Hello! Welcome to episode 118 of I’d Rather Stay In. This week, we’re chatting about aliens.
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Welcome to I’d rather stay in with your hosts Megan Myers and Stephie Predmore. This week we’re chatting about aliens. Stay tuned.
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Hello. How’s it going? Pretty good, but I have been so hot lately. Like it’s not it’s swampy. It’s a little swampy. It’s a lot better than you know when I lived in Texas. But also I’m older now and
I extra two years.
I feel like I sweat so much more now. Sorry for like disgusting topic, I guess. But I mean, spiced feel gross now a lot. Like I’ll take a shower and put my deodorant on and then go about my day. And then I’m like, why am I so sweaty? So I spend most of my day inside my house? Yes,
yes. I it’s it’s swampy. And I have a kid that really likes to be outside. And so when she’s home, I’m like, Oh, God, you’re gonna make me go outside, aren’t you? I’d really rather not go outside outside to grow this gross. Stay in. So yeah, I feel that I feel the I feel the swamp Enos. The joys of living in a place with like 90% humidity.
At least we do get rain with it. So it’s fine. Yes, this is true. Except that part.
Yes, we do get a we do this. This is absolutely true. Okay, so tonight, I am going to go audition at our little community theater for their production of Steel Magnolias. And I am going with no expectations of being cast for multiple reasons. One, I am wildly out of practice auditioning. It’s been literally like 15 years since I last actually auditioned for anything. And also, I’m the wrong age for pretty much any of the characters in the show. But I do love Steel Magnolias. And I do want to get like back into doing some theater. And so I’m going to audition and I’m saying this on the podcast so that it is out in the world. And then I have to go exactly. And I can’t I can’t miss out at six o’clock tonight and be like, oh, you know what? No, nevermind, I don’t think I’m gonna go and I fucking have to go. Yeah.
countability they’re not going to be like and what have you prepared for us today?
Luckily, it’s just like reading like cold sides from the script. So I did read through like I found the script online because the internet is helpful in that way and read through it. So I have read through the full script. Although I was texting our friend Caleb yesterday going Oh, shit. I gotta finish reading through the script before I go. So that I at least am not totally cold. But yeah, so I have no idea what takes because I’ve never auditioned for anything at this particular theater. So I don’t really know what to expect. And like how they run their auditions, but I guess we will see I will find out tonight. And I get to skip putting the toddler to bed.
Unknown Speaker
Great. I’m going to
the upside that Alex gets to put the baby to bed.
I got shoved with like your headshot. Me like today. I’m prepared for you a monologue from Brighton Beach Memoirs. It should be fine. I mean QB theatres usually like pretty low key. There’s usually like, you know, a couple people who are really invested always but
there’s always that, ya know, at least I didn’t saw musicals. I didn’t have to like prepare a song or anything like that because right now, you know, what can I sing? Well, I prepared to sing for you The itsy bitsy spider with hand motions saying that a lot lots of let’s Baby shark
can I sing for you? They Chrissy wake up song is that hard? Can I do that for my audition? That’s the only thing that’s been going through my head
is happening here and none of them are things you probably want to hear. So you Yeah, so it’s just, you know, I’m like, Alright, this is a good like, just get dip my toe back in, you know, sort of thing. So, like, alright, it’s just a nice, nice thing to maybe get back into doing and I do I do miss being on stage I do miss the theater will say,
well, it’s very exciting.
I mean, you know, just it just feels like okay, that’s a good thing for me to do in my life. Just yeah, I don’t think I miss. Yeah. So. So you wanted to talk about aliens today?
Yes, I thought it would be a fun topic to talk about. And, man, did I start getting down some rabbit hole?
Gosh, I’m so surprised. So fries never end up down rabbit hole. Absolutely not the first time this has ever had on
lose track of time wrong. Um, it’s actually really good timing because the photos from the telescope came out recently, did they? Which just like brings up so many questions that we don’t understand the answers to
Yeah, I Okay. Before we get in, I told you I was going to rant about NASA for a minute. Before we get it to the alien topic. Um, I have a space rant. This is like one of those. I feel like this is gonna be like a hot take like how you hate Halloween. It is it is one it is one of my, you know, the Tick Tock like, what’s something you get a lot of hate for? If you said it out loud. This is one of my things I get, I’ll get a lot of hate for I’m sure. Um, I don’t understand why we spend so much money on NASA and space. In general, when like, there were people on this planet that need to be fed a lot of money, it’s a lot of money. Like I don’t, I don’t like I just want to be clear. It’s not like a hate space, or the idea of like, astronomy or like figuring out like what’s happening out there. I just don’t know that it’s more important to spend money on then like feeding and clothing. And just like generally taking care of like the human population currently on the planet. Yeah, taking care of our own planet. So and I’ve Oh, and I also to be clear, this is not like a new take. I’m saying this since I was like, in first grade. And we’re like, this is NASA. We do a lot of stuff with it. And we do all the space stuff. And I’m like, But why? Sure. So I’ve been this way since I was.
I feel like I feel some of that as well. But it’s my IRA is more reserved for like, Jeff Bezos.
Unknown Speaker
Well Oh, yes.
And like that isn’t 100 Elon Musk and Richard Branson. Like all like, we must go to them. I made a heck of it. Right?
I’m just gonna build my penis rocket and go up into space and then come back down. And look, I was in space. Like it’s
been for so much money.
Yeah, get the fuck out.
It leaves for like NASA. It is for scientific reasons. Yeah, but I can get behind. I don’t, I don’t understand so much they like we must find a new place to live.
Like what part? Like, it’s not gonna happen. Right? I don’t know, I just like, I think it’s important that we remember that we are we are there’s a vast universe around us. Also, I do also have a really hard time with just the the concept of like, it just never ends. Like that, that if I if I think too much about it, then I my my brain shuts down and I just like cease functioning pretty much. So the idea of like, the universe just does, there is no end. Yeah, it makes my head hurt. Also, I also struggle with the whole like, we’re seeing these stars, but they’ve already burnout. So it’s like we’re seeing the back in time. And I’m no, I right. I just I would rather not dig too deep into those. Again, like, I don’t mind that other people want to dig into them. But I also just don’t think that like spending government money on that is more important than like, feeding people feeding humans. Yeah. So yeah, that’s, that’s my beef with the space nonsense. And like, like, Here, let’s have a who’s got a bigger dick contest with Russia in terms of like space exploration. Like,
what you think by now we would be over? Right? Can we know for that
please, like get over it get over ourselves. We’re not so that’s a lot. Just to be clear, upfront. That’s my beef.
I just really enjoyed it when all the pictures came out. And everybody was basically like, Here are these pictures of these galaxies from 75,000 years ago or 7500. Whatever the number was, it was many years ago, many many many years a big number ago and We’re all just like, just sitting here sending my silly little emails, realizing how insignificant I am
right? The universe. Yes. Yes.
Same, same energy. But slightly less depressing than, or maybe more depressing, I guess depends on how you look at it from when the pandemic was happening. Yes, in full throttle. And we were all like, just sending my silly
emails. Just just just circling back here on my silly little email. Okay,
all the universes in me ended up in the one with the 40 hour workweek.
Unknown Speaker
Right, like, okay,
so certainly related to all of that are aliens? Um, it does kind of bring up the question, because I know people were like, Oh, well, we’re seeing these pictures of other galaxies and other planets. And you know, there might be life. But these pictures are so old, not old. They’re new pictures of old places because of Lightspeed and sciency stuff. So, in theory, there was life on those places that we saw, the planets might be gone, or burnt out, or whatever. But also, those civilizations would be like, so far advanced. Because look at how, like you we were 7500 years ago, and then now like, right, yeah, so. So let’s think about in general, yes. I want to start out with my first feel like introduction to what I would say would be like aliens in general, which is the book communion, okay, came out in 1987. And I always really liked to read whatever books were laying around the house. That’s how I read this book. Not a 97 because we had the paperback so whenever the pay maybe like 89. So I would have been like nine or 10 reading this book. So it’s been written by Whitley Strieber who was a cording to Wikipedia UFO ologists and also a horror writer. Okay, and it is marketed slasher and as a nonfiction book, okay, about how he experiences last time and terrifying flashbacks, which under hypnosis later links to in a legit account encounter with aliens?
All I can think about right now are the Kate McKinnon alien abduction scare side of Cornell.
So that’s my first like experience. I feel like it’s a lot of people’s too, because it was a best seller. Yeah, for like six months. Yeah. So people loved this book. And on the cover is like the stereotypical Well, we come to know now a stereotypical picture of an alien big had kind of the greenish gray, gray, the gray and then like the big eyes. And so actually that’s like, a term like grey aliens is a term and that wasn’t the first time that that kind of image came out. And so it’s, it’s interesting, because on the one hand, you’re like, when if you look at the history of alien abduction, whatever, and people all seem to have the same, quote, unquote, experiences. Are they actually or is it like they read about it? And so that’s what’s in their mind when they think about it kind of thing. But yeah, there’s this term like that called grey aliens, basically. And it was popularized. around like the 60s, but originally, like, even before then, where it’s like, gray skin, like no genitals, big eyes kind of thing. But when I was 10 years old, obviously, that really stuck with me. Yes. And they also had a movie about it, too. And it has Christopher Walken, and I think I saw the movie, but I don’t remember it being very good. But I just thought it was interesting. Think back to this book about how like, that was my first kind of real thing with aliens. And then if you think back throughout all of pop culture and how pop culture has like shaped our idea of it, yes. Where it seems like people have been obsessed with the idea of aliens for a very, very long time. Yeah, like very long time. We’re the world’s was published in 1897. Which is much earlier than I thought it was.
Because I think I think of it is the radio, Radio. So I write it’s been like,
early, like the 19/3. Yeah,
I think yeah, I just think of it as being like early 1900s. So that’s a lot earlier than I.
Yeah. And it’s, it’s very, very interesting to think about that the aliens stories themselves, like, predate the coinage of the term flying saucers. Which a lot of people obviously associate, you know, UFO flying saucer, or whatever. Flying Saucers came about in like, 1947. When it was like one of the first documented like, someone saw something, the kind of situation that got played. Yeah. And then soon after, that was Roswell. And we’re not even gonna get into Roswell. Because I’m not like a super conspiracy theorist kind of person on that. And, but what I thought was most interesting is that like, alien concept, as a mirror for all of our fears about the Cold War, which relates to how we’re like always just like questions based race. Yeah. And it kind of manifests itself in all of these movies that came out, especially in the 50s and 60s that are like Alien focused, but they’re really about communism. So like, The Day the Earth Stood Still and Invasion of the Body Snatchers, I saw I took a sci fi movies class. So I saw like all of those early movies. And when you think back on it, you’re like, Oh, yeah. Yeah.
It’s interesting, because I was just listening to I was just listening yesterday to a podcast episode about eugenics. And they mentioned something about how a lot of the ways that like aliens have traditionally been depicted are like, depicted with like, you Genesis, like ideas and like traits. And yeah, and and I was like, Whoa, you definitely have not thought about that.
Yeah, I mean, there’s a lot to that. Part of it is that the use of the term alien for non Native Americans, which came out like, came apart from the Alien Sedition Acts from like the late 1800s. And then they also had the Chinese Exclusion Act, which also labeled people as aliens. So it definitely, it has like, definitely has this racial racist history using the term alien. Most says, the meaning for years has from his article in University of New Mexico website. The meaning for years has superseded any mention of extraterrestrial instead, most commonly, when individuals refer to alien, they’re referring to someone belonging to a foreign country or nation. It only recently, like last year, did, like President Biden asked for Border Patrol to change the terms right to non citizen or migrant. Right. And I don’t know if they actually are following through with that or not. I mean, you declared it to be a thing. Yes. But I do this thing. I know, when it happened. Everyone was like, Well, why are you so concerned about what they’re called? Instead of doing something about it? So many things to get into there. Oh, and also, if you think about a lot of alien movies, alien movies are constantly violent. Yes. There’s a lot of violent movies. I mean, obviously, Independence Day is a major one. And so if you’re connecting these violent extraterrestrial aliens, but the term the racist term alien for nine Native Americans like, right, what,
right? Well, um, like one of the things they were talking about this podcast is like, so you can think of like so you know, we depict these aliens with big heads and like big eyes and like kind of skinny for our bodies like those are all traits of like different disabilities that would be have wanted to be like, bred out of the population because America has a real eugenicist history. So like you add that, like the racial issues. Yeah, like all of these. It gets like real problematic real fucking fast.
For more on that listen to the most recent episode of you’re wrong bow.
Unknown Speaker
Yes. Yes.
It’s I mean, it’s it is Really interesting. Yeah, I mean, it’s terrifying. But also, I mean, yes. Right? Yeah. Because there’s things you didn’t actually learn in history class.
There’s also apparently this thing and a show even I think it’s on the History Channel. Maybe if anyone new has the History Channel knows the history channel is mostly not history. But let’s just get that out of there. It’s most recrop there’s this thing that people are very interested in lately called Ancient Aliens. Uh huh. I don’t think it’s a new thing. But it’s where
it’s like, where they think that like, humans did not build the pyramids and shit.
Yes. It’s like they they basically think that it’s, it would have been impossible for a human to build the pyramids, the Moai heads on Easter Island, a Great Zimbabwe of ruins. There’s some times they include Stonehenge in there, but like the ratio of them talking about Stonehenge versus them talking about like the pyramids, right. It’s very small
issue of them talking about the thing that is in white culture, why culture and country versus in non white cultures and countries? Interesting. Yeah. Hmm.
It’s so this they’re, they’re interested in like, seeking out the truth. Basically.
Same Atlantis, people,
of course. Yes. And it erases the achievements of non white societies, right? There’s apparently a whole show about this, about ancient aliens on the History Channel, which is just crap. Uh huh. But it even comes into the United States where people considered first peoples burial mounds to be have been created by aliens, because of the race to study is that indigenous people were like, not just smart enough or not. Surely they
would not have had technology that right not to say no upon them, they couldn’t have had functioning societies before Columbus came and found them.
Right. What and effectively replaces the idea of like a straight up. We’re racist white supremacy, right with the idea of aliens.
Love that journey for us. Right? Such a shocking turn of events,
right? It’s interesting, though, because they have this site this idea simultaneously where they believe that indigenous cultures were not smart enough or technology advanced enough to build all these things that they couldn’t have done it but then yet they also call non natives aliens at the same time.
You have to pick one thing, guys, if we’re gonna be racist, and xenophobic. Like pick a direction. Yes.
Yeah. It’s, I don’t know. It’s just a lot, a lot to think about in that and it’s interesting that we’re like, we’re so obsessed with like, alien stories in general. And one quote I found was basically, explaining it for a reason, like UFO stories can be terrifying, slayed, bombastic, insidious. They’re also a fun, legible way to explore powers and ideas beyond human perception through the familiar structure and beats of human crafted stories. There’s a reason many Alien films hold on to the reveal of the creatures until the final act, there’s hope in the open endedness space in the indefinite momentum in the push for answers. That makes me always think about the fact that related back like to the when I read communion, and I remember having like arguments with my parents about this, where I was like, how do you know, the aliens haven’t already visited? How do you know that they haven’t come? And they were like, Fuck this, I’m out whether or not they decided to leave or that they decided to stay in, you know, increase their population of whatever they are. Right? The thing is, is that people are always looking for aliens to look like people. Right? that I never understood that like if they’re coming, if there are aliens, and you’re coming from another planet, probably the birds that is very
Unknown Speaker
I wasn’t serious.
I was being sarcastic. I just want to be real clear, although bursts are terrifying. Definitely. Dinosaurs.
It just doesn’t make sense that if you’re thinking about some aliens coming from another galaxy, another we’re
ever just so self centered that we can’t conceive of the idea being something else it right. We do think that we are the center of the universe. Yeah. And so we think that everything must look like us. I mean, it’s a little bit of like we talked about in our last episode about the art of like, things that are not like concrete and don’t reflect us in some way. They are just so hard for us as majority to wrap our minds around, right? So like the idea that like, oh, there’s life on another planet, but it’s like, micro organism. Right? Like, it’s, it’s not like there’s another Stephie upon Mars, it’s just like I’m a live my silly little emails, like it could be literally anything. And it could be something that doesn’t even remotely resemble anything on this planet.
Yeah. Or like maybe aliens came to Earth 7500 years ago when that picture happened, or it’s taken picture of, and maybe, maybe there are birds that are aliens, maybe bird knows. Because evolutionarily speaking, like maybe they’ve been here this whole time, right? You don’t know. begins your ladder?
Plus? Who the fuck no, that would make sense that a platypus would kind of kind of scale
that Brink there. Yeah. That really the fact that we’re so self obsessed that we’re like, oh, obviously. Right? Obviously, they’re gonna look like
think so highly of ourselves that we are the most advanced beam that could possibly exist. Yeah. And that’s not I can guarantee that that’s like not even remotely the case. But also we’re so self obsessed to think that like, okay, let’s say there, there are all these other worlds and beings out there that they’re going to come to here, that they’re going to bother to come here. Like, again, it’s just I think if we’re just showing, like our egos of like, why would why? Why would they?
I think because I mean, yeah, because we think that they would do that. Because we’re so obsessed. We are the better planets? Or were the with going and finding someone at somewhere else. Right? And like not taking care of our people. Whereas I would like to think if there was aliens out there, in an ideal world slash universe, they wouldn’t come here because they’re busy taking care of their population, right?
They’re like, on.
Yeah, I think it’s, I can’t remember what if it was like a TV show. Or if it was on one of the movies or something. But like Marvel obviously has, like all of these bright different planets and galaxies and stuff with a cover and a lot of the movies and comics and shows and stuff. And I feel like there was one world who, at one point, they went to some other worlds, and like, it’s just peaceful and lovely. And everything was fine. And like, oh, that’s what would happen.
Unknown Speaker
Right? Or like, Oh,
wow. It makes sense now. Yeah, makes sense. Everything on the planet would just be fine. But like, how do you know that? You when you sneeze? Like maybe your mucus is part alien? Like, I don’t know. Right? I think there’s just too much. I think that’s the thing, like bringing it back to the telescope, like you just now are bringing too many questions. Like, there’s too many questions that you definitely cannot answer. Yes, ever? Because it’s impossible, right?
But we also like art, okay, just saying like, well, we’re never going to know the answer to that. Yeah. And that’s cool. Like, we just were like, no, no, we spend more money to figure out the answer.
to colonize Mars, a planet we know that you cannot live on, right? Like,
no. I’m just saying, like, bro, you can have questions. But like, also, maybe we can have the humility to be like, You know what, we’re not gonna know the answer to that question. Yeah. Mm hmm. No, I just think there’s a lot of big egos at play here. Our ego in space then you would think
that’s actually like a really funny pun. So guardians. True. I know this now where you’re going with that, but Ben is good for your brain when you already mentioned Marvel, so it’s true. That’s a good joke. Are there any, like Alien things in pop culture that you think are like like, I know that’s not like your kind of movie or content that you consume? But are there any that you can think of that? I don’t want to say like, PC or whatever. But do you think that like handles, handles it? Better than just like aliens are destructive and going to take over the world and blow
you know, I mean, I do feel like some of the more recent. I mean, like, I feel like I do feel like maybe more recent media, I think is getting a little bit better with that of, like, for example, there are, you know, in Marvel, that’s like one of the main, like examples that just pops into my head, like, yes, there are, they do go to a lot of other planets, and they’re, you know, the bad guys or whatever. But then there they also there are a lot of other places that they go to where they’re just normal civilians, they’re not human, they’re whatever kind of beings they are, but they’re just like normal civilians, or they’re part of the good guys or like, whatever. And like making those depictions. Like they’re depicting them in a much broader way. So it’s not just like, good guys looks strictly like white humans and bad guys look strictly like gray aliens, or they have darker skin or, you know, like any of those things that would be like really overtly
racist. Oh, yeah, like predators, like super racist.
Right? Exactly. Yeah. So
yeah, I think it has to do a lot with just in general, how people are actually, you know, learning and trying to be intentionally less shitty, less shitty and kinder to other people about things that they don’t fucking know about. In general. I think that does factor into it a lot. I mean, I know, obviously, like the Marvel stuff is based on comics and the comics existed before, but I think it’s like a gradual, right, change, for sure. And then others, I don’t feel like there has been as many, like, straight up like aliens that keep making like Alien versus predator or like that kind of serious stuff, because it sells and people really like it, for whatever reason. But I do feel like there’s kind of a shift away where at least I know, like, for sure in the Marvel movies, but maybe even other things where it’s just like, No, they just exist in whatever, that’s fine. But I think one movie that if you haven’t seen it, you should see it because it’s, it’s really good. As a rival with Amy Adams. It like you had some movie, you have to think about it. So you have to like pay attention when you’re watching it. Like you can’t like also be texting and you can’t be Hi. Like, you have to watch it. Okay. Um, but I think it’s really good. And I think it is. It handles the aliens, I think in a really interesting way because it all centers on, like, Amy Adams is like a linguist. Okay. And so she’s trying to figure out what the aliens are communicating to people. Okay. And so like, that’s, that’s the basically like the whole movie where she’s like, trying to talk to them, essentially. And it’s just, it’s really, it’s really fascinating. I think it has a twist at the end. So obviously, I can’t talk about that. But it I think it handles it in such a different way. Because they’re not, it’s not like a violent thing. It’s not like a right, we’re going to take them over and they’re gonna take us over kind of a thing. It’s just like, it’s ticket diplomacy thing. Sure. So I thought that was a lot more interesting. A few years ago, I think. So. I don’t know. I would watch it again. Thinking about it. Yeah, I
have to watch that one. That does sound really interesting. Yeah, yeah. Cuz I’m sitting here trying to think of like, the last time I saw something that was like, with the like, stereotypical, like gray alien depiction. Yeah. And I can’t think of anything recently.
I can’t either. Like it’s good. I think. I feel I mean, obviously, X Files had it in there. But I mean, that was a while ago. Yeah. And I think there might have been, I feel like there have been a couple of movies that but they were mainly more like comedy. movies or like cartoons or like their comedy base. Yeah, they’re not necessarily meant to continue in the stairs. I mean, they are continuing to stereotype but it’s right meant to be in a different kind of way. Right. So I do think yeah, they’re they’re getting away from that. Yeah, kind of situation. Aside from like the Kate McKinnon But
it’s my favorite. My favorite character that she did.
I mean, she’s she does such a good job of it like you can’t not love
it. It’s just I every single one of them does basically pee my pants laughing so
and it really doesn’t have anything to do with aliens. It’s just the way that she does this
temperature format. If you’ve had if you
haven’t seen those sketches, you have to go look them up because and like Cecily Strong is always in them playing like this person, not crazy person. Yeah. And like, she’s just like, and it was just a swarm. Just enveloped
in love.
Because I was going well, yeah, let’s do bed on the upper level. did not have that.
Yes. Look up the one that is when Ryan Gosling is the guest host. Because he is also part of that schedule. It’s very funny. Highly recommended. Yeah. Do you think that we will ever No, no.
Unknown Speaker
I don’t think so. Yeah. No.
I don’t think there’s any way to No, no. And also what like, I mean, I think also even if there was like, if if there was aliens out there, whether they’re still in their planets, or whether living among us, if you like, if, obviously, you and I are white says middle class women. So we have a very different perspective. But like if you were an alien living, especially in this country, would you ever reveal yourself? 100%
Oh, keep on my human skin suit. Like I’m in a good place? Yes. Obviously. Cow. Like, come on.
Crazy racist. People are rooting for everyone. Yes. Yeah. I don’t think we’ll ever know either. I think
like, I mean, even just on like, on a practical level, like we think about how long it takes to travel from here to just like the planets that are closest to us. And so we’d like already kind of been doing that. Yeah. And like, if you have, let’s see, if we would have to travel like, outside of our galaxy, like that. That’s like 1000s of deaths, like hundreds of years. Yeah, literally, like trapped. Like, you’d have to like put yourself in like a cryogenic freeze, and then hope that the the button to unfreeze you works when you get where you’re going. Like, I don’t know, there’s the other thing is that logistical things and I’m like, What do you think we’re gonna do? Like, do you think it’s gonna be like xenon, to live in a floating spaceship? Like, I don’t? Like
what? That’s the other thing I never understood about, like trying to find aliens or like, space obsession in general, where they’re like, Well, we have to find another place to live. It’s like, well, but you’re right, like, all of these planets are so far away. You would have to, are you gonna get there to have to build a giant spaceship that could sustain life for 1000s of years, cryogenically freeze yourself? You wouldn’t be able to probably wouldn’t be able to do that. You would have to continue. Like living Yeah. Like, I’ll just share your baby. Some of them have been shipped and then have babies and then have babies. So you’re counting on a generation, like five steps down the line to also be like, You know what, yeah, we’re gonna do this mission living in space.
Like if you get there, and there’s nothing what are they going to do?
Unknown Speaker
Right so I got lots of there’s so many questions. Like what
do you split do people think we’re gonna this is not this is not marvel. So there’s not like, just we can’t just like hop into like a wormhole and just like, like, we can’t
travel at lightspeed what
know how that works? Can’t
go to Luna crispy,
right? I just it’s not Yeah, so that’s I every time I get down into No, although, speaking of space, I had like floating spaceships. I had this dream the other fucking weird. And all I remember is that I remember it was all weird, but the thing that like sticks out is I remember there they were, we were like, using like we did we just had these like big spaceships, sort of xenon girls 21st century ask like things out in space, but we were just using them as like giant like prisons. And it was terrifying. And I woke up and I was like, Where the fuck did that come from?
I mean, I could see that but also had you just listened to the Huh, Patreon episode of maintenance phase about Wally.
Maybe, I mean, I listened to that like a few weeks ago. So maybe
I’m sure there are people probably listening in or like you guys are both kills about space
anywhere most kills about a lot of things True.
True kind of thing practically like, you know, we only have so many years on this planet ourselves and so like,
right like, I just got, I sound like a broken record, but I just don’t know why we are spending all this time and money to figure out like, where else we can go instead of just like figuring out how to maybe just take better care of where we are so that we don’t need to find somewhere else to go imminently. I don’t know that just like maybe makes sense to me. But what what do I know? Nothing. I have no power here. Your role power?
I mean, you have a little power.
I mean, I suppose but not to bring down NASA? No, that’s true. So yeah, I mean, we might be both skills, but we’re just practical thinkers. Just call him on like it is. You know,
you know how how we do.
Every fucking time.
I also just very briefly, I did not research this at all. But I don’t understand. i Well, I think I also thinking about it. Now as I’m speaking. I am always very curious about why whenever people are like house abducted by aliens and the anal probes me and right, like it’s always that. Yeah. And now when I’m thinking about it, I’m like, this is also like, because I think it has to do with people being afraid of gay people. Yes. Probably. Like, because what else could it be like? Why right? Now I’m like, there’s so many that were extra mad, extra mad.
Yeah, that makes sense. Yeah, that would make sense.
I don’t know if there’s any history of queer people being called aliens or not. Like I said, I didn’t research it. But I think there could be some there could be overlap. I mean, especially if they’re framing aliens in general as like things that people are afraid of. Right? Or don’t understand.
Yeah, that are different that you don’t understand. And throughout a lot of history, people have not understood queer people. They’ve not understood other cultures. They’ve not understood other races. So I can see. Yeah, there could be some in that Venn Diagram of hatred.
Yeah. It’s very, very full.
Uh huh. Diagrammatically stack of pancakes.
Unknown Speaker
Let’s be real.
Yeah, that’s an interesting point that you make. Yeah. So Well, this was this was quite the interesting lesson for our alien lesson, which is
don’t understand a lot of things about alien culture. Not alien culture, our culture surrounding aliens. Yes. It’s just, I think people came at it at first from like, a level of curiosity. And then it immediately went to, I’m afraid. And that is generally what happens in a lot of a lot of stuff. Yes. In especially in the United States.
Yeah. I think you don’t understand people think is scary. Yeah. Instead of just thinking like, well, this is just a thing I don’t understand. And is different. And that’s okay. Just like exist, you can just like be, yeah, and we can just like leave it alone and not need to, like, be asshats about it.
Or you could actually try to learn to understand it. Oh, no,
that’s much too hard. And again, you’re asking way too much. Empathy.
Oh, goodness. Well, okay. Megan was bringing us joy this week. Um,
What’s bringing us joy?
Lizzo has a new album out. Oh, god. It’s so good. It’s so good.
We were listening to it on the way to daycare yesterday. And Edie was like, the opposite the are you ready? I think it’s are you ready? Like, though on this, like, are you ready to be loved or whatever? Oh, yeah. And bop. Yeah. And that’s the one that came on. That song came on, like, as you’re pulling into the parking lot at daycare, and like, I was bopping and I look back and Edie is bobbing and she’s like, trying to sing along. Oh, cute.
Adorable. I love it. Yeah,
it’s a great album too, because there’s not like, it’s not there’s not a lot of like lovey songs on. It’s not like love songs. It’s like,
oh, it’s like, love
so but yeah, it’s like self love. Love when your best friend, and she uses the word motherfucker and like the first sentence of the whole album. Yeah. Alyssa
it’s pretty good. Yeah. And I did the limo ride for peloton. Is it good? It’s so it’s interesting whenever they do like a two for a two for a ride to instructors and especially if it’s like an album drop ride. I also have done the Harry Styles ride. Because they’re definitely more like it’s like a party vibe. Yeah, kind of ride and not necessarily like, like you’re getting to work out. Right, right in some ways. But also in the Lyza one like Lizzo comes. Yeah, I heard that. So Lizzo and her dancers come and it’s very fun and exciting. And like the studios open they have people there. But definitely, like just ends up being like a, you know, go whatever pace you want, because we’re just dancing now for like,
some days I need that. It’s true.
But it’s good. You got she listened to like, How thick is the whole new album. But it was it was a good chunk of the new album and some older songs too. So it was good. It was really cute. They asked Alyssa some questions. And she was riding a bike and laughing and answering and singing along and I really
Unknown Speaker
want to check out her shapewear brand.
I’ve heard it’s like very comfortable.
I’ve looked at it and I have not purchased any yet. So I
keep seeing all of these tech talks about it. And
have you seen the one where it’s like it’s a tiny tiny little like magic.
Yeah, so I do keep seeing like a lot of tech talks about it. But yeah, I’ve heard it’s very comfortable.
Yeah, so I’ve been meaning to get some but also I’m trying not to spend money. So
Right. That’s awesome. I like like well, maybe next month. Yeah. My budget starts over we’ll see. Yeah, I
already bought my one fun thing for the month so yeah, try not to same. Same sounds like weird. If I one fun thing a month like that you don’t understand if I don’t do that then like I buy
all the fun things and then I have no money. It’s true. feed my family. It’s very true. Because fuckers insist on being fed every day. Multiple times, multiple times. Even it’s really exhausting. really
Unknown Speaker
Why do they eat so much? Oh, gosh. What is bringing you joy aside from the new Lizzo album,
a friend had a baby this week and I got to go meet him yesterday and smell his little head and he like weighs no more than a sneeze because like I picked him up I was like oh my god you wait nothing. I’m gonna join the tiny little baby. You know, you’re just like a little they’re just like a little big potato up here. Snuggling on my boob like, oh my gosh, so that made me very, very happy. He’s He’s a sweet little baby. So
it’s a good looking baby too.
Here’s a good looking baby. He was a C section baby so we didn’t get a conehead. And yeah, he like came out like looking cute. Which are is not a thing that Megan and I usually say about babies. This sounds weird, but this is a compliment
my baby it’s looking cute but they did have squished heads. So you know, you know get a leg up if you don’t have a squished head
yeah even came out so fast that she didn’t have time to get squished head. Yeah, we should have nice like rounds. Yeah, same with MAC. I didn’t have to like cover it with a hat to conehead?
That is the benefit of having fast Levers is that they they have less of squished heads. That’s true. They weren’t really pointy.
I barely made it the hot to the hospital. My kids didn’t have a Coneheads
back into play by.
But ya know, but new baby. New Baby smell made me very happy yesterday. So
it’s good smell. Good time. I don’t know. What is this about babies? It’s weird.
Unknown Speaker
I don’t know. They just their hair’s always so soft. Yeah. Like dude, how cuz it’s
like new hair,
Unknown Speaker
new hair cyst.
And also like, he’s still like, fuzzy. And he hasn’t grown into what I call his skin suit yet. Super brand new and they’ve got their little like newborn fuzz and their skin is still a little bit baggy because they don’t have any like fat on them. Yeah. So he’s like, look at those little like, Elephant. Elephant necks.
And they’re like super, super long toes. So cute. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. So cute.
I love it.
I’m glad that there are other people having babies so that I do not have to have anymore.
It’s a relief, right? Because I’m like I’m done. Yeah, that’s
anymore. Yeah. Feel free to ask me about my husband’s vasectomy. I highly recommended.
So, appointment next week and I may be like so like, let’s talk about taking some stuff out. Like let’s just go for
it. I mean good luck with that, but
it’s worth it’s worth me asking I’ll ask every outcome and monthly and ask them enough to do it like let’s let’s let’s let’s just do it right Oh, right it’s Well it’s funny because our friend she did have a C section and I guess the anesthesiologist was like, okay, you know, doing the C, the C section and Okay, no, no, no tubal ligation lower there. She was like, I mean, he’s like, Well, if you didn’t talk to your to your doctor about it beforehand, really can add Oh, she was like, Darn it should have gotten on that.
I mean, that is the downside of having. Not a C section, I guess is that you’re not already open.
Right? What else can we do while we’re in here? Right? Are there multiple birds we can kill, I
guess. All right. Anyway, like I’ve never had surgery for anything unless you count wisdom teeth. So there’s no, like while you’re taking on my wisdom teeth.
just scoot on down there.
As a dentist, you are qualified,
Unknown Speaker
totally fine without a problem at all.
Next week’s episode
So next week, we are going to talk about what it’s like to live with chronic illness.
It should be a very interesting topic. I don’t have chronic illness. You do. And I think between the two of us we’ll have some good questions for
Yeah, sure. Well, so until then, leave us a review on Apple podcasts and follow us on your favorite platform. You can also follow us on social media at irsipodcast or send us an email at idratherstayinpodcast@gmail.com We’d love to hear from you. Bye
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