact that like, the Volturi still hate them or whatever in the first part of the movie. Yeah. To make it make sense when they come back. Because it doesn’t it’s stupid.
It makes sense. Doesn’t make sense. Um, okay, I have run as my thoughts aside from the fact that the name is horrifying. Um, thought number one. The name is actually the least horrifying thing. The creepy CGI baby is one of the most horrifying things I’ve ever seen. It’s a choice. Um, I actually was extremely glad I was sober for that and the talking wolves at the end of movie three. Megan said they sounded like they’re underwater. They did she is you’re totally right. Um I was like, oh my god if I were on literally anything that’s just sides normal air I’m breathing. Mm hmm. I would you would have to just put throw me in a coffin and bury me because I wouldn’t have died of just I horrifying absolutely horrifying Okay, BBC Joy baby was thought number one um I actually don’t remember what thought number two was but thought number three okay the imprinting so I so they only ever talk about imprinting in a romantic sense, right. Okay.
And then I mean, the first time they did, but then when it happens, he’s like, Well, that’s not what it means.
Right? But then, as far as I can tell, they do end up together when she grows up, so it’s
hard to say because cause so I was thinking about this. I was thinking about this after be watched last night and then we’re talking with our friend. Because they like established that by the time she’s seven in human years, she will be grown up. So like, I guess Jacob would be you know, 22 or whatever, and she’ll be an adult, but then she’s gonna live for like 150 years longer than he is. Well,
I guess at that point. Well, no, I don’t I don’t know cuz you turn a werewolf and a vampire or we’re for werewolf? I don’t know. Um, yeah.
It’s unclear basically, because she’s gonna stay the same and he’s gonna get old. Do you know like, yes,
he they do end up together? Do they? I like
Oh, my God. It’s there’s so there’s this BuzzFeed article. I just found it was posted in March, march 3 of 2020. This is even before the pandemic said no, we all lost our minds. It says the headline is, so are we all just supposed to be okay with that Jacob and Renee twisted Twilight subhead? Yes, it’s been almost 10 years. Yes. I’m still worked up. Like it says does seem like the stuff that I’m seeing that he does. Yeah, I don’t know. I just do like are in a romantic relationship.
I just don’t think they explain it very well. No. It kind of reminds me of Did you read slash watch the Time Traveler’s Wife? Yes. So you know how like, she meets him when she’s like a little girl. Yeah. But he’s an adult. And, you know, she just is like, waiting for him and then to fall in love with him or whatever. And I’m like, That’s pretty me. Gross.
Yeah. This is true. You’re not wrong.
I don’t know.
Yeah, there’s just a lot. I just don’t think they explained it very well. Um, they like I think they were really trying I think they think when they got to the second movie, the second you know, the last movie that they were like, fuck, we have to wrap this up. And stuff is gonna happen. I guess it was a both the last two. Because that’s what the last. He like, does it at the very end of the first one. And so they like introduce. What is her name? Leah? Yes. Uh huh. And and like how she, you know, wishes she can imprint and blah, blah, blah. And so like the kind of talk about it then? Yes, but they had skipped over it for like three movie. Yeah. They just
like didn’t there was Yeah. Okay. So I found like a fandom wiki. I don’t know. And it does say that they’re married. Yeah, but
is that like, you know, someone wrote a fanfiction. And,
well, I am trying to figure it out. Because there is like a, just like more books that she wrote afterwards, but I’m not sure if they’re prequels or not.
Also, just an aside, but he like says
at the end of the movie, he’s like, should I start calling you dad? And I was like, oh, excuse me. I’m telling you. Oh, I just really think I think that that is meant to be Yeah, I’m just really I just really think it’s like meant to be that. Like, we’re supposed to assume that they end up romantically together.
Yeah, I guess so.
Like, I was really hopeful when like they first started talking. I’m like, okay, they’re gonna make this clear that this is like a godfather. Like this is my my, my my godfather and my gut like it like he’s gonna be a protector and love her a lot. But he’s gonna be like, cool uncle Jacob. He has no cool Uh huh.
Um, also, can we can we just briefly touch on like, when you write a book, and your book becomes a movie? I get the desire to put yourself in that movie. But maybe don’t make it so incredibly obvious that you make someone else say hey, go Stephanie, in the scene, and then The camera creepily lingers on you for extra seconds. I totally missed that. It was in the first movie when Bell and her dad meet at the diner. She’s sitting at the cafe counter and some and the the waiter waitress gives her her coffee or some shit. And it’s like, Are you kidding me? Yeah. And apparently she’s also later in the wedding but who knows? Because the wedding lasted forever. And I did not care.
No, can’t can’t care. Cannot care.
Also, who were all of those people at the wedding? If a the Cullens have no friends and be Bella has kind of discarded all of her friends for the Cullens right
in like
I don’t know. Um, can we talk about how in the firt this guy’s this almost killed us? In the first movie. The guy dies. And Charlie gets called to the scene or whatever they bring. They bring the body out in a gurney and they’re like gonna put it in the ambulance or whatever. Like, bodies on a gurney. And it’s covered with a sheet but the
his feet are just dangling out.
Dead feels like
well, you didn’t do that on purpose, because they’re trying to remind us of how tall he was. Or like, I mean, a body bag
would fit Sure. I’m like, is this town so small? They don’t have any body bags. But like also, surely someone had a bigger sheet like I
double up like, do you do one on the top half and one on the bottom half.
So I just I I haven’t
stopped you know, that foot is like running into something in the ambulance. Like it’s gonna get caught on the door.
I literally have not stopped thinking about it for four days. I can’t stop thinking about his feet just sticking out.
Also, that’s the same. Isn’t that the same guy who like when they’re at the diner? He’s like, Bella, do you remember me? I played Santa Claus. Was that the same guy? Well, I don’t know. He was super creepy. He’s like, I plan Stan. I used to sit on my lap. Ha ha ha and I was like, Oh God, we need no wonder she has issue
we did a lot fewer creepy dudes just like creepy. old dudes. being creepy with young girls like teens, etc. In general, in general in this world, and is just definitely in this movie. It’s very, very weird. Um, all right. We have the like, I feel like the if anyone has seen all of these movies, and also whatever. And particularly like if you’ve read the books and seen the movies, you’re probably like, please talk about the elephant in the room, which is the end of move to the last movie.
So it was funny to me because we were we were both watching the movies but I was like slightly ahead of you like 30 minutes 30 minutes ahead of you. And so and also we were both at our separate houses zoo are watching them together. Because if we were watching them together, there would have been so much screaming because I like screamed inside my head. I was in my room listening on headphones. My son was asleep. I couldn’t make noise
Save. I couldn’t live actually scream. I screamed in my head.
It’s like those. Like I literally clamped my hands over my mouth because WTF they spent so much time on this battle. And then like a whole movie is like leading up to this battle. And like meeting people, okay. And also, let me just throw in here. What a waste of Rami Malek and Lee Pace. I am angry. We did not get Lee Pace until this final movie so much. Because he should be cherished, cherished. They never and pushing daisies. Yes. And I’m angry. But the whole movie leads up to this stupid confrontation. And then there’s a battle like a very intense battle that lasts for like 2530 minutes. It’s very long battle. Many and then and Yeah, many people die like you get sad like some of the wolves die and you’re very upset about it. And there’s like all this stuff that happens. And like Jacob and run as me flee and you don’t know if they’re going to be safe. And then you find out that none of it happened.
It was just like,
it was just Alice’s fashion. And she was just showing it to Michael Sheen. And then they all like her. And then like, holding hands and skipping through the field. Yeah, they’re like, You know what, actually, is cool. She can be a half human half vampire, whatevs. By what the fuck? The only thing I did appreciate in the battle. If you guys if anyone remembers the movie, and the Volturi there’s like three main Volturi so there’s, you know, there’s
I don’t know, I just thought of them as creepy dude with one had like Michael Sheen, two and three. So on tear and
yeah, so Michael Sheen. Michael Sheen is the main guy. He has this creepy blond haired guy and this other like, just super old guy. Yes. Who like in the first time we meet the Volturi. It’s just like over it. The whole situation like he does not want to listen to Edward. He’s just like, whatever. But in this last movie, during the fake fight scene, he just like let some other vampire like come to him and kill them. And he’s just like, finally. I get to be done with this motherfucking life
is tired. I would like to
I was like that guy’s relatable. Yeah. Like, yeah, it wasn’t real. Yes, to keep living on.
Well, and like the thing that was like, particularly wild to me is that we were texting our friend. And I like finished. I finished like right before I went to bed and I texted and I was like that, like what is happening with the ending? And our friend texted like, first thing in the morning, and I can’t remember. Oh, because she was like, Oh, yeah. At the theater. We all lost our minds about it. And I was like, Wait a second. Does it not happen in the books? And she’s like, nope.
Which also means the book sounds really boring.
Yeah. I was like, Wait a second. That the book that she’s just like, at the end of the book, it’s like, I mean,
well just sit around the table. It’s like the Lord of the Rings and someone says I object and then they go, it’s okay. And they go, Okay, bye. And they all have, like,
a very exciting. No. I don’t know. Maybe it’s better. Maybe it’s so well written. I could not believe
that to be true.
No judgement guys. If you really like these books and movies.
you know, if you listen to the cats episode, then you already understand us.
Look, okay, so the thing about cats, though, is that no one way to into cats thinking it was gonna be amazing. I mean, to watch, right? Like, this is true. Like we all kind of knew what we were getting into. This is true. And it just kind of went above and beyond. Like,
I what I will say I identify most with about these movies. Is the fact that Kristen Stewart as a human was so pale that no like actual vampires didn’t realize that she wasn’t a vampire upon first glance. i Okay. Yeah, I feel that I feel that
but the thing about these movies compared to cats, like I think I feel like these movies take themselves very very, very seriously. Or at least cats can be like, This is a movie about singing and dancing. That’s true. But like the way the and also oh my god, I remember I just remember this now when we’re watching the first two movies. And also I will say again, granted, we were high but the way that the camera would just like yeah, spin around and they would go from like a normal movie shot to like, No, we’re doing this weird like, on an angle, film, school or tour shot like it was very unsettling.
I will say the prison duction quality
improvement. It did get better
to get better. I mean, like, it’s this is still not like, I don’t know, whatever movie at the end of time, but at some point between 2008 When the first one came out and 2012 when the last one came out, somewhere between there the production quality improved quite a bit like the first. Yeah, so even like the second movie, like Megan said, like just these random camera angles, very bizarre. Very strong. Yeah, kind of just alternating between, like, indie movie and
the I don’t know what I’m, like it didn’t know what it wanted to be, you know what it wanted to be? Yeah. And also, there’s a drastic if you watch the first one, if you watch them very quickly, like you noticed, like, in the first movie, how powdered Yes, I was just gonna say Robert Pattinson. And
hello, all of them. Actually,
all of them. Especially Robert Pattinson and Peter fashion le. I was just so powdered whites. And then by the end they have like, normal looking skin.
They like figuring it out the makeup thing to make them definitely still paler, but like
not clearly not like they went to an Elizabethan costume party. Which is how they look to the first.
Absolutely how they looked in the first movie. Yeah, it was really just
part of the reason it’s so distracting. And it’s so it actually continued to be distracting to me for the whole movie. But, like, I think maybe they also put like, lipstick or something on Robert Pattinson? Uh huh. Uh huh. Because they were so red compared to like the rest of his face. And it was just like, are you supposed to want to look at his lips because he’s a vampire. But also, they don’t have like fangs. So what’s the point of that?
I did. I did. I I did ponder how well they chew through human flesh with.
I mean, I mean, thanks. Thanks for Stephanie. By putting that picture into our brains of that situation. I did I gross.
It’s so gross.
Is it there are so many other ways that they could have gotten that baby out, oh my gosh, surgically, and they’re just like, oh, girl, you’re just gonna cut right in? Sure,
we’re gonna worry. We’re gonna also make an incision, we’re gonna make an incision. And then the vampires are going to get a little woo about the blood and most of them are going to leave and then Jacob is going to, like have this like Jacob is like, I love you so much. Right? Okay. You’ve you love her so much. I will say Robert, Edward, whatever his name is almost calling him by his real name. Okay, Edward. It is not the method that I would have chosen to her. But he did step up for that’s true. It loves whereas
Jake, I wouldn’t say that taking one for the team because he probably enjoyed it. Because blood but
but like Jacob like you had the scalpel and you’re like, they handed you the scalpel be like, I love this girl. I gotta get this baby out of here. Like
his 16 year old kid like Edward has been around for 117 years.
She’s clearly learned how to chew babies out of women. Yeah. Okay. The other thing is, they’re all like, like, they get they they get the baby out. And then they just like, leave Bella. Just like, chewed open.
I mean, she was already dead.
But not not when the baby first came out. Because he says like, it’s a burn it’s resume or whatever it like she like he’s like holding the baby. And she don’t lie. And then she’s like, she’s looking at them? I don’t know. Yeah, I don’t know. Either way, like maybe, maybe just spitballing here, try to like, stick her back together and stop some of
the leading why I feel like it’s hard to say exactly how much time is supposed to have passed because the rest of the movie is at a snail’s pace. So like, in theory, it could have been a very short amount of time, but also the issue with so Edward having to chew the baby out is that Carla had to go hunting. So you know the doctor had to leave. Then Alice He calls him on the phone. And he’s like, I’ll be right there. He is a vampire. And they have established many times over how quickly they can move how fast they can move who like, just zoom back. Carlyle. There you are. Like, that didn’t make any sense to me. Like, I’ll just call Alice was ringing him up. But you know, plot devices.
I know. I
can’t have the doctor there.
Okay, I have the doctor there. Oh, my goodness. Oh my goodness. I feel like there was there was like something else I wanted to say. Was it?
How great her eye makeup and hair was after she became a vampire.
I mean, guys, if that’s part of the deal of being a vampire, that you just like, wake up looking like that. After apparently a very traumatic birth and like re healing process. Okay, I’m just saying maybe Sign me up.
Maybe you have to drink blood, but you would be hot all the time. Yeah. Look Great. Are there ugly vampires? I don’t think it’s possible.
Yeah, she just like also, also, when they were like showing her like regenerating herself or whatever, when her ribs like came back together and then like, out I’m sorry. What was that?
Also when the baby started coming, didn’t like back break. Yeah, like, wouldn’t if she died then?
I mean,
a lot of questions. Well, this
is okay. The other? I
mean, how do you fact check it though? Like you’re trying to read this novel, but the Roggeveen it’s about vampires. You can’t go to the doctor with that.
Um, it’s true. Um, okay, so the first movie. He’s like, he saves her obviously, from being smashed by the car. And then that’s when she’s like, there’s something weird about you. Why were you just suddenly right there, blah, blah, blah. And then she’s like walking around trying to find out information on vampires. So she gets that book, and then those guys are harassing her. And all of a sudden, Edward comes like flying around the corner in his car.
Excuse you, his Volvo. His Volvo.
Sorry, there was so much valo product placement in these movies. I was like, dude, they
did not pay all that money if you did not meet him.
Yes. The line around the corner is Valvo. And like, because we’ve already established okay, yes, he could move like super, super fast. But I said to Megan, I was like, okay, hold on. Like, just because he is super fast. Does that mean he can make also make the like, does the car also move super fast? Like, does his does that magic somehow apply to the vehicle that you are on? Obviously, it would feel like a bicycle but like, whatever. Or like, how, how is that working? Because if he like zoomed to his car that was so close that then he could have zoomed around the like, he’s just gonna zoom the whole way out. Like it. It bothered me. I mean, the only answer still bothering me more than
the only answer is that he was stalking her. And therefore was just around the corner and was ready to just get there. Yeah, it doesn’t make him that’s really I mean, that whole scenario, like she was at a bookstore. She was with her friends at a dress shop in daylight. They’re gonna meet her at the restaurant, she goes to a bookstore.
It is suddenly the dark kind of a fancy restaurant for like, Yeah, three friends like 17 year old girls to whatever. Okay, yeah.
And for her to get to this restaurant. She goes through the many, many back alleyways of forks. The dangerous side streets of forks. Which does not really seem to even have like a downtown district. Based on everything else, we’ve seen a forks, so I don’t really know what they’re doing there. Yeah, it
was really weird. I don’t know.
Oh, my God. And then when we issue encounters, the motorcycle guys should just start seeing
Yeah, he just like don’t miss her and around Bella appears in the midst in front of her I forgot about that.
How could you forget about that movie
too? Movie two is a little bit fuzzier for me. I think it’s the funniest long
time ago.
And the edible was making me really sleepy and they were so long it was long. Yes, a lot like alive appears in the mist. Oh, to her, it was weird. It was ending because again, but in the second movie, the graphics still were not finished.
They were they were not great. And in the third movie when they like have the newborn vampire guy. Oh, sistine Vitoria, whatever. Yes, Riley like we’re all supposed to care about Riley for some reason.
He just appeared out of nowhere.
He appears out of nowhere, but then they’re like he has been missing for forever. And we’re like, okay, but but all the Collins know who he is.
Right. And they? And he seems to like really hate them. Yeah, like more than he would should have if just because Victoria was like, Oh, we don’t like these people. Yeah, like he seemed to like have a real thing against them. But we’ve literally never met this dude before. Yes, we see him actually getting and then there’s nothing else about it. I don’t care. You’re telling me to care. Oh, my goodness. Um, anything else? What else? Anything else? I mean, we’ve gotten really worked up about this.
The more I think about it, the more I questions that I have. And it bothers me. I just I don’t see
it they just don’t stand on their own as their own movies. Yeah. Like if you have not read the books.
There’s too many. There’s too
many gaps and too many questions. And then it just meanders were clearly like the wedding taking 1000 years. That’s clearly fanservice Yes. There’s all these things that are just there do you can tell they’re doing it because the fans want that thing like
the where again, I just have to reiterate the werewolf spend most of movies two and three shirtless wearing shorts.
That is true. That is also it makes it makes it very weird. It makes it very weird. When Jacob then shows himself to Charlie because he goes it takes off all of his clothes like stray No, He does not need to do
like he doesn’t even need to take a shirt off like he has. He has changed so many times. Like from wearing like, he usually takes his jacket off. Okay, taking your like leather coat off kind of makes sense. But like,
we’ll take it off your pants and underwear.
We’ve gotten you we’ve changed fully dressed.
I think I think I can kind of explain in my brain the shirtless and jorts situation, because they have established that they are very, very warm. Yeah. And so like they don’t need it temperature was and so it’s probably just easier.
But why are they? Why is glare jorts the uniform for the team?
Because you kind of throw stuff in your pockets. Their cargo shorts, you gotta have stuff to you know, you got to your phone, your keys. I don’t know where that stuff goes when you become a wolf. Yes, I never answered that. So they don’t answer I just like to this shorts like become part of you. Jacob gets a call while he’s a wolf. Like is it inside his stomach? What happens
also, Bella calls in, in the second or last movie, Bella calls Charlie from her supposed like, recuperation wherever she’s supposed to be, which is not forks, or the Collins house. Yeah. And she’s like, I’m going I’m in Switzerland. Well, ah, and Charlie’s just like, Okay, I’ve been at like protests a little but he’s basically but then he’s like, okay, he doesn’t like star six, nine her.
He doesn’t say like, what’s the name of the spa? Can I write you a letter?
How can I get in touch with you? Are you gonna be checking your email? Right? What’s your room number I can send you flowers like literally anything that would very easily let you know that you are hiding at the Cullen’s house. Not in Switzerland, Switzerland. Also they were in Brazil, why would she go to Switzerland?
Seems like a weird choice. Maybe she maybe she knew just maybe she didn’t think Charlie would be the type to want to come to Switzerland. So maybe she like, I mean, that is accurate. I hate it. Man. Never stop drinking beer first of all. Um, yeah. So maybe she was like, if I tell him Switzerland, he definitely that’s, that’s the country I could most easily talk about coming to visit?
Yeah, I do think it’s a little weird. I mean, there’s a lot of things that are weird, I’ll say. Okay, so the one last thing and I will say I think is weird is like, I get that if you are a vampire and have been around for hundreds of years, you would have lots of money just by the nature of being able to amass it. But like, Charlie didn’t necessarily seem to care so much about the cost of the fact that the Collins got her tickets to plane tickets to see her mom for her birthday, like this girl that they? I mean, I guess they were dating for half a year because they started dating in like March. Yeah. And her birthday is in the fall. And then they pay for all obviously the entire wedding. Right? And the extravagant honeymoon in Brazil. And then they
literally played like, I yeah, that’s their island that they literally gave them.
Yeah. And also, like, would have paid for this fake trip to Switzerland. Like how was all that? Not suspicious? Like I get he’s a doctor, but he’s a doctor in foreign works.
Like, before that it was Alaska. Like,
right. Like, come on. Come on.
Um, okay. Well, the other thing, though, the point that I have to I forgot that I needed to make. Because there were so many is that and actually, this is another thing we texted our friend about it. She actually said that they actually do address this in the books. I was like, Are they just like really good at forging government paperwork? Because like,
no, that guy she went to go see that guy?
Well, yeah, like we find out afterwards. But like most, up until that point, where she goes to see the guy to like, get the forged paperwork, up to that point. Like, there’s just so many things. We’re like, you clearly need birth certificates. Like, you clear it like, Okay, we’re gonna get our marriage license, you have to show your birth certificate. And like, once you get a show a piece of paper from the like, 1900s it’s like, I was born 100 years ago, like no. So like, clearly, they must have somebody like, but they don’t they don’t address it literally until like the end. Yeah, unless, I mean, again, like maybe their address. Maybe they address it earlier on the books and they like talk about that, like, oh, yeah, every time we like move, we have to make a new set of whatever. I don’t know. But I could not stop thinking about the fact that like, you need birth certificates to do so many of these things like Carlyle literally needs like to show a medical degree to get jobs.
I mean, maybe he doesn’t just forks.
Maybe that’s why he should maybe that’s really like, small towns. It’s like got nothing to do with being like conspicuous is literally just because like he needs to be able to get like under the table Doctor job,
right? Your interview is like do surgery on this guy? Is he alive? Okay, you’re the doctor.
Oh, yeah. So, I mean, I was glad that they did eventually, like, address it or whatever, but like
Yeah. Okay, I think I’m done. I think. I think I got it all out of my system. Again, we don’t judge you if you really enjoy these books and movies. I just don’t anticipate us reading the books.
Or watching the movies again. I will also know that when we had this idea to begin with the movies were on Netflix. And then apparently Netflix took them off immediately. Like, you know, after a couple of months, which is a very short time for Netflix is and we paid
think thankfully they were on sale to rent on Amazon Prime.
But between the two of us we did spend $16
It’s a movie ticket.
We got five for the price of one,
five times two on a couple of them because we watched the last few at our own houses. Oh my gosh. Okay. Well, thank you all for hanging in there as we went on that journey. I don’t know what I don’t know what will be our next thing to watch until you about after we’ve watched it Well, hi. But it’s not recommendations, not shades of gray, which was no, no, what my husband asked if we were gonna watch.
Absolutely not like no.
No chance
has to be absurd for the right reasons. And that is absurd for the wrong reasons.
judgment if that’s your thing, however. The No. So yeah, but yeah, if you have if you have legitimate recommendations. Yes, please let us know.
What’s bringing us joy?
Stephie Is there anything else that is bringing you joy this week?
I’m trying really hard to actually answer that question. I’m like trying to think I care. I
feel like this really just used up all of my joy. Questions, because, you know, like, we have a lot of questions, but we also really, really enjoy having these questions and trying to figure out the answers. So
honestly, we are Yes.
We met is it? I mean, that’s honestly why we watched all five because we like couldn’t just leave it. I needed to know.
Probably not. Oh, I remember. Joyous. So I’m one of my very best friends. She has a friend that made her wedding. Well. Actually, the friend that baked her wedding cake was me. I was that friend, but she had another friend who decorated her wedding cake and it was beautiful. And this friend recently got into doing like gorgeous decorated sugar cookies, and Eden’s birthday is coming up. And so for when we go visit her birth family and celebrate with them. I am getting an encanto set of sugar cookies for the girls because Edie and her sister are both really into Encanto right now. And we’ll be celebrating both their birthdays. So I’m really excited about
that. Man is gonna be super cute. Yeah, so granted, then you’ll just have to watch the movie for the rest of the night.
i The odds are good that that’s what we will be watching. Anyway, given how I thought I got out I thought maybe we got out of watching it tonight. Because she like had just, she had a hard like Dr. Day. And she had a little abscess that had to be drained. And so tonight, I was like, Hey, do you want to watch in conto? Because I thought she could like, might want to snuggle up and watch a movie. And she was like, Yeah, I don’t like I turn on Disney plus, and then she goes Winnie the Pooh. Alright, diverted Winnie the Pooh, we’re gonna watch Winnie the Pooh not watching content tonight. And then like, I was scrolling through Instagram and our friend Kathleen had a real to one of the Sox Rigondeaux and she heard it and she goes, got go. And I was like, okay, thank God. So, so it was Kathleen’s fault. Um, what’s bringing you joy?
Um, I made a really big cookie tonight. Yes. So maybe like two weeks ago, my son wanted to make a giant cookie and he’s at the age where he is like, I want to make this thing and I say go for it. I’m not going to help you live free. But he does not pay attention to what he’s doing. And so he put in 1/3 because he’s 14 and has a cell phone. So when he made it, he put in 1/3 the amount of flour that goes into it. Which I don’t know if any of you are familiar with baking but that will not make the cookie very well. No, it was basically just like melted sugar glop. Kind of you could like kind of roll it up into like a little like a Tweel
I did that one time with oatmeal cookies and it like almost turned out okay, because it just sort of like granola but yeah, like a regular chocolate chip cookie.
No, no. Also, he forgot to put the chocolate chips in. So he just like scattered them on top before he baked it. But, but I was like, but when that happened, he like came out and it’s like it didn’t turn out. I messed it up bow and he’s really angry about him. Like, dude, like not look at it and like think this doesn’t look right. He’s like, No, cool. But tonight,
he didn’t know what melted butter was supposed to look like either. So
that is true that he, I guess he did ask me many questions about melted butter. And how would you know if it was melted? To which I don’t really have a good answer to that? Because legitimately
tried to figure out how like you answer that. Like because it’s
melted like it is a liquid. You get A’s in science class, I don’t know how to help you. But obviously, we do not eat that. And so this has been trending. I was thinking about it for a while I saved the recipe that he wanted to make. And so tonight after dinner, I whipped it up and made it and did it correctly. I think Miss ate it right before we started recording is very delicious. Your goodbyes very exciting. Like when you have like a good cookie moment.
It’s, you know, using
also I really like how I was mixing it. And it was like six, not even 630 and I had already preheated the oven, and I was almost done mixing up the batter dough or whatever. And my husband was like, I never have time to make that before the podcast. And I was like, How long do you think it takes to bake cookies? He has no idea.
So like it could it could be three minutes. It could be three hours, he would legitimately not know.
He would not. I know it was like it’s he’s like, Well, you have to preheat the oven and I’m like that’s done. He’s like good to mix. I’m like it’s basically like, and Max was even like it says it takes 27 minutes on this thing dad cuz it says you know, it says the prep time and the cook time and he’s like, Dad,
dad, mom taught me how to read a recipe.
Next week’s episode
That’s right there. How long it’s gonna take 27 minutes. God bless. Y’all. Next week, we are going to be talking about another 100 year old dynasty. And we are going to talk about the British Royals like the
Cullens and our friend Ade is gonna be back you know, we’ll have an episode with her. Until then, leave us a review on Apple podcasts and listen to us on your favorite platform. You can also follow us on social media at IRSIpodcast or send us an email at idratherstayinpodcast@gmail.com We’d love to hear from you.
Transcribed by https://otter.ai