Hello! Welcome to episode 83 of I’d Rather Stay In. This week, we’re celebrating our second podcasting anniversary!
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Welcome to I’d rather stay in with your hosts Megan Myers and Stephie Predmore. This week, it’s our second anniversary.
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good evening. Stephie How are you? I am good.
I’m going to say that there’s something that no one tells you about having a sick kid. Specifically a sick little kid. I don’t know about sick big kids, but a sick little kid. So everybody tells you like how heart wrenching it is when they’re sick. That’s totally true. And that, you know, they’re just so pitiful and they just want to snuggle, and like watch TV or movie or whatever. also true. But what no one fucking tells you is that the minute they start to feel better. It’s like they’re like, Oh, shit. I just spent a day and a half not doing a lot. And now I have to make up for it and be extra bananas. And all over the place.
Oh, yeah. I just thought you would have understood that from like naptime.
No, apparently, that’s not occurred to me that once she started to feel better Eden has an ear infection and that as soon as the antibiotics started to kick in it, she started to feel better, that she wouldn’t just go back to like her normal speed. She’ll go to her normal speed plus 15. Because, you know, we just wasted a day feeling like crap. So now we have to be extra, like, all over the place.
Oh, yeah. The worst part is when they’re sick, but like, aren’t acting sick? Yeah. So then you have to like figure out what to do with them. Because you can’t take them anywhere. And they don’t want to do the normal calm, quiet. You’re sick activities. And they’re still bonkers. Crazy. And that’s not fun.
Like, oh my god, trapped here with you.
Yeah. And then when they’re older and sick, then it’s no fun because then they’re hate cranky? Yeah. Because then they can express all their feelings with words and stuff. So that makes it not great, either. But luckily, in my case, at least, we got all of our sicknesses like front loaded. Oh, that’s so my boys don’t get sick too often now.
That’s good. That’s Yeah, yeah, this is the first time she’s been sick. Because like, she has not been anywhere really outside of the house for the first 18 months of her life. And so she started daycare and was like, Alright, let’s just do this. Let’s get sick. Let’s have an ear infection. Let’s have to have my first COVID test. Let’s do it. Let’s go.
Yeah, I mean, daycare is just a just says
petri dish
full of nonsense.
But then they come home and they like cough in your mouth. And you’re like, Okay,
cool. Great. Yeah, that was part of our issue. Is that like, even if they don’t get sick, they hopefully will pass it on to you. So nice. Yeah, we like I feel like I got sick away more often. The like Max did when he was taking.
Like, we’d like to encourage sharing, but not that kind of like that is not Yeah,
Unknown Speaker
no, yeah.
So speaking of your boys, how school going for them?
It’s going pretty good. You know, they’re getting their bearings, figuring out what’s going on. what’s what. I will say that the dog is very upset. Oh, she’s tired. She was so sad. As soon as as soon as the boys both leave, they leave. There’s their school starts about an hour apart. So when leaves and then an hour later, another one leaves. And as soon as they’re both gone. She’s just so sad. And I think I think that she doesn’t like that we’re getting up really early now.
Well, no, that dog loves Come back to bed sleep.
She loves to come back to bed. So she’s very upset that like, we are now like getting up at 630 and going about our day instead of getting up and maybe letting her out and then going back to sleep like this morning, Bob got up and he like went out stairs and took care of the cat and was doing all the things and she just did knock it up. Like No, mom is still here. I’m just gonna stay in bed. I don’t I don’t have to pee. I’ll be fine.
Anya does that sometimes?
Yeah, she was just no.
Yeah, I do. We’ll just like because Royce will get up with me. But while the morning like, especially the morning, so I get up a little earlier. And I because I have to wash my hair or I have to take it into daycare or whatever. Like Anya. She’ll like, open her eyes. And she’s like, look at me. And then she’ll be like, No, no, thank you. That’s just like, put her head back down and go back to. I’m like, Okay, fine.
She will almost always get up if I’m the one that gets up first, because she is follows me around the house. Right? But she’s not happy about it.
I need to keep an eye on you. In case you still fighting. Mm hmm. But I’d really rather you just went back to bed.
Yeah, she’ll just go and lay on the couch and fall asleep immediately. And then as soon as the boys come home, she is like, perked up, she picks up all of her toys out of her basket starts throwing them around the living room. So happy. So clearly, is affected by the school schedule as well. But I think she also secretly likes the fact that she can just sleep all day.
I mean, you know, we can there can be pros and cons. That’s fair. That’s fair. Yeah. Well, Megan, it’s our birthday.
Is our birthday. I was gonna, like, have some something fancy to drink, and
I got water. I was gonna say I have my big jug of water. She likes to party. Cheers. Our big jugs of water across town. Yeah, so it’s kind of actually bananas that we’ve been doing this for two full years. Now. This is Episode 83. And we’ve had a few minisodes in there. So we’ve had probably we’ve recorded. So I’d say that’s like 88 episodes, essentially that we recorded.
Just kind of Yeah, I guess so. It just feels like a lot. Like it feels like a lot but also like the time between last year and this year, obviously was just like weird. You know, sacred timeline messed up situation. Yes. So it feels like it has not been a year. It Right. I’m like,
Oh, wait, it’s been a year and like, Oh, wait, we’re not that far away from having 100 episodes. Yeah. Which is especially bananas.
I mean, 2022 is like, mere moments away.
Miracle moments away. I it is. I mean, truly, I’m having over here like, wait a second what is happening? So we like to take a take a little bit when it’s our anniversary, and just reflect on the year and reflect on our time recording this podcast. And you know, just thank all of our listeners who keep coming back and for sometimes reasons unknown, continue to listen to us. Yeah, I
mean, like you and I do not do this with like a real agenda in mind. We’re not trying to be like the next big podcast stars or anything. We just do it because it’s fun. And we like talking to people. Yep. So anybody that listens is like an extra bonus. I feel like
it really is. I was thinking about that earlier. Before I came up to record is that one of the things I mean, there’s a lot of things I like about doing this podcast, but one of the things I like best is the fact that we have kept it very chill very like Loki. It’s it’s still a hobby for us. And it’s still fun to do two years later. And like Sure, there are some nights where I’m like, Oh crap, gotta go record I’m like really tired or my brain is not really fully connected. But invariably by the time we start recording and then like we do the episode like I’ve always had fun record. Oh,
yeah, it’s totally anytime where it’s where it’s the middle of the day and I’m like, oh, Tuesday It has nothing to do with like, the actual conversation. I’m not like, Oh my god, I have to talk to Stephie after record with to interview somebody, oh, it’s not that it’s more just like general malaise of life.
Yes. But God, I have to sound coherent, right?
Like I, I genuinely enjoy every single person that we talk to.
They’re amazing. Our guests are the best. So I actually asked on our Instagram last night, I asked folks to tell us, like, what is their? Why do they listen? What’s been their favorite episode? Like, what does the podcast mean to them? And I wanted to share I haven’t shared these answers with you yet. So I wanted to share some of the responses we got because some of them were like really touching. And Bethany said, I feel it. She said that she likes that it feels like she’s chatting with her friends. Like just listening feels like she’s hanging out with her friends, which I’ve had multiple people, like, text me and say, I love listening, because it feels like I’m just hanging out with my girlfriends. And she also said that when she was a guest, it was fun and not overwhelming at all. I know that she was like, nervous that she was like, it was not gonna she wasn’t gonna be perfect, or like, say the perfect thing or whatever. And she was like, Oh, no, it was actually really, really fun.
You guys, we’ve had so many guests when right before we started recording, and they’re like, I’m so nervous. I don’t want to mess up. I’m so so concerned about doing the right thing. And like, you guys have no idea how much of a hot mess we are constant constant, weekly basis. For this.
It honestly,
we just set back that we’ve been doing this for two years has not changed any of that. We’re not we’re slightly more organized.
But only my only buys a very, very small margin.
Like we got dogs barking in the background, my cat yelling and wandering around. Sometimes my kids bargin
knows what’s gonna happen. We’re lucky if I’m wearing pants most of the time. It’s just there’s just a lot happening,
you know, like this. There’s things that happen. It’s just life. We are not professional.
We are not professionals at all. Um, Kathleen said she really loved the episode on divorce that we had with our friend Megan, that that was she said it was really good and thought provoking. I really loved that interview. That was a that was a really, really good interview. And she also really, and Kathleen said she also really loved being a guest on the episode about changing careers. And that because it really made her like think about her journey and a whole new way. So I liked that. That episode. Like not only was it great for listeners, but it was great for our guests like it also made her think about things. That’s cool. Yeah, are they said that she loves just how many topics we’ve covered. She knows how much work it is. And she’s just amazing. She also is a big fan of the episode where we interviewed your son, Reese. And it was so fun hearing about to quote her. It was so fun hearing about Z’s from z. So Gen Z from a Gen Z. And she also adored this the episode where we dragged cats the musical and which Taylor had the exact same to as her favorite episodes. Really? Yeah, so she says because she’s listened to all of them. And she she loves anything that she’s so Taylor is Eden’s birth mom. She loves anything to do with our journey. She also loves anytime we talk about skincare or with Ade because she she says she’s just a joy to listen to, because she’s so passionate about it and actually inspired me to care more about my skin. She said she loves the episode with Reese because it just cracked her up. And he’s hilarious. And she said and when you were talking about our cats, the musical experience being high and then you explaining to them that I told you Peppa Pig looks like a penis. You’re welcome.
I will have to tell Reese because or maybe he’ll listen to this episode and hear those words himself. He’s been begging to come back. So well see by popular demand, we
may we may be bringing him back half to do it. And then we had two people tell me that their favorite words the Costco episode, and Susannah says that she actually listened to the Costco episode while she was taking her first trip to Costco and she would like a part two slash holiday version capex
Oh man, what I would love to do for a holiday version though would actually be to go to like all the
Oh all these all these like good holiday crazy
holiday stuff we don’t have a Trader Joe’s here otherwise it would be Trader Joe’s totally. But like the Costco holiday stuff is okay. But it’s not that different from what they normally have aside from like the insane toy section true. You know, like everything else is pretty much the same but all they get some weird as shit. Yeah.
Yeah, well, we’ll put that we’ll put that on there on the radar on the schedule. And then Caleb said, This podcast is a warm hug for my friends. So I have not yet not met Megan in person yet. She has shown to be just as loving, inspirational and wonderful as Stephie, who I’ve called a very dear friend for many years now. My favorite. I know he like made me cry. My favorite episode was the Costco episode. I know I’m going to be called old for this. She said. I love you both so much. And happy second anniversary. So I just loved those little messages. That’s so sweet. I know.
Unfortunately, Nashville won’t be on the way for our little road trip. But it will otherwise say stop by. Um, yeah, I think you get to a certain point in your life where Costco is very exciting. And I’m happy to share that with other people.
It’s, it’s kind of hard to be when you can like, get a huge pack of toilet paper and a bunch of cheese and a bunch of wine. And like, allergy meds all in the same trip.
You know what? Okay, so you brought it you brought it up? You said the words we have to talk about it. Gonna get to derail us for a minute here. But we got to talk about the toilet paper.
Oh my god. Yeah. Okay, it took me a second, guys.
Okay, so,
so we we get the same toilet paper when we go to Costco, it’s the Charmin ultra soft and this time when we got the toilet paper, the like the perforations between the squares. It’s not just like a normal, just straight perforation. It’s like a scalloped edge now.
He has like a little like a like a wave. Yeah, so scallop or wave or I just don’t i don’t really understand why. First of all, the thing that I cannot get over is the amount of time and money and manpower that went into this decision. To make scalped edge toilet paper,
I so Okay, so I just, I I just googled sharmin scalp edge toilet paper to see what people are saying about it. And like even even without even clicking on anything I can like see shopping reviews for people. One says I recently discovered these scalloped edges and loved the idea they tear better and it makes me feel like I’m at a fancy hotel or resort Good job Charmin
to location First of all,
they do not tear but I don’t think they tear better. I think it’s worse I say they tear worse. Somebody says my last package had pretty sculpt edges but not this current package. A nice detail and hope it is a permanent thing. Here’s one hold on I have to click through to see the full thing because it cuts off and I’m I have questions. So Oh, this multiple people are really loving the wavy edge. Please keep the wavy slash scalloped edge TP What a great idea. Give my regards to the genius who came up with this.
Unknown Speaker
I just
Unknown Speaker
okay, so I grew up very close to the headquarters of Kimberly Clark. So a lot of the parents of the kids I went to school with worked for Kimberly Clark, Kimberly Clark makes Kleenex and tampons and paper towels and all of those things. I don’t think they make Sharman but they do make toilet paper. And I’m just picturing
somebody’s dad in the lab. Trying out do Like what’s the correct wave shape to make this like the perfect so
the gala so a lot of these are actually refused from like two years ago so it looks like maybe discontinued it and then now have brought it back because somebody says from two years ago okay I love this tip with a scalp edges went back to get more and could not find it three exclamation points finally found it and purchased it and now it no longer has to scout edges Why? Why would you stop the best feature about this tip everyone obviously loves this please bring this feature back
the best feature like I feel the best feature about toilet paper is its ability to clean my butt because that is what it’s there for.
So there are like so many years there are oh so many reviews of people that are like why did you take away this count edges? Like this is this is I
okay, clearly we’re not the target market for it. I guess we’re not I
Well, I’m trying to find here we go. I was so surprised excited to see scout edges on my chart on my Sharman sadly, I can’t find it anymore. So I’m left holding on to the one single square that I keep as proof that I experienced the original scallop edge TP game changer. I need skill.
I need scalp edge toilet paper in my life. More please to x.
Unknown Speaker
It’s titled The first review. It’s titled scalloped edges dot that dot boom.
Do you think that the person who invented the scallop edge white paper is like like they’re really stoked about the fact that they came up with the scalloped edge or like it was just totally a throwaway thing and they’re just like, That’s the dumbest thing I have done at this job.
I don’t know but I really like it got a good bonus because like apparently people are updating their absolute no pun intended loser their absolute shit. This lady
You know what, though? Whatever makes you happy. You know, we all need joy in life. And if it makes you happy every time you go to the bathroom. more power to you.
Oh my god. Well. That review Oh, man, that might have been my joy for the week. My god. Oh, okay. So anyway, we went down that rabbit hole. This if guys honestly, we need to know if you
we had to talk about it. I’ve been thinking about it for weeks.
So if you have purchased the charmin scalloped edge toilet paper and you have feelings pro or con, we we are we are whatever. I mean, I need to know, we have a lot of toilet paper opinions in our family. And it was really, almost disasterous. Last year, when all the toilet paper shortages were going on, I mean for a number of reasons. But specifically, because we first of all, we do not buy single ply toilet paper, that’s just a waste of money. Second of all, like we very specifically purchase Sharman, or Quilted Northern. And there are a few times when all the shortages first hit that my husband, God bless him, went to the store could only find Angel soft. And he refuses to buy Angel soft because he’s a folder and not a Crumpler. And when he folds, the lines in ANGEL soft, go the same way as the wiping and he feels like he doesn’t get as clean. And so he refuses to buy Angel soft.
But what does he think of the scalloped edges?
He has not mentioned the scalped edges to me, maybe you know what, I’ll text him now as we’re recording and see what he thinks. He must have big negative feelings about it because I 100% would have heard about it.
Oh, yeah. He’s not a man. He keeps his opinions to himself. No, absolutely is not. Those are all very nice comments. So I love that
I know, I just want some warm fuzzies. So thank you guys for listening. And thank you for being here with us as we, you know, talk about things like the edges on our toilet paper and our big feelings and all of those things. Megan, what will tell me what has been your favorite episode that we’ve recorded this year? Oh my gosh.
I’m so many good episodes.
That’s a really good episode. So
I’m looking at our list. Okay, I had to pull it up to. Um, so I really liked both of our episodes with brandy, she cracks me up. Oh my gosh, she talked to she always says really good insights, I think about whatever we’re talking about. I just, I love Brady so much. I don’t think she knows how much I really love her.
But Brandi, we really really love you.
She is a joy and a delight. And I wish I could hang out with her more. I also really enjoyed talking to Tony. Hmm, I thought that was really interesting to learn about opening small business. And I really love the like the message that she has for her store. Her goals and what she’s doing with it and stuff. And it’s it’s fun watching like what she’s been doing with it lately, too. She’s making some changes with how it looks. And whenever she gets new products and stuff. It’s pretty exciting. So I love that. And then I also just I feel like I’m gonna list like all these episodes. I really enjoyed talking with Mari about being a teacher during COVID. Especially having kids who had to do remote school last year. But hearing from her like how well, the kids actually did. I know that’s not the case for all the kids that were doing it but like it actually. I feel like it didn’t go as bad as a lot of parents kind of made it out to be. Yeah, based on what she was saying. And I think it’s always good to hear from teachers directly about what they’re going through. Because usually, you know, the knee jerk reaction is kind of be like, well, teachers didn’t do this. And their teachers are doing this rare and we kind of just automatically point fingers at teachers when most of the time they do not deserve that treatment. Yeah, so I thought that was nice. And then I also really loved talking about cats with Caleb, and the lead up to tagging my cats, which was us watching cats. Like a two parter
after we had as he put it rolled in the catnip.
That’s so funny. Yeah, they’re all they’re all great episodes. And then, of course, talking with audio about the Olympics. Like we could talk. We could literally just have it on every week, and we could talk about being different.
Yeah, I just really loved our crossover episode we did with her podcast five tree Christmas, where we Yeah, that was super, super fun.
I was only going back to January.
Well, I know. I was like, Oh, well, I guess technically a full year would go have gone back to September. So yeah, gosh. Yeah. I also love the two episodes we’ve done with Chloe. I feel like I learned a ton during those episodes. I feel like she just always teaches me something about finance and keeping my shit in order. So does have been super super fun. I also really enjoyed freaking everyone out by how much I dislike Halloween.
Like everyone were really shocked
people were people were fucking shocked. They were like, What is wrong with you?
I mean, we will we will keep checking in through. You know, however many years this podcast goes as Eden gets older and you are forced to confront holloween head on.
Unknown Speaker
Maybe it’ll change. Let’s see.
We’ll see. We’ll see. Yeah, and I i said before i really i really enjoyed the interview we did with Megan about her experience with divorce. I thought Like, she did such a good job in that episode of like talking about her part of the story without telling her ex husband’s story, like she was so respectful of him and his family and their story, while still sharing her experiences, which is just something that I, I really, really respect. So yeah, I it’s really hard to just pick a few favorites. But those are those are some that I I particularly enjoyed. So. Yay.
I also do like the episodes that we do without guests, but guests episodes are just always really fun.
They are they are i i just i think that the we we know some really cool people. So it’s just fun to get to talk to them. And like some of these, like some people, a lot of the friends that we have on there like friends or you know, people we know in the community and like we a lot of times we know them in one setting, and we get to talk to them on the podcast about something totally different. And we get to learn something new about them. So I think that is always really enjoyable to just either get to know someone we don’t know super well better, or to get to know something else about someone that we do know really well. So that’s that’s always a delight. Um, what is something? What What is a? What’s an episode that you would really love to do in the next year? I’m putting you on the spot. That’s just like
I don’t know. That’s like one of the one of the the questions where people are like, what color’s an elephant? And you’re like, what is an elephant?
Elephant? I’ve never heard of this thing before. What is about what you speak?
Um, I mean, we’ve been talking about trying to go about doing a T episode for a really long time, and we haven’t been able to make it happen. And by that, actually, because the tea you drink,
not Yes, like gossip tea.
Exactly. Yes to actual actual beverage tea. We both enjoy tea, but I feel like I would really want somebody to like talk about tea, because there’s a lot of history. I’ll just, I’ll just boil it down to history. And I would be cool to talk to like an expert on that. So hopefully we can find a good fit for that. I think it’d be great to have Reese back on if I can get him to come up with a good topic. Yes. And focus a little bit better this time you guys like I realized people appreciate, like, enjoyed that episode. But man, it was behind the scenes here.
It was it was a little rough. It was it was it was a Yeah, it was a little rough to record. He was having a real teenager moment. Well, yeah.
Yeah, I would say accurate. Um, but you know, he’s gets a little older now. Maybe it’ll be better. I mean, he’s been getting up all by himself for the past three days of school. So very proud to go, but only 182 more to go. You know, it’s fine. Um, I don’t know like it. I hate to say that, like, I want new guests, because I do love the people that we have that repeat guests because they’re just awesome to talk to. But also, like, I still feel like I don’t know anyone here. And I feel like my bubble is just getting like smaller and smaller. Thanks to. So I’m hoping we can branch out more and have more variety of guests. I think that will be fun. Maybe we will convince our husbands one of these days to do an episode that I was thinking about that I
was like, oh man, interviewing my husband might be almost as painful as interviewing your son.
We probably just set aside like a whole afternoon because and then I would have to spend a day like editing it together because there’d be so few snippets we could use.
Yeah, probably that’s probably true. Yeah, but no, I yeah, I we have a we have some ideas of some some guests for future episodes that I’m really excited about. So I’m, I really want to I need to we need to get organized and I and reach out to some of these people because I think that there would be some great episodes that would come out of conversations with them. So that’s super exciting.
Also, I would love to hear from our listeners, like what kind of topics you guys are interested in. If you guys have ideas for guests that you might be able to think of like, obviously, we don’t know famous people, like don’t go that far. No. Like, you know if you know somebody cool that like, I don’t know, does wilderness camping or something like that, like we could talk to them? That’d be cool. Totally, totally safe. But
I will never do it. But I can talk to them about it. If you do wilderness campaign. Like if you want to be a guest like you can nominate yourself. That’s cool. If you have something that you want to talk about. Please let us know we are we are totally game. We’ve got some guest slots open coming up my dog is sign in the background and being a real. So please, please let us know if you have something that you would love to talk about. Tell us you’ve got a friend that you think would be a really cool guest. Please. We are we’re all for especially I mean, honestly, any. We’re pretty much game for most any topic, but you know, especially how much we love to talk about things relating to mental health and wellness and stuff like that. So especially hit us up for worse. Yeah, I would say
because we know we can do that we might we might have to bring brandy back for so we could do an episode talking about Twilight. After we watched Twilight, you guys, the cats the casting was such a hit. We feel like we have to redo it with
Twilight because we’ve never seen Twilight never seen Twilight. And Megan texted me a couple of weeks ago and said, I think we should get high and watch Twilight and I says on Netflix now we really should. I also told Taylor about this idea. And she was like, um, you definitely should do that.
Unknown Speaker
we have to I think probably what we need to do now they’re thinking about that we probably should like rent a house and have a safe space.
We’re gonna watch more than one of them because there’s so many there are a lot I there’s really more than I even I think maybe realize that there. I didn’t realize it was like practically a Harry Potter situation. That there are so many of them. But
But sparkly
but sparkly. Oh, I’m gonna have a lot to say about that. I can already feel it in my bones.
Maybe that will be our New Year’s special.
That’d be that would be fun. Oh, you know, I am excited we are going to be doing this December. We’re going to be doing a episode on Santa Claus. And I’m kind of excited about that.
Why are you excited about it?
Because I have a feeling that it may have a Halloween effect on some people.
Unknown Speaker
gonna be like Stephie did you have no joy as a child? Well, I
mean, there’s that but also then I’m going to be like, here’s some facts about Santa Claus.
That’s pretty much how we roll.
I just swear if I label Coca Cola, and you’re like, x,
were like this in real life, guys, I just really for those of you who have not met us in person, bless you for listening. And also we are in real life.
I would just like to apologize to our friend who was on our group chat thread every day and puts up with us.
Yesterday I shared a story about someone dying and then I said apparently you this happens to you you have a 45% chance of dying. And then I said of course I’ve memorized that statistic because why would I remember Is that in case that ever happens to me, I would need to know that I would have a 45% chance of death.
It’s great apparently, apparently, hey, grain silos are really dangerous.
I am super fun at parties guys.
I’ve said that to my new co workers several times think they believe me?
Megan, is there anything else that you want to say about our, our second year of podcasting as we head into year three. As we head into having a toddler podcast
it’s not the twos to watch out for. It’s the three threes. Um, I just want to say that I really enjoyed doing with this with you. And I know you and I talk all the time and we see each other like multiple times a week. But I really look forward to shooting the shit with you on Tuesday is this just a really nice part of my week
is a nice part of my week too. It’s Oh, I love it. I even to thinks like skip watching bachelor paradise to talk to you. And that’s how much I love you.
You guys wouldn’t think that’s a compliment, but it is it’s a compliment.
I’m not trashy, guys. It’s I love doing this with you to Meghan, I you. You’re my favorite podcast co host.
I’m here only if
you would be my favorite podcast co host even if I had multiple?
Well, we’ll see.
That’s my way of saying that I couldn’t have picked a better person to do this weird thing with I it helps that we are both organized. And also, I will do the things that you don’t like to do and you do the things that I don’t like to do it. This is true. This is true. I actually was messaging with someone on Instagram earlier last week, and they were saying like, how do you manage to like, do this podcast? Like you’ve got so many other things going on? Like how do you managed to do this? Because I guess like she had tried to do a podcast before and was just having a lot of trouble like finding time. And I was like, honestly, like we have things down to a pretty good system in terms of the things that Meghan does and the things that I do. And like within those different tasks, we both have our systems and we’re able to spend, like probably usually on average around an hour a week for each of us to get the episode ready to go. And so it’s not really too bad. But that is because we work really well as a team. So yeah, it makes it sustainable. It means that we don’t get burnt out doing it and it keeps it fun.
Yeah, I think if we if I had to, like do everything myself, like if there’s something that happens and like you can’t do the parts that I don’t do. Normally, I would be like I don’t know what I’d do it so hard. Like it’s not hard, but I just be like, Oh, well,
I drew it. Exactly. If I had to edit this thing. I’d be a hot mess. It’d be like, we’re just not gonna have a podcast anymore, guys, goodbye. We’re doing a live, it’s fine. I live from New York. It’s Tuesday night,
push it out the way the way that we recorded it would be great.
So I appreciate you Megan. I love you.
Unknown Speaker
I appreciate you too.
Well, even though we know that the wavy toilet paper scout scout edge toilet paper review brought me a lot of joy. Oh, my husband texted back by the way. Regarding the scout edge on a teepee, he says it’s dumb and serves no purpose functionally, I think it tears worse than the normal straight line. Say
I knew Alex would agree with me.
You’d see we’re often on the same page. case you in case you guys needed another scalped edge toilet paper review. There it is straight
as Predmore says no.
What’s bringing us joy?
Why? Why did they bother? So we know that that that brought me a lot of joy this week. But what else is bringing us joy this week.
So I have two things. The first thing is very straightforward. The second thing is kind of meandering. The first thing is that I asked you to bring me beer and cheese and you did it through very much
when you asked me to bring you food. That is my number one skill.
I thought you were gonna come back with like a four pack of like each of them and you come like hauling in like case.
Okay, so I was up in Wisconsin for the weekend and Megan said, Hey, can you pick us up some beer because new Glarus is only available in Wisconsin? And then I was like, hey, do you want me to also get you cheese and you were like, I never turned down cheese. So we went to Woodman, which is like my husband’s favorite store on the planet. And I first we started in the cheese aisle, Taylor and I went to the cheese aisle, and I like picked up a couple and then I was like, oh, but this one also looks good. And oh, well, I know the boys will like this one. I’ll get this one. And then $30 worth of cheese later. We had a shitload of cheese, and then we meandered over to the beer. And I was like, I thought about getting just like six packs, or like four packs of a few for you. But then I was like, but that’s not going to last them very long. So I was like, I’m just gonna get I mean, I got you like two six packs a four pack, and then I think I got you like a 24 pack of spotted cow. Yeah, I really well, I really intended. I really thought my husband was going to take like half of the spotted cow. And then he’s like, well, I don’t want to open the box, because then they’ll just like roll around a roll out. And I was like,
you turn the box sideways. And that doesn’t happen.
I mean, whatever. Okay, honey, that’s fine. So then you ended up with way more spotted cow than I anticipated that you would, but it’s a nice, I don’t drink beer. So I really have no idea. But I think it’s probably just a nice drinkable beer. You know?
It is it’s, um, I mean, the reason one of the reasons I wanted you to get it is because I just really liked there is I don’t, I honestly don’t drink that many beers, to be honest with you, but I like theirs. And, of course, because I like the cat one canes, you can’t get anywhere but Wisconsin, because that’s the kind of person I am Exactly. Um, but I actually that will last at our house like a very long time, because I don’t drink beer that often. And, like Bob will probably drink most of it, which is fine, but the special ones will probably be around for a while.
See. Yeah, cuz I also was like, Well, if I’m gonna do this, I’m gonna get them enough to last them for a little bit. I’m not gonna get them like three beers. And then they’re like, Craig, thanks for the Three Bears. So,
I mean, to be honest, when we moved, our friend gave us a bottle of special like Texas cider. And we haven’t opened it yet. I think because I keep forgetting we have it.
Uh, but I’m sure it’ll be fine. Maybe we’ll maybe we’ll crack into that when we crack into some of the fancy cheese I brought back.
Sure. There you go. Oh, it’ll work. It’ll be a fancy moment. Remind me that we have it. I’ll try between. So the other thing is not as much joy but I started watching the show happy endings. Okay, I’m on recommendation from various people on the internet. Because I recently watched all of new girl and a lot of people are like, Oh, if you love new girl you love happy endings. Very similar. Blah, blah. Also, it has like Damon Wayans Jr. in it. And I really like him. So I was like, Okay, we’ll watch the show. I’m like halfway through the first season. I don’t know how I feel about it yet. Partially because it Bob keeps coming in and out. Like, he’ll come upstairs while I’m watching it and like, see that I’m watching it and he’ll watch it for like two minutes. And I’d be like, is the show supposed to be funny? And that strikes me and then I’m like, I don’t I don’t know. Is it funny? Am I enjoying and still watching? And that’s something that’ll happen. That’s funny, and then I’ll be like, we’ll see that part’s funny. So there’s that whole thing. But there’s this thing that is perfect for me because I will go down a spiral about it for probably the next three months. And that is I think they’re using the same set as new girl. Oh, it is driving me crazy. Really? Okay, have you you haven’t seen this show? Have you not seen the show?
happy na is the same kind of three guys and three girls, to the people are married to we’re going to get married. But they didn’t and then the guy that was gonna get married and then the sky who’s supposed to be playing a gay guy, which is, but doesn’t, it’s not believable at all. But so the gay guy lives in like this apartment, where the first episode where they introduce it, it’s like this trashy dump of a loft apartment. Like it’s creepy and gross and disgusting. And that’s like the conceit about his apartment. But for some reason now, they’re just over there all the time at his apartment, and it’s slowly getting like, slightly nicer. But also, I think it’s the same loft. Okay, um, I just googled happy The only thing I can find is other people on Reddit asking if it’s the same one.
So yeah, I I’m googling this. And it totally, like I googled pictures. I looked exactly, they just specify happy ending to TV show when I googled.
Very important,
very important. Yeah, no, there’s definitely I’m seeing some pictures here. And it really looks like the same look, because I love watching new girl now because I discovered it’s like the perfect show to watch when you’re a little bit stoned. Um,
oh, I could see that. I keep because
it’s, it’s like super low stakes. So I watched it when I was like, a little bit stoned, and then just kept watching when I was no longer stoned anyway. So I’m really watching New Girl, the point of that statement, and it’s it’s fresh in my mind. And yeah, it looks. If it’s not the same loft, it’s like
Unknown Speaker
almost the exact same.
Right? Like they moved the kitchen to a different wall. Like they switched furniture around. But like, especially there’s a couple episodes where they are right in the entry, like in the doorway, and you’re like,
yeah, like it looks as Exactly. It looks like the couch is like basically in the same spot with like, the width same like windows in the back and stuff. More or less
with like the priority of I mean, it’s definitely the same like bricks and Windows. Hmm.
Yeah, if it’s not the same, then it’s like, they just lately. Copy it or something. I
don’t know. Like they went across the hall. I don’t know if they’re the same people like I don’t know. Because I think they were on at the same time. So that would be kind of difficult to change it. Yeah, they’re filming at the same time.
It looks like happy endings was on ab c, I think and new girl well, locks.
Yes. But that doesn’t matter. It matters. Like who the producer is. That’s true. Yeah. So that makes a difference. Because, like make sure shows aren’t always on NBC. That’s true. So, um, but yeah, that’s been driving me crazy. Every time I see it, I’m like, Ah, that’s their apartment. That’s happening. Oh, my gosh, um, but that’s also bringing me joy at the same time. It would.
It would mostly the fact that you found other people on Reddit who are questioning the same thing. That’s really right. Well, I
mean, it was it felt good. But also, it was frustrating, because then there was no real answer. Right. Also, happy endings is supposed to take place in Chicago, which I know like, doesn’t necessarily matter for where they film it. But I do appreciate that. Fake Chicago that there. Yeah, cuz we finished Chicago. There was one episode. They’re like, we’re gonna go on a booze cruise on Lake Michigan. And I’m like, are you? Are you though? Anyway, what is bringing you joy?
So I have talked on the podcast before about the podcast binge boat, and that there’s a Facebook group for people that listen to the podcast, and I really love the group. And I am actually in a, like, a couple of the subgroups. And one of them is like a parenting group. And it’s the only parenting group on Facebook that I like, because it’s actually not annoying. And it’s a bunch of, of nerdy parents with the same like parenting kind of style that I have. And a lot of it is like, look at this fun nerdy thing that my kid did today or like, have you watched this kid show it’s terrible or it’s great or whatever. Anyway. Oh, Lady posted in there yesterday, about her son, who, who I guess he started making soap when he was like seven or eight and really loved it and started his own soap making business. And I guess like there they had had like a local call it I think it was like a lemonade day or something. But it seems like a sort of a thing where like, a lot of people come together and they do like live like it’s sort of like lemonade stands. type of thing. And her son, instead of doing like a lemonade stand, he made a bunch of like lemon or lemonade themed soaps. And like, I guess he like all of the money that he makes from the business, he either saves it or reinvest it in the business. And he really enjoys coming up with all of the advertising and the marketing plans and like, coming up with like, the different products that he’s gonna make, and the different scents and shapes and like all of this stuff, and it was just like, so he’s 11 now, and it was just so pure and wonderful. And I actually ended up going and finding his website, and I actually ordered some of his soaps. Um, it’s called sawyers’s Silly soap is, the website is the name of the shop. And he’s just precious and spoiler alert, I might have ordered you a bar of his soap as well, because I had to, I had to pay for shipping. So it’s like, if I’m gonna have to pay for shipping, I might as well get a few different ones. And so I got both of us at lemon kameel bar, and it’s got like a little like dried lemon spice in it. And I was just like, that sounds so nice. Yeah. And I was like, you know, I mean, you know, me, you know, I love supporting small businesses, especially this like little like 11 year old entrepreneur, and he like, loves making his soaps and he likes to donate some of his proceeds to charities. I was like, okay, you are just too frickin cute kid. So, I will link to his I will link to his website and his Instagram, in the show notes if anyone else wants to support a young entrepreneur in his little projects. He’s super, he’s super cute. I’m gonna message you a picture of him. standing behind this little table with this little thumbs up.
Unknown Speaker
is really cute.
I will just say that I love that. Like, it’s so a millennial of you to be like, Oh, I have to pay for shipping. I might as well spend more money. You know,
it was also like this. They’re like $4 bars of soap like I figured I Oh, no. Yeah, no, like, bucks to support this.
It’s just more like the same kind of vibe, where we’re like free shipping. Of course. Products actually cost free. Or like every every online store. That’s like you’re only 1652 away from free shipping. I’m like, but I only needed this one thing.
I guess I’ll order I know that. Because it’s spray and spray. Yeah. So there you go. That was brave new age. And I like even made a mental note when I was like, Oh my gosh, this makes me so happy. I’m going to talk about this as my joy tomorrow on the podcast.
That’s so exciting. I love a good soap.
Yeah, me too. So I just think it’s I just think it’s adorable that like, when he was seven, he just started doing that as like, I don’t know, it was so cute. His mom was like, she cuz she posted just sort of like, I just want to humble brag on my kid. He’s just I think he’s pretty cool. And of course, all of the parents in this group were like, Oh my gosh, he’s so neat. So it’s like a nice little internet, strangers coming together. kind of moment there. Love it.
Next week’s episode
Next week, we’re gonna have our friend Andie back and we are going to talk about deconstructing from religion.
That should be a really good conversation.
I’m really excited about it.
Well join us back here next week as we talk about it, and hopefully discuss some really good questions. And in the meantime, you can follow us on social media at IRSIpodcast or send us an email at idratherstayinpodcast@gmail.com we’d love to hear from you. Bye
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