Hello! Welcome to episode 112 of I’d Rather Stay in. This week, we’re chatting about numerology and mediums.
Episode transcript
Welcome to I’d rather stay in with Megan Myers and Stephie Predmore. This week we’re chatting about numerology and mediums. Stay tuned.
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Hi, Megan. Hello.
I would like to yell about some things, please. Actually, well, I mean, we could yell for a whole episode about a lot of things. Everything happening in our country right now. But mostly I would like to yell about the fact that I have ants in my house and it’s fucking annoying.
Either the little tiny ants, thankfully they are tiny ants are easy to get rid of luckily, yeah. And
we think we know like where they are outside based on where they’re coming in, because they’re like coming in through one of the kitchen windows. And then I went into the bathroom. And they were also in the shower. I was like, fuck these tiny. So my husband has been on an ant trap project this morning.
The taro traps are tops.
I don’t know what he got. I said, hi. He literally got up this morning because I had already been up and been working. And I said hi we have ants. And he goes he’s like grunted, he’s like okay, because the mail traps and then he like came upstairs. And he had like Googled how to do like a homemade one. So he like dicked around with that for a minute. And then after he like sent those out and he’s like, Okay, I’m I’m going to ace like I’m not. Not sure why. Okay, he came back with various things. Like, I you know, what is this? I don’t care. This is a good project as long as the ants go the fuck away. Goodbye. Although, I will say we don’t usually have ant problems in our house. Like one of my friends constantly has answered her house. She’ll get rid of them in her kitchen. And then like a week later, they’ll pop up like across the house in her bathroom. Yeah, just like are you kidding me?
Weirdly, we used to get ants at our old house a lot. And when I say old house I mean the brand new house that we built from the ground up. And which makes no sense to me that that would be the kind of house that would try it. But I will say that the taro traps that are like liquid bait. Great. X they work wonderfully because they form a disgusting long line to get the bait and then they take it back to their neck. Oh yeah, I didn’t die. Yeah, I
think that that’s what he must have gotten because he was like, yeah, the smarter ones will like then go back to their nest and then they all like die. Yeah. Together. Yes. Like oh, okay, what else? What else as long as they’re not a thing that our animals or our child can get into? That’s fine.
Yeah, you just have to put them in like the right place. So your pets don’t bother them. Yes, but we’ve never had a problem with it. So
yeah, I mean, Cora is an asshole like this morning. I woke up at like 3am this morning. That was I woke up at 3am today and lay there for like an hour staring at the ceiling. It’s like okay, I’m gonna go downstairs and I’m gonna just because I don’t wanna like Alex up I’ll go downstairs. Turn on Netflix watch and Jane the Virgin hopefully fall back asleep and every time I would like, drift back off to sleep. Cora would come like bunk me on the head. Because like, I hate you. You’re such an asshole.
You’re on the couch. Why aren’t you paying attention to me?
She literally I was like, I just get under the cover lay down and then she would not settle and then she just like yell at me. She had food she had laughs like, I hate you. I should have locked you in the guest room before I came down here you asshole. So animals are amazing. They’re the best. They’re just like why can’t you just always be sweet? Why do you have to like wake me up in the morning and stupid times. bunking? Me on the noggin That is not cool. Your mother? Be nice. Your mother.
She’s probably like, Hey, Ma Hey, Ma. Hey, hey, we have ants. Hey, did you hear it? Did you see Did you see? Did
you see we have Ya know, what’s new with you? What would you like to yell about?
I mean, so many things. So many things. I will just talk about my pet for a minute. I don’t necessarily want to yell out about her, but she is kind of a doofus. And she scratched open something on her head a couple of weeks ago now, and it won’t heal because she keeps scratching this dog go She’s bleeding all the time. She just random injury. Yeah, and
they are random. They’re like, the things that normal no normal dog. Even my dumb dogs have never done these things. And like mystery how you still do like a month and be fine. And then the next month, she’s like, look, I’m on my head, or my paws bleeding or my tails bleeding.
She has not made her tail bleed. I have. I’m very familiar with dogs who have made their tails bleed. She has not done that.
It’s a hard one to wrap to. Yeah.
Yeah, I don’t. I feel like it was a bug bite or something. And she, she got this bump on her head, and then she scratched the bump open. And now it won’t heal. And she did such a good job. Over the past week, she left it alone, probably because last week, I tried to wrap her head like old timey toothpicks. That’s what it reminded me up. And it doesn’t really stay on. But she felt so sad about it. I think that’s why she left her head alone. But then she scratched it this morning. Not all the way a little bit. And I was like, oh, but that scab was like we were doing so good. It’s so good. Oh, and there’s nothing we can really do
about it either. Because you can’t put a BandAid on a dog’s head.
No. And my husband’s like, well, you should take it to the vet and see what they sound like, what are they gonna do, they can
charge me 100 bucks to be like, there’s nothing we can do here,
wrap it in some stuff and do like I could. I could maybe spray some stuff on it. But like, I don’t even know there’s nothing I can really do. I can put a colon on her head. But that won’t help it heal faster either. And then she’s just sad. And my dog when she puts it gets a cone on her head will not
move immediately immobilized. She’s
a statue and she will sit there even if she’s tired and falling asleep. She will just sit there until she basically falls over. Because she thinks even if it’s a soft cone. She has a soft, flexible one. She thinks that she is dying
is extremely traumatic.
It’s the most pathetic thing I’ve ever seen in my life. So ah, yeah.
God bless them. They’re the boss. I love what we’re talking about some like kind of woowoo stuff today. We’re just going to kind of ramble. Yeah, I mean, as we do,
I feel like those are sometimes some of the best ones some of
the see where this goes. Yeah. Yeah, cuz I went to a medium last week and then you this week. We’re like, Have you ever looked into numerology
as you do you to your Meghan’s
or normal question. Well, and I said to you, Well, you could talk about that. And I can talk about going to the medium and you’re like, Well, I don’t really know anything about it. I was like, yeah, right now, but in the next 24 hours, you will have rabbit hold and learned more than I could learn in full week.
I will say I still had don’t really know that much about it because I only started looking stuff up this morning. So really surface level here.
Spine, spine. Where do you would you like to start Megan?
Oh, I mean, either or, I guess we could talk about numerology.
Sure, tell tell me about numerology.
So if you don’t know what numerology is, it is like astrology. But with numbers. Wow. And deep. Well, basically each. Each number means something different. And your birthday means something and your birth year combined with the current year and birth year, the birthday combined with the current year mean something and then your name means something because each letter also corresponds to a number. It’s a lot complicated. It is kind of complicated. And you’re supposed to add up all your numbers like in your name, and then you get a number and you’re supposed to have basically one digit, even though sometimes there are two digits digits. So the reason why I fell into looking at this this week is because my friend posted a thing about it. And apparently may 2022 is like a really big number and numerology because it’s the universal number 11 I believe they said, which makes no sense, because normally you would add the numbers together, but apparently with 11 you don’t add them because 11 is just a really important number.
It What did what did it say? Like? 1122 and 33 are like the only double digit number. Yeah.
Yeah. Something about like, universal. I don’t know. It’s really confusing. It’s like a lot of things happening. It’s like when you look at astrology, and you’re like, Oh, my sun sign is Taurus. And then you’re like, but no, you also have a rising sign. You also have like, Wait, your moon is a high you also have like, all other things. Yes. Yeah. So that’s what kind of happens with numerology, except numerology also depends on like, the day or the month, or like this month right now. But this month apparently is like this whole big month,
the posts that you set says May 2022 is a universal 11 month in numerology is the first number. 11 is the first master number and it represents the master teacher who illuminates repeating wands signify new beginnings and remind you to listen to your intuition. Quick changes are possible with the inspiration of this month’s energy, you’ll need to be decisive yet remain patient, tune into your creative and intuitive nature this month, express yourself authentically on the soul level and you will be rewarded.
Yeah. So there’s a lot there. And then there’s also like, you have your own prediction for the month, based on the day that you were born. So like my birthday, when this episode comes out, actually will be tomorrow, the 11th. And so my birth number is two, because one plus one equals two, I guess. But also, it’s weird because people, people who are ruled by Birth Number two are people born on the second the 11th, the 21st and the 29th. So that doesn’t quite line up necessarily with the way I was thinking with, when you add the numbers. He’s like, the 21st would be three. And then, so I don’t know. I’m just listening to what the other people who apparently know more than me, definitely know more than me.
Supposedly, they haven’t made this up,
right. So I will read this first. Number two is ruled by the moon, the moon is a fast moving planet, these people have mood swings, which is why they’re much more prone to stress and tension. These individuals have a cooperative nature and with a diplomatic mind, they believe in forgiveness and patience. People governed by number two have creative talents, they are fond of art, music and dance. These individuals are friendly with everyone and peaceful. They might not be good leaders with their excellent followers. I don’t know if that’s like half true, I feel like and you’re the 20. I’m the 28th. So you are ruled by number one. And it doesn’t have like a lot of detail for whatever reason for number one just says you’re governed by the sun.
I mean, I’m fiery.
It doesn’t say
that. I mean, that says,
this month will be good for business, you will get new opportunities and your business will grow. Okay, people in jobs will get support from your seniors and you will feel relaxed in your workplace.
I mean, I do good.
But the other thing is that you so I was saying that each person has their own number,
because there’s like a life path number for your entire birthday path number.
Yes. So you add the five and the one and the one and then the one and the nine and the eight and zero and then it comes all together and you make a good number. And so my life path number is seven. Oh, and it says people born with a life path seven are eternal students of the universe. They are introspective individuals with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and they enjoy looking into the inner workings of things. Someone with this life path is a true thinker lifts their mind lead the way pretty much from the moment of birth. They are able to skillfully combine the exact inside of their brain with their divine intuitive side to learn about process and make sense of life itself. The seven life path and numerology is smart in a knowledgeable way yet why is it a spiritual way? People with this life path number enjoy getting book smarts, but they’re also more connected to their higher self than most to have great access to this inner wisdom. While they are spiritual creatures though life path seven people don’t tend to be the religious type. The folk of strict doctrines that don’t make room for new information are turned off to these inquisitive folk. Similar to the hermit and tarot deck, people born with life path number seven often go it alone. They like the freedom of not having to explain themselves and to enjoy the control and possibility of solitude. Their social circle tends to be a small one made up of people with like minded interests, a member may accompany their they may come across to the world as a bit awkward in groups or when meeting new people romantically people with this life path may find it hard to connect on an emotional level with others. They love the part of getting to know someone asking questions and exchanging answers, but often lack the interest or ability to build a heartfelt bought. professions that require research and problem solving skills are perfect for those with life path seven, if given a quiet space to think and work, they’ll dive deeper than anyone into a problem and come up with the most valuable and viable situation. Their analytical powers are off the charts and these skills make them an asset to any project or team.
So if any of you have listened to this podcast for more than 32 seconds, they basically just spied on Meghan, I feel attacked, wrote about it. Like
I know a lot of people when they talk about astronomy, astrology, and probably numerology and the Enneagram. And like all that’s just generalization. I’m like, I don’t understand, like how exactly, well, it’s all of these things. It is really funny.
Because like for you in particular, like you are so much a Taurus, and you are so much this life path number seven, like it’s almost spooky, how exact you are for those things. My life path number is two, apparently, and sort of similar to my astrological signs, like some of it is like pretty accurate, and some of it I’m like. So it says people that were born with a to life path are blessed with beautiful hearts that they use to bring beautiful relationships into their lives. From romantic and business partnerships to family and friendships. These bonds are the most valuable thing in life to a person with a life path to the thriving being part of a team and will do everything in their power to make it a happy, easy and successful union. They are incredibly giving and do well at creating long lasting connections with others. Every action and decision of a person with the life path number two is geared at creating a harmonious existence. For the professional path they choose to who they surround themselves with to their spiritual pursuits. It’s all driven by a desire for peace. To this end, however, two people can be so passive that they miss out on their full potential. Whether this means staying silent about things that upset them or not asking for a raise or promotion to avoid Rocking the Boat People with this life path can suffer from never putting their needs first. The subconscious mind is extremely powerful for a person born with a two life path. They may often just know things about people they meet or be able to sense the undercurrent of a situation before it reveals itself. This level of intuition allows people with a number of life path number life path to to get in front of problems and address them before they start to throw things off balance and relationships the ability to sense what another person is thinking or feeling gives these people on understanding compassionate quality that makes others feel nurtured. I think I was just born maybe on the wrong day.
I mean, I think that’s partially true.
Like some of it is true. So similar to like, again, like some of my astrological signs like pieces of it are true and then pieces of it. I’m like passive, not going to rock the boat. That upset them. I love being part of a team. I’m like
well, there’s also your birthday number, which is just the day.
Oh, sure. Cuz I mean, because like November 28, just to
20 Oh, just not even November. Okay. And it says, an effort to accomplish great things. You recognize the value of working with others, you make a capable and compassionate leader who can bring people together and drive the team toward achievement, which is true.
Yeah. So I guess it’s just like pieces of it.
Yeah. I don’t know. Born on the 11th says, you have a keen awareness of what’s happening around you. A strong intuition is your gift and will help you understand the unspoken feelings, thoughts and fears of others. This insight allows you to be a great guidance supporter.
You’re very intuitive,
but also there was another thing that I was reading on one of these pages that was basically like, your boundless energy and excitement for things and like, Ah, no. I don’t know, excitement, I just don’t know, like sleep.
I mean, you do have boundless excitement for the things that you have, like a passion for. Yes, that is true. But if you’re not interested in the thing,
then I can just I care, I care less than 0% I think it’s interesting. Just like, with anything, like you take, like, bits of it, right and apply it to your life,
I think, take what works and leave the rest unless it’s the Enneagram in which case, we’re going to tell you, you should take all of it, but that’s just the poster child for Enneagram one and poster child for life, it’s fine.
Totally fine. But also like
the Enneagram I feel like it’s just different because it’s not like a determined, like, like this is so based on like, because when you were born that determines I think rice is like, the Enneagram like, there’s so many things that can go which is like really why you’re not supposed to type kids in the Enneagram. Like, you’re supposed to be older before you really start like typing because they come into their personalities and like your personalities develop because of so many different things. Right. And also, like I mean, even though your Enneagram like your core Enneagram number doesn’t change, like the I the goal is that you you know eventually take on the positive aspects of all of the different numbers like if you’re going to reach like the most enlightened state, right? So for me like that makes more sense because it’s not like a static like, Well, you were born on this day. So now you are a passive person who loves group activities, right? I don’t know. Yeah, that’s not to be like astrology numerology are fake, but I just, I have a harder time with that sort of like, it feels more predestination than like, you having the ability to Yeah, ultimately decide whether you want to grow into a better person or not.
And I think for any of them, it’s also all in how you interpret it because I mean, I see plenty of memes on Instagram where people are like, if you are a Taurus, or you’re a five whatever this is, you like your Starbucks drink, are you Oh, yeah, your holiday dish that you like, and people just assign random shit. Yes, I don’t actually think about them. They just totally pick at random Yes. Um, so I was like, that’s not what a Taurus would pay are wrong
correct? Yeah, agree with that? Yeah.
So let’s talk about your medium experience.
Yeah, so continuing deeper into the land of the woowoo Yeah, so I went last Friday with my in laws so they’ve been a couple times to this medium she’s like down in southern middle Oh,
it was a repeat visit. Yes,
but when you so when you book she only had she’s your first name and then she has your phone number I think and that’s like it and you pay in cash. So she like I mean, I suppose she could get online like search your phone number but like I don’t know honestly, it sounds like probably more work than any normal
that I will say as someone who reverse looks up random phone numbers. I like to know who calls me okay. So it doesn’t work as well as it used to like a lot of times now it’s just like you’ll get a hit nails be business at blah blah Right? Like a paid yet access or whatever.
I also think like depending on like, if you’re like Alex and I are on like our father in law’s like business plan. So I think technically if maybe you were to look up our foot like it would come up with like his name maybe? I don’t know. Anyway, it’s a little bit so anyway, so she just says your first name and your phone number and then you pay in cash so she doesn’t know your last name. She doesn’t know like where you live any of that stuff. Um, so they’ve been there before. But then this was this was my first time so my mother in law she was birthday with you which is extremely convenient for me. So he scheduled this as like a early birthday present for her and then it was my in laws myself, our sister in law, and then my husband’s cousin. And so Jeff and Carol have been to this gal twice before but the last time they went was I want to say it was either the either the fall of 2018 or 20. I think it might have been the fall 2019. It was after my mom died because my mom has come through for like Carol before. But it’s been so it’s been a few years since they’ve been. So Jeff really wanted to take Jackie, my sister in law and me because we have a lot of trauma and death. So he wanted us to go. But yeah, we like went in and like she’s just this little like farm wife that lives out in the boonies in like Southern Illinois. And she has like a little it’s like it’s at her house. But it’s not in her house. She has like a little sort of a she shed kind of building that she uses. And yeah, she’s this little like octagonal table, and you just sit there and like, she was like she kind of explained for the three of us that hadn’t been before. Like who she is. And you know that she’s seen like spirits and stuff since she was a kid. And like she was talking about how she was the like, in elementary school be like taking a test and there would just be like a spirit chill next to her. And her I guess on her report card. And like second grade her teacher was said something about like, yeah, Patti is often distracted in class. And she’s like, Yeah, because I see ghosts. Like, of course, I’m distracted. I’ve got dead people like chillin next to me, like what is happening? And it was, but it was kind of funny, because like, she’s, you know, kind of giving us her little like prologue. And then she kind of stops and she was like, up. Yep, they’re already coming in. Like, they were like, the spirits were like, starting to like, kind of show up and like queue up, I guess. And yeah, I don’t know, it was interesting. Because I went in, like, I don’t want to say that I was a full on skeptic, because I very much believe that there is a spiritual realm that we can’t, like, wrap our minds around. And so like, I I fully believe that, like, our loved ones could communicate with us. But it’s not, but you’re also like, okay, but is this like the person that can do it? Right? And so often, I think, like mediums just say, like, super generic things where you’re like, like, you miss this person. And you’re like, Yeah, no shit. Like, I’m like, did you have a grandparent that died? And you’re like, 65 years old? Like, of course, your grandparents are dead? Like, I don’t know, whatever. Yeah. But it was interesting, like, so. Like, Jeff’s grandfather came through first. And he was, I guess, like, sort of holding the door open for everybody else who sort of being the like, chairman of the board of the day, I guess. And then Jackie had a few people come through. And it was interesting, because, like, I’m not going to obviously share like about her stuff, because that’s personal to her. But like, there was definitely a couple of things where the medium was like mentioned something like pretty like not common and Jackie be like, Oh my God, yes. Like one of her one of the people that came through for her died fairly young. And the medium was like, and like we knew that. Like, this person had been sick, but Jackie didn’t say like, how she’d like What illness or whatever she’d had. And
let me medium was like, she keeps showing me her hands. Like she’s really proud of her hands and Jackie, like burst into tears, just like oh, like she was always have really beautiful hands. And then she got sick. And like, they were sort of like, rheumatoid arthritis kind of situation where they get really like, claw like, like, claw like and stuff. And she was, I guess, really, like embarrassed about that and towards the end of her life, but that’s like, not necessarily, like that’s not necessarily like a super common thing to just be like, she showed me her hands. That’s gonna mean something to you. So like, that was I was like, that’s interesting. Um, so there’s like a few things like that was like, I was like, No, that’s not like a just a super generic common thing to say and be like, yes, that’s gonna resonate. And then The since you turned to me first my mom did not come through for me first. This apparently, we have a very kind grandmotherly spirit that lives in our house. According to this medium, okay. And because she was like, she was like did to her grandmother that like didn’t like English wasn’t her first language. I was like no. And she was like, Do you live in a really old house? I was like, Yeah. And she was like asking me things about the house and like, who lives there? Like, I think she was trying to figure out like, did I was there somebody besides like, my husband and daughter and I live in our house? And I was like, no. She was like, I was like, Are you about to tell me my house is haunted. And she was like, I mean, not exactly. I was like, she’s like this. She’s like, the spirit is really connected to your house. But she’s, like, very protective of you. And so she was like, she’s like, she has a very long, like, it’s her English is not her first language. She was like, possibly one of the builders of the house. Like look into it. Her name is like really long and complicated, but she shortened it and went by like Betty or something like that. So we’re just calling her like, grandma. She’s like, she’s, like, very protective of you. And like, watches over is very kindly and if you don’t want her to, like, appear and freak you out, just say no, thank you, Grandma Betty. Okay.
I mean, I feel like that kind of thing, though, is like super generic. And like, she could just be like, I know, I was I was more fishing, where I was like, oh, there’s a really old lady in your life, isn’t there? Like,
right? And I’m like, No, I’m like, so that was it. I was like, that’s weird. Like, I don’t know, I had we haven’t looked at like the house records or whatever to be like,
well, especially because like, she knows, like, I know, she doesn’t like necessarily know anything about you. But she knows that like you live in Illinois. Like there’s a lot of old houses in Illinois, like,
I don’t know, or like, even if you live in a new house, there could have been something there before. Like, yeah, so I was like, okay, like, Okay, grandma, Betty. And so then my mom came through and there was a couple things that I mean, there was definitely should toggle it. There’s some like kind of more generic things that she was saying. Although the minute she said, your mom, I just like burst into tears. So whatever. I just cried for like a solid 40 minutes straight. And the weirdest thing though, was like, she like she was talking and she goes who just bought for like sand timer. Hourglass. I was like I did like two weeks ago. I was like, at IKEA with my friend Megan. And we bought our glasses. And I just like sits on my desk like in front of my computer. But that was that was she was like, Oh yeah, she was there. Like she saw you by that. She was like there with you that day or whatever. And it was a really fun day or whatever. And it was like, that did seem like a really strange thing to just say out of nowhere. Yeah. Because like, who is 30 years old and buys an hourglass for shipping? Besides us, um, so I that was the one I was like, No, that I just bought an hourglass. It’s like weird.
Yeah, that’s like really specific. It was very
specific. So that like, did you just go grocery shopping?
Do you buy a pair of new shoes sees bananas?
New swimsuit? Like I don’t know, like, I don’t know. It was very, I was very specific. And then. So I think I’ve talked on here before. My mom’s best friend Sheila. Hi, Sheila. And she. My mom visits her in her dreams all the time. And like, and it is like, it’s not just like, she dreams about my mom. Like, my mom is visiting her. Like, my mom is dead. She’s visiting Sheila. She like talks to her. She asks her questions like whatever. And like she’s told me about, like about this a lot. And there was a couple times where like, the medium said things almost word for word that Sheila has told me from her dreams with my mom. And I was like, and like one of them was so recently she she like all and she was like telling me about this dream that she had. And then she was like, Oh, like this and this was like a week and a half ago. We had this conversation and she’s like, Oh yeah, like you forgetting to tell you have this recurring dream where your mom and I and a couple of our sorority girl sorority sisters are back at school and like we’re visiting the fine Muse and like we’re, we’re not supposed to we are now we are older than you know when we were in school and And we always make your mom be the designated driver. Because she dead people can’t get drunk. And at one point when this was not when she was talking about my mom, but when she was talking about when a Jackie’s people, she was talking about like, oh, he just cracked open a beer. And then she was like, she’s like, they often will, like, enjoy whatever they enjoyed on Earth. She’s like, because dead people can’t get drunk. And I was like
that’s not a normal thing to say. It’s like, I don’t know, there was a couple things like that. I was like, I was like, either like, word for word things. Sheila has said, like, from my mom visiting her or, like, super, super similar. So that was really, that was kind of interesting. And it’s one of those things. I was talking to my therapist about this yesterday. I was like, cuz she was like, how, like, she was very much like, you know, like, how do you how do you feel? And I was like, Well, I was like, That day, I was just so emotionally drained, like, super emotionally. I mean, I cried for like, 40 minutes straight. But then just, I was so just drained. And then the next day, like, I definitely felt better. But I was still, like, kind of bouncing back. And I was like, I was like, I definitely feel good. Like, there was just stuff that she said, like I said, I think I needed to hear. And so, like, part of me is like, I don’t know, if it was fully real, but also there were things about it that did feel like my mom very much. Yeah, or like specific things. Like she brought up. She brought up like, or like we’re validating of like she brought up like, it’s okay to be angry. And like, she brought up some other things that were like, very specific. And I was like, Okay, so there was like, a couple of like, really specific things where I was like, I don’t know, it’s one of those things where like, is it a placebo thing? I don’t know. But I do feel. There were just things where I was like, she does see me and she does. She is she does visit me and she is watching us and she sees Eden and she, you know, said that Eden will know her and you know, stuff like that. And like, yes, that could just be generic. Whatever. Yeah. But it also, I don’t know, it felt good to hear those things. And I don’t know also, and also, just like, the similarities between that and some of the stuff that like Sheila has said from her dreams also sort of validated like Sheila’s dreams for me. Of like, Yes, she is like talking to my mom, and my mom is visiting her, and why the bitch doesn’t come visit me. Mom, I love you. Um, but also, please come visit me. Um, so I don’t know, it was it was really, it was a very odd experience. But it was I mean, it certainly wasn’t a bad one. Yeah, I don’t know. It was interesting.
I think. I feel like you bring like, that’s a lot of so many good points about it. In general, I think that you bring up with that where it’s not just like, like, I think it’s interesting that you are at you’re both like I I believe in what happened, but also, like, in a way I don’t kind of thing, right? Because I think when you nonsterile like you kind of went just because like you thought it was interesting and right, your mother and that was going anyway. And part of that. So it wasn’t necessarily that you went into it. Purposefully seeking answers or anything like that, where a lot of people do, I think, right. But I do think anyone who goes to medium for whatever reason that they think on the surface, like you’re always kind of like looking for something. Yes. So on the one hand, like, whatever she was saying, whether or not it was very specific to you, like I think people automatically associate extra meaning to it because they want they like shading. Yeah. So I think that’s part of the reason why when people when mediums are like, Oh yeah, I I see a man with dark hair and people are like, my father is like because they want like that connection. Yes.
So well, and it’s funny because like at first she was like, there’s like a grandfatherly figure as a J initial and like I was like that is my that is Jim poor my grandpa coming through. No, thank you. Thanks. I was like, Grandpa, I’m not interested. Talking to you at this particular moment in my life
yeah, I don’t know. Oh, one of the other things you said about my mom, she was like she says she changes her hair a lot. And like my, I was like, Oh, she hated her hair. Like she had read my mom really curly hair. And she never knew what to do with it. She always used to say, Oh, well, you know, in heaven, you’re perfect. So I’ll have straight hair, I’ll have great hair. And so like, that was kind of funny that she was like, she changes or she just changes her hair a lot. And I was like, Oh, well, she, if she had the ability, she probably would, she never could. Like, she just always was like, had this very curly hair. She didn’t know what to do it. And so she was stuck with like, very specific hairstyles that she sometimes like, but mostly sort of ambivalent about. So I was like, maybe she is up there just being like, Look at me. Like, I don’t know. So, you know, sort of a nice thing to think about. But you know, just like for Jackie to think about her loved one, like, being healed and like her hands being healed and be Yeah, on her hands again. Like that was super, super comforting, comforting for her. Yeah. And so, you know, gave her definitely I know, that gave her a sense of peace. So, I don’t know. It was it was interesting.
Yeah, I don’t think for the most part, I don’t think it is harmful. Yeah. So I think it’s I don’t know that I would ever go myself.
Yeah. Well, it’s interesting. It’s really interesting. I was like, talking to I was, again, I was talking to my therapist about it yesterday. And, like, one of the things and actually didn’t even tell, I didn’t even tell my therapist this. But like, one of the things that the medium brought up was like, my mom was saying, like, you know, keep my memories alive, like, you know, write down your memories and have me and you know, whatnot. And then my therapist was like, basically saying the same thing. And then she was like, Oh, you also you mentioned like, you restarted your food blog, like, Tell me about that. And I was saying, and then I was like, Oh, yeah. And I was like, Yeah, I’ve kind of like, I’m really focusing on like, the memories we make around food and our family recipes. And she was like, and justice just looks at me. She goes, I’m sorry. Are you about to tell me that this is all a coincidence. Okay. Point taken Genesis. I don’t know. Like, again, there’s a there’s a level of like, I debt, like, again, like I believe there’s a spiritual realm, I believe, like this why I haven’t really hard like a camp. I do have a hard time with like, ghosty things because I definitely believe like there’s a spiritual realm. And like, it only makes sense that they could communicate with us. But I also know that like, there’s a lot of people out there who are Grifters. So, right, you know, I don’t know. Right? Take with again, sort of like with what we were just saying, like, take what works and leave the rest. Like, yeah, did this bring me a sense of peace? Yeah, I think so. Do I totally know what to do with it yet? No, but I don’t know that I need to know, immediately, right? Because, because my therapist was that she was like, you know, when you feel like you’re going to do with this? And I was like I don’t know yet because that’s okay. She’s like, there’s not like a timeline on it. I’m gonna sit with it and suddenly marinate on it for a while. So yeah, that was my experience of going into the medium.
Now, you’re gonna become a medium addict, and you’re gonna go all
I’m gonna travel the country. Compare my experiences at the media if I need answers. Yeah, so I don’t know. It was a, it was interesting. Cool. Because then the then the medium segment, like, can I see yada, yada, yada? And then you’re like, are you just unstable? Or do you? I don’t know. It was really interesting. The other thing I thought was really interesting about her is that she is a Christian. And like, she still like goes to church and she was a preacher’s kid or whatever. Like, and that was and like, she grew up, her family’s Catholic and then the other part of her family was the actually the same church that I grew up in. Not the exact same building like same. Yeah, whatever. Church umbrella that I grew up in. And I thought that was really interesting, because in the Pentecostal church, like, mediums are like, no, no. And so it was interesting to me. How she kind of married the two things like she wasn’t like pushy. Do you know, I mean, it did look a little bit like Hobby Lobby had thrown up all over her, she shed. But she certainly wasn’t like pushy about her face, she was very much like, you know, you know, again, like, this is how I talk about it. And this is how I make sense of a lot of these things may not be how you think of them or make sense of them. But that was it was interesting to me that she has found this like, space, sort of both and space. Yeah, of like, how it is an act of faith and, you know, spiritual thing for her. Even though in a lot of ways, it could be seen as like, Oh, no. recording with the devil,
right? Dead people. Yeah. Although you would think that that would be a good thing.
Well, you know, and like, I, my therapist is, she’s a Christian and similar to the medium she, she’s, if you are a person of faith, and she will kind of bring that into some of the conversations that you have in therapy. And if not, then she’s certainly not pushy about it. But she knows that I, you know, have deconstructed, but that I still, you know, believe in a lot of things. And she was like, you know, I think that like, God, as you know, this spirit, however you want to think of God knows what we need. And so why wouldn’t he, she, they allow us to have this experience, right? If it’s healing to us, and it brings peace to us. I was like, That makes total sense. So I thought that was also an interesting way that she looked at that. Yeah. Like yeah, if if this is if God is who we believe he or she they to be. I am constantly evolving my thoughts of God and really think God is non binary. But anyway, that’s a whole nother rabbit hole. That and they you know, if we believe that, okay, we get, you know, the desires of our heart. We need. They know we need something, to feel at peace, to heal, to be able to move forward in our lives. Why wouldn’t we be allowed to have that experience to heal or hear from our loved ones to hear that they’re okay to hear that they’re with us? And they see us? Yeah. So anyway, there you go. There’s the woowoo for
you. Next week, we’ll talk about why birds aren’t real. We’re not talking about
that is apparently a real conspiracy and we still don’t understand why. It just seems like so much work.
To make birds not real, would be a lot of work
like fake birds. Why?
Also there would have to be so many people working on this birds not real situation where you’d have to end up knowing somebody who really like your job is really helping keep people from knowing the birds aren’t real, but
also like they’re like robotic spy birds, right? This is the
like 5g Bird, right?
Okay, so like new technology, and worse have existed. Dinosaurs were basically just burnt rubbers or dinosaurs they’re one in the same as question and so like did at one point they just in the middle of the night when no one is looking just murder all of the real birds and then replace them with these robot birds?
I think maybe that’s what they’re saying is that birds aren’t real because all of the actual birds are dead. Wow, they’re all robots like in Westworld. Oh, okay, now
we can’t be trusted
Lord. Don’t drink during this podcast.
Just occasionally take an animal not this time though. That was recorded. Those are completely sober thoughts. One of these days maybe we will record while we’re high and that will really be a special time.
I have to edit it later and be like what happened?
i There have been a couple of times. So I’ve taken an elbow like before we start recording and then it started kicking in at the end and I was like, sound normal. Anyway
Stephie what is bringing you joy this week?
Um, I Well, I ordered your birthday present and I’m really it’s very cute and I’m very I hope you like it. I’m very excited about it. I also so there was a sale on HANA Anderson, which is like kind of bougie baby clothes. And I there’s like two I wouldn’t there too specific to just for me to purchase for my child. But they were all like half off and I was like, Oh cute pajamas. And they have these cute mom and me You outfits. And so we’re gonna do family pictures like later in the summer at the end of the summer and so on might have bought us cute little matching dresses that have like citrus on them. And I’m very excited about it to make it very happy.
Did you already prep your husband for the fact that you were having family pictures? Because he hates family picture?
Oh, no, I’m just going to tell him that this is what’s happening. And you know, because we’re going to do it with Taylor and Jasper and Avery again. Because Kathleen is going to be in Chicago, and so we’re gonna in, like, over like Labor Day weekend. So we’ll go up there and kind of meet them, like in Chicago and do the pictures or whatever. No, but he does have several months to like, get used to the idea and also figure out what he’s doing with his hair.
he’ll, he’ll forget.
I’ll just have to yell at him. Every day, the month beforehand, it’s fine. It’ll be
a tense, tense morning the Predmore house.
Yes, it will be i But you know what Tough shit. He was get used to it. I just find.
Yeah. We don’t do family pictures every year.
I don’t think as the kids get older that we would probably we probably won’t do them every year as the kids get older. Because they change less.
Yeah, I mean, we didn’t really do them when they were we did them when Max was little. But we never really did found pictures when we just had wreaths. Yeah. Like we would do like a, like I would set up like a Christmas photo with the three of us. Right. But yeah, we didn’t really do them. I don’t know if it was as big as that of a thing. Yeah. When Reese was little as it is now where everyone does it all the time. Yeah.
Well, like I even look at like, our pictures from like, last summer and the garden has changed so much. I’m like, okay, like I just an Avery has to I’m like, okay, like, while they’re this little in this cute. Like, I do want to just like get especially? Well, I think especially because like, you know, the sisters don’t live together. Like having family pictures of the whole, our whole little family is really nice. But yeah, I would I would I do it every single year if it was just the three of us. I don’t know. But when you add the birth family thing into it, yeah, it like adds a different dynamic. And then I death because there’s things I definitely do. Because of the adoption and the and the open adoption that I probably wouldn’t do if I had a bio kid to be too lazy. I’d be like, I don’t care. Like, there’s stuff I want to do like to preserve for her birth family. So yeah, you know, anyway, that’s that, what’s bringing you joy.
So my younger son goes to a low income school. And apparently they have this program through, I believe, it’s like through scholastic see through the school through Scholastic, I’m not quite sure exactly where to get started, or how you could sign up because I’d love to refer people to it to have them sign up. Where usually, you know, older, like grandma type, age people send books to kids in schools, and they write little notes to them. And it’s so sweet. A couple of weeks ago, Max come home with a book and he was telling me like a cute little tote bag for his books. And he was telling us about it. And he had a letter from the lady who like had given him the books and it was really nice. And then yesterday, he came home with us stack of books. Oh, wow. Sent him it was like separate from the school as to one I guess. I guess they can just send books whenever they want. Yeah. She sent him like, a book pen pal, like five books in a series, I guess. So he has like a huge stack of books to read now and so cute. And I’m like, I want to write back to her. And I
don’t know how, like, I want to be a little book pen pal.
I know. It’s so cute. And I hope that everybody else that’s all yo kids that are like getting to participate. I hope they like get as much out of it as Mexico’s because he was like
he Yeah, he I love three. Yes, I was here when he brought home that one book. He was really excited about it. Yeah, I wonder if you like, reach out to the teacher. And you’re like, if I wrote a note, can you like pass it along to?
Yeah, I think that’s I’m gonna do it’s also like, as we’re recording a teacher appreciation week, so I need to write her a note anyway. Yeah. So I think I’ll also be like, Oh, can we please tell this lovely lady like how sweet so cute. Also, I would love to send books to children at books, right? Like, how do I do this? Right. So I’m sure there’s probably more than one program out there. But um, yeah, I think it’s a really cool program. And it’s awesome. It’s really cute to see him get really excited about like, these are my books from I don’t want to like necessarily say your name. So it’s like these are my books from Look woman, grandma, Betty, Grandma Betty. Grandma Sue.
I love it. Very,
very sweet.
That’s That’s adorable. Books. Yay. That makes me happy too. Until next time, leave us a review on Apple podcasts and listen to us on your favorite platform. You can also follow us on social media at IRS AI podcast or send us an email at I’d rather stay in podcast@gmail.com We’d love to hear from you.
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